Tola Talks on Wellness Wednesdays. Rich & Yasmine cover the gamut from Latest News Strange But True to Proper Gym Etiquette. Weekdays on

Author | Filmmaker and Host, Tola Talks
Tola Talks on Wellness Wednesdays. Rich & Yasmine cover the gamut from Latest News Strange But True to Proper Gym Etiquette. Weekdays on
Tola Talks with the exotic and talented Actress Troy Titus-Adams (who also co-starred and associate-produced Rich’s film, Boulevard Zen). Plus, it’s Top 10 Tuesdays so check out Tola’s Top 10 Most Frightful Pick-up Lines. Watch weekdays on
It’s so simple that it’s hard…get perfect posture and avoid neck and back problems with a few simple tips that’ll keep you thinking about elongating your spine every single day.
Keep rockin’ your workouts with great posture everyone!
Peace – R
Need a little neck and back relief from sitting in that rigid car seat for too long? Or perhaps your plane, train or bus is delayed and you really need to stretch it out.
No worries, because my Best Automobile Exercises are quick and to the point, and they get the job done. And if you try any of these exercises while in a moving vehicle – and obviously, never when you’re the one driving – be very careful and always wear your seatbelt. Enjoy – R
You’re waiting at the bus stop and it feels like an eternity, so what should you do? Don’t just stand there leaning into the street and creaking your neck to see if the bus in coming.
Get your workout in with my Most Inconspicuous Bus Stop Exercises. Enjoy – R
I confess. I didn’t make it to the gym or yoga class yesterday. That’s right, too busy getting this next episode of Stay Zen ready to publish.
But no worries, because I was able to get a quick workout in with my Top 5 Household Item Exercises. No BS here folks, because regardless of your financial situation or your super busy life, all it takes is a little creativity and discipline and bam! You got your workout in. Enjoy – R
Who says you can’t look and feel and have the spirit of someone 20 years younger. I do, and there’s not a week that goes by without someone guessing I’m 30.
You can too, with my 20 Ways to Be 20 Years Younger! Enjoy – R
Get Fit. Live Healthy. Lose Inches. Stay Zen. Follow on Instagram @BLVDZEN
Do you hate weighing yourself on any scale? Do you avoid them like the plague? No worries, because nobody should be afraid of the big bad scale…just make it your new best friend!
Get Fit. Live Healthy. Lose Inches. Stay Zen. Follow on Instagram @BLVDZEN
What should you do when it’s too cold outside to go for your walk or even make it to your favorite exercise class? Stay inside and improvise..and why not walk the mall! Enjoy – R
Hope you enjoy my new web series that’s all about Health & Fitness, Dating & Relationships, and everything else From Wall Street to Main Street. Stay Zen – R