Stay Zen #6 – Top 5 Super Set Exercises

Anyone can get a great full-body workout with my Top 5 Super Set Exercises. Super sets are quick and effective and give your muscles a “super” pump by combining two different exercises consecutively – without taking a break in between. Enjoy – R

Get Fit. Live Healthy. Lose Inches. Stay Zen. Follow on Instagram @BLVDZEN

How to Live with the Aches & Pains

So you’re getting older and your body’s experiencing aches and pains that you never had before, constantly reminding you that youth is fleeting. And to add insult to injury (no pun intended), you can’t even stand-up straight in the morning when you first step out of bed.

Welcome to the club.

Because when it comes to having “issues” with your body parts, I’m the King of Pain. That’s right, I may preach about the benefits of Fitness & Yoga and looking 20 years younger, but I need two hands to count the problem areas in my body: neck, back, shoulder, wrist, forearm, knee, and even my big toe. But do they stop me from walking 1.5 miles to gym every morning (and back), or exercising every single day regardless of my aches and pains. No chance.

Rich Tola - Author, Actor & Yoga Master
Rich Tola – Author, Actor & Yoga Master
Because embracing a Daily Fitness Program is what keeps the body from deteriorating even more by firing up your endorphins and inhibiting the perception of painful stimuli. That’s right, and I’ve never taken a PED (performing enhancing drug) or any type of steroid in my entire life. All that’s necessary is physical exercise that enables the body to produce these amino acids that reduce the sensation of pain. Not to mention the sense of accomplishment you get when you’ve finished a workout or Yoga class (I certainly do). That’s why I recommend exercising first thing in the morning, even for a measly 15 minutes, especially if you’re like me and feel the most achy after a full slumber.

And whatever you do, never internalize these aches and pains by complaining about them or feeling sorry for yourself because that only makes them worse. Just put on that suit of armor everyday and power through them – like a Peaceful Warrior – and know that you’re doing everything you can to thwart Father Time and achieve my foolproof mantra…a Strong Body-Clear Mind. And if that doesn’t work, get your inspiration from someone else in the world who has the courage to power through life and smile in the face of adversity. Just like the paraplegic gal did in my fondest and most enlightening Yoga teaching experience when “She took the entire class with perfect posture and a smile so big it could light up Fifth Avenue” (listen below).

Enjoy – R

Perfect Yourself with Perfect Form

A sixty year-old man stood watching me blast my biceps in the gym this morning before he approached me and said, “This is my very first time here and I think I know what to do, but not how to do it.” I relied, “To perfect your body in the gym, knowing what exercises to do is not enough. It takes perfect form – including your posture and breathing – in everything you do. Not to mention good focus and concentration, just like a surgeon would in the operating room.”

Rich Tola
Rich Tola

That’s right…like a surgeon in the operating room. Because getting results from any kind of exercise regime takes a seriousness that goes beyond just knowing what to do.

So if you’re one of those fitness buffs who thinks you can perfect your body with ‘speed and quantity’ rather than ‘precision and quality’, think again. No matter what you do in the fitness world – weights, yoga, pilates, or my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts – take your time, pay attention to your posture, breathe deeply and slowly and don’t hold your breath, and use perfect form.

Trust me, it works.

Because achieving a perfect body – or one that looks and feels 20 years younger like mine does – takes a hellava lot more than knowing what to do.

Enjoy – R

RIP Joe Weider

‘We Bought a Zoo’ Delivers

If you want to feel the love this holiday season, go see We Bought a Zoo starring Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson. The performances are wonderful – including the incredibly adorable Rosie, played by Maggie Elizabeth Jones – and there’s plenty of animal magnetism, feel good energy and tear swelling compassion at every turn. So no matter if you’re 6,000 miles away from your loved ones (like I am here in Hawaii while my family’s in New Jersey) or 6 miles away, share some good times together and bask in the film’s sunshine of love – because it truly delivers!

And while you’re at it, don’t forget to get your workout in with some Zoo Yoga from my Yoga Survival Guide. Because what’s a holiday season without fun, friends and fat burning yoga to melt away those extra pounds of joy! Merry Christmas everyone 🙂 Enjoy – R