So what does that mean, you might ask…go to the Yoga? Because as tradition may have it, we usually associate “the going gets tough” with the likes of Clint Eastwood and our ability to toughen up and power through any challenging situation with “the tough get going”, right?
Well, at least it’s wrong in the sense that what is really needed in challenging times is our ability to find peace within ourselves and truly understand that everything is temporary and everything will be OK. To be calm, to reassure yourself that the Universe is conspiring for your highest good in every aspect of your life, and to know that letting go of fear, angst, frustration, disappointment, judgement and self-doubt are all part of the powers of Yoga.
Embracing a lifestyle based on Yoga principles is not just about practicing asanas (i.e., Yoga poses) in a church-like studio with other like-minded individuals. It’s also about how you think, feel and project your positive energy and charisma out into the world, not to mention how you handle tough situations by remaining tranquil and patient and believing you will persevere.
Easier said than done, perhaps, but totally do-able. Whether it’s living week-to-week while always searching for new gigs and barely making ends meet (like my creative friends), or enduring a 3-day flu that keeps you from your Daily Fitness Program (like I just did), or mourning the sudden death of a family friend (RIP – John Scheifele).
Just GO TO THE YOGA, because it works.
And if you’ve never practiced Yoga or don’t even know where to start, try a simple Tree Pose or Childs Pose (see photos), or check-out our 15-second Yoga sequence I recently posted on Instagram @BLVDZEN.
Get Fit. Live Healthy. Lose Inches. Stay Zen.
Enjoy – R