Now that April is in the books, it’s a great time to reflect upon your small victories in the quest to win the war. Because when it comes to achieving your goals and aspirations – and your bountiful dreams – it’s all about making small advances on a daily basis as well as experiencing enlightenments along the way. Especially in these frustrating times of shutdown and uncertainty.
Small victories in the war also relates to your physical body, i.e., your temple and what you’ve done (today) to help fortify it for the journey. Thus, fitness is an everyday necessity, for sure, if you want to stay strong and youthful forever.

So, you gotta ask yourself one question: Did I workout enough in April 2020? Meaning, every single day or more specifically, 30 times. With ‘stay-at-home’ orders permeating the globe, how difficult was it for anyone on the planet aged 12 and up to squeeze at least 15 minutes of exercise into their busy day? And what about your Cardio, Abs/Stretching and Tola Yoga? I trust you got those in too. And if not, then hopefully my exercise report card for April will provide you with some much-needed fitness inspiration:
- 20 minutes/day of Abs/Stretching and Tola Yoga = 10 hours
- 40 minutes/day of bodyweight training = 20 hours
- 25 flights of stairs/day = 750 (about 3 hours)
- 7 miles/day of fast-paced walking = 210 miles (about 50 hours)
- 7 minutes/day of standing balancing poses = 3 hours
When you look at my sum total for April, that equals 86 hours of exercise. To get my daily (and monthly) percentage of exercise achieved, simply divide 86 hours into the total number of hours in April (720), and that equals 12%.
Perhaps more than your average bear, but nothing too extreme. Now 12% may seem gargantuan compared to 1% – that’s exercising every single day for 15 minutes – because unfortunately most people don’t even do that. And if your exercise score is somewhere between me and 1%, you’re a superstar. I believe that. But if during April you’ve averaged less than 1%, than God help you.

Either way, make note of your small victories and keep moving forward. In everything you do, including your career goals and aspirations as well as your hobbies and your wildest dreams. And believe that anything is possible.
And finally, in addition to my fitness victory for April, I scored another small victory by completing my second nonfiction opus about everlasting youth. Another one-of-a-kind creation you’ll really enjoy, especially all the readers of my first book, Simply Between Millions: From Wall Street to Hollywood.
Have an awesome May everyone, and get your workout in! Peace – R