Today we’re talking about the 10th leading cause of death in the United States: suicide. To put it bluntly – and I say this numerous times on the show – suicide sucks so don’t f**king do it! Because not only does it eliminate nearly 50,000 lives every year, that’s 1 death every 11 minutes, it has far-reaching impacts including serious emotional, physical and economic costs to society. With depression and anxiety among teens and young adults at an all time high, especially with the fear mongering from COVID and Omicron, suicide has to be thwarted and stopped. Not to mention that anxiety affects 1/3 of adults and adolescents in the United States today, further complicating matters. And kudos to all schools K-12 for their prevention efforts against bullying and other forms of abuse that adversely affect students of all ages. So what should you do if you’re anxious and distraught: save yourself with fitness and yoga, and more specifically, come take my Tola Yoga class at Plano Athletic Club starting this Saturday at 12:30p. That’s right, Tola Yoga is back, and I’d love to see you there front and center. Because who doesn’t want to empower their mind, body and soul while drinking from the Fountain of Youth? Plus kudos to the David Bowie estate as well as Bruce Springsteen, aka The Boss, for such massive sales of their music publishing rights. PS – good luck to my father with his cancer surgery at Sloan Kettering today…you’re gonna rock it! Peace – R
Homeless in America – Ep 4 – Tola Talks Texas
Today we’re talking about the 580,000+ homeless people in America, most of those individual males and the rest single moms with children. That’s way too many, and with the help of those of us who are not homeless – including my bodybuilding idol from 1979 and seven time Mr. Olympia champion, Arnold Schwarzenegger, we need to end this epidemic now. Plus a special RIP shout-out to Man’s World Gym owner and mentor from my childhood, Joe Dodd, as well as the legendary football coach turned world-class TV broadcaster, John Madden. Not to mention more weightlifting tips from my workout today, and of course, some inspiring talk about holding the line when it comes to your cryptocurrencies…like I’m doing, even as they plunge even further.
Self-Correct…anytime you get Off-Track
Whenever you find yourself getting off-track when it comes to your fitness regime or worse, your body weight, no worries. Simply Self-Correct.
Anyone who has read my memoir knows that Chapter 67 is one of my favorites and is called just that, Self-Correct. Because it’s all about getting back on-track ASAP as soon as you start to deviate from your daily fitness responsibilities as well as from your ideal weight.

Case in point: Last month I gained the COVID 5, that is to say, 5 pounds of extra weight due to the overconsumption of food (mostly cookies) during this crazy pandemic. Not sure about you, but the prolonged ‘safer-at-home’ decree has really put a damper on my fitness routine, not to mention my usually good eating habits. So rather than get mad or frustrated, I confidently chose to Self-Correct and I’m right back where I started…5 pounds lighter.
How did I do it? I increased my aerobic exercises to 8 miles of walking per day (up from 7 miles/day last month) and decreased my weight training exercises by about 50%. Thus, I kept my total monthly exercise percentage the same (12%) while increasing my total calories burned. That said, with a little time and energy and discipline (of course), anyone can make the right choice versus the easy choice. For more self-correcting details, check-out my book on Amazon.
Here’s my exercise report card for May 2020:
- 20 minutes/day of Abs/Stretching and Tola Yoga = 10 hours
- 20 minutes/day of bodyweight training = 10 hours
- 25 flights of stairs/day = 750 (about 3 hours)
- 8 miles/day of fast-paced walking = 250 miles (about 60 hours)
- 7 minutes/day of standing balancing poses = 3 hours
Have an awesome June everyone…and get your workout in! Peace – R
Celebrating 50 Years of Fitness with Weights & Yoga!
Yesterday I turned 53, so we did a little photo shoot by Lake Michigan to celebrate my 50 years of fitness. That’s right, I said FIFTY because at age 13 my Dad started me weight training on a regular basis – not to mention all the push-ups and sit-ups I had already been doing for years.
Add to that 10 years of Yoga, and voila! 40 yrs of Weights + 10 yrs of Yoga = 50 yrs of Fitness
And like the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding, so you do the math. And don’t forget to tune-in this Sunday, April 3rd at 11am (Central Time) for the best Yoga workout in the world…Tola Yoga streaming LIVE (and it’s free) on my Periscope and Twitter! Peace – R
Perfect Yourself with Perfect Form
A sixty year-old man stood watching me blast my biceps in the gym this morning before he approached me and said, “This is my very first time here and I think I know what to do, but not how to do it.” I relied, “To perfect your body in the gym, knowing what exercises to do is not enough. It takes perfect form – including your posture and breathing – in everything you do. Not to mention good focus and concentration, just like a surgeon would in the operating room.”

That’s right…like a surgeon in the operating room. Because getting results from any kind of exercise regime takes a seriousness that goes beyond just knowing what to do.
So if you’re one of those fitness buffs who thinks you can perfect your body with ‘speed and quantity’ rather than ‘precision and quality’, think again. No matter what you do in the fitness world – weights, yoga, pilates, or my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts – take your time, pay attention to your posture, breathe deeply and slowly and don’t hold your breath, and use perfect form.
Trust me, it works.
Because achieving a perfect body – or one that looks and feels 20 years younger like mine does – takes a hellava lot more than knowing what to do.
Enjoy – R
RIP Joe Weider
Do it with consistency…like the self-flushing toilet
Exactly 219 years ago today, the toilet that flushes itself at regular intervals was patented. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could automatically set yourself to exercise at regular intervals? That would certainly make it easier to stick with a daily fitness program, right. Believe it or not, you can set your internal clock to go off daily, reminding you to workout. That’s right. Because like any activity that’s become routine in your life, e.g., brewing your morning coffee as soon as you wake up, taking that afternoon cigarette break at work, or going to the laundromat every Wednesday night, you can program yourself to workout on a daily basis. The easiest way to do this is to do it with consistency. Because once you’ve established the habit of working out, your mind and body will crave it. Plus, your internal clock will subliminally remind you that it’s time to exercise. It’s true. At this point in life, I couldn’t go two days without exercising and not feel my “alarm clock” reminding me to workout. So enjoy flushing that fat away with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #78 – Sculpt Those Shoulders II. – R