Tip of the Iceberg

For anyone just getting started with a daily fitness or weight loss program, consider my 5 minute fat burning workouts as the tip of the iceberg.  Designed to be simple, quick and effective, each workout is like the spark that ignites a more complete fitness regimen that includes anything cardiovascular, weight lifting or yoga.  Better yet, combine several 5 minute workouts and create your own customized program that fits your busy schedule and targets your body parts that require the most fat burning.  And always remember to include at least one workout to strengthen your core & abs!  Enjoy – R


Excellent teaching moments

You may already know that my charity, The Boulevard Zen Foundation, teaches yoga to kids and moms living in domestic violence shelters (www.BoulevardZen.com).  I was inspired to start the nonprofit after visiting a shelter upon completion of my film, Boulevard Zen.   My experience with domestic violence comes via the domino affect abuse has on families as my father was a victim of child abuse until the age of 12 when his father left for good.  I have also befriended women in my lifetime that have experienced some of the most heinous crimes imaginable.  Domestic violence and child abuse unjustly robs its victims of self-confidence and oftentimes prevents kids from experiencing what we at the foundation call excellent teaching moments.  So when our yoga teachers find a unique opportunity during class to go beyond an actual yoga pose and teach meaningful life lessons, we all succeed.  And the kids remember those lessons and bring that knowledge into their lives while impacting the lives of everyone around them.  Which is why I get excited every time one of our teachers writes to me about an excellent teaching moment. Like today from Carolyn in our San Diego shelter.  It’s what we strive for and are committed to doing:  to be more than just yoga teachers and to impact lives forever. Because those lives are the future of our Nation and of our World.  Namaste – R


Peaceful pool of water

My yoga teacher used that phrase today in Savasana at the end of class. For those who’ve never taken a yoga class, Savasana is the final resting pose when you totally let go and experience the sensations from your practice.  It’s awesome!  It’s also that quiet surrender to your feelings and affects of the physical and mental challenges you just endured. Yoga truly helps you achieve that peaceful pool of water while wringing the body of all sorts of negative things.  Even if it’s practicing Warrior II for 5 minutes a day, pushing the body to limits that challenge your focus and your mind.  So do some yoga and get a little more peaceful.  And staying with that peaceful theme, check out my friend Molly’s Peaceful Offering – she’s amazing!  PS – she’s the beautiful blond at the beginning and the end

A good hurt

I just got off the phone with my sister who’s been doing my fat burning workouts for past two weeks.  She says she loves them and after every workout she feels the burning which she eloquently calls “a good hurt”. She especially favors Thursday’s core and abdominal workout – which she usually does in addition to whatever day she’s on.  Something I highly recommend, as you can certainly tell, since I’m quite the fan of working your abs every single day!  And today she made it a family affair by having my niece (age 11) and my nephew (age 10) join her for Sunday’s workout.  They loved it too!  So if you’re looking for something the whole family can do on a rainy Sunday afternoon, well there you have it – 15 minute fat burning workouts for anyone of any size, weight, age or gender.  And I’ll see you tomorrow – R

Ode to my sister

I spoke with my sister yesterday after I received her beautiful pictures of my nieces and nephews, including my brother’s children. This holiday season my family is 3,000 miles away, but for sure I’m there in spirit.  And keeping with that holiday spirit, my sister told me she just started my fat burning workouts and intends to lose 12 pounds.  The key word here – intends – as opposed to hopes.  Because with anything you do that requires action, it’s better to set your intentions and make it happen than to hope for something good to happen.  She also told me the first two days her legs were so tired she couldn’t go for her 2 mile walk – which she also just started.  I told her after a week or so that muscle fatigue will get better and she’ll be jogging those miles in no time.  This Ode’s for you sis…

Burn Fat Burn

Sometimes the path seems filled with pain,
but the only thing that hurts is your ego in vain.
Who says you’ll find success by pushing yourself daily,
when the results seem as far as the comet Halley.
But wait, you say, there’s a simple solution,
because reasons and excuses are just an illusion.
So keep on trucking with that positive attitude,
with fat burning workouts there’s no room for platitude.
Always set your intentions and just let’em fly,
no judgment, no worries, to your old ways goodbye!

Merry Christmas Everyone – R

What are friends for?

Thursday's Fat Burning Workout

This morning I met this fifty-something gal in the gym with a great body who’s always there.  The first thing I asked her was if she worked out everyday.  She said yes.  Then I said, 5 days as week, and she gave me this look like are you crazy, and emphatically says, “No, 7 days”.  Then along comes her fifty-something guy friend who meekly says, “ahhhhh, I won’t be here tomorrow so Merry Christmas”.  She then gives him the exact look she gave me and asks why not. The man hesitates and says he won’t be there because he has to baby-sit his grandkids.  So she proclaims, “At 5 o’clock in the morning, oh come on Johnny, you better be here!”  Now what are friends for, right?  Just that.  To care about you, to support you, to motivate you, and to make you accountable when things get hard  – like working out everyday at 5am.  I totally understand why some people have more success with a fitness or weight loss program when they have a partner, or network of like-minded, mutually supportive individuals to help them through the tough times. So if you’re that type of person who benefits from the extra push from your friends, then embrace it and find your workout partner today!  And get started with your daily fitness program – whatever it may be.  Because who doesn’t have 15 minutes a day to respect themselves?  R

Sore in a good way

Saturday's Fat Burning Workout

After my workout this morning I ran into a friend who just started doing my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts.  I would describe this twenty-something gal as rather solid, with about 25 pounds excess weight.  She told me she started with Tuesday’s Workout – which happens to be one of the more challenging ones – and that she was “sore in a good way”.  For someone who doesn’t workout much – or at all – being sore was certainly a good thing.  It means the workouts are affecting her muscles in a fatiguingly positive way, opening them up to receive new energy and nutrients, thus making them stronger and firmer.  It’s the sore in a good way feeling that burns fat and conditions the muscles for future workouts, allowing that soreness to diminish over time.  Because that soreness does go away folks.  Although it may return from time to time based on where your body is on any given day – a topic for a future blog – your muscles become accustomed to the workouts and respond more amicably, i.e., no soreness.  So don’t get worried or discouraged, and certainly don’t stop working out just because of a little discomfort.   Always remember: pain is bad, soreness is good.  Enjoy the good with the bad and get your workout in today.  And I’ll see you tomorrow.  R

Look, you don’t understand

Thursday's Fat Burning Workout

Everybody knows what comes next, right?  I mean, how many times have you heard your best friend or someone you just met say, “Look, you don’t understand”, immediately followed by some reason or another why they’re in that predicament or why they can’t do something.  More importantly, when was the last time you said this? Because whatever reason that follows, and I’m sure it’s a good one, is totally irrelevant.  If you just change your mindset and start thinking of solutions and not reasons for the problems, you’ll be much better off. And soon you’ll be in a much better place.  Case in point:  Last night I met this thirty-something gal who said she lived with her boyfriend for the past 3 years and was not going to marry him because he was the wrong guy.  I asked, why don’t you just be honest with yourself – and with him – and separate amicably so you can both move on? Because with relationships, I said, 3 years becomes 5, then 5 becomes 7, then 7 becomes 10.  And who wants to spend TEN years with the wrong guy.  Pretty stupid if you ask me.  So what does she say, look, you don’t understand.  We have a house and two cats together”.  And I said, well, why not have him buy you out of the house, or you buy him out with an investment partner, let’s say, and you each get a cat.  She just looked at me with a blank stare.  Then I smiled and left thinking, it takes courage to make what anyone might consider as bold and risky moves, but they’re really not.  Keep it simple and honest and stay in the present.  And don’t forget to get your workout in.  Because who doesn’t have 15 minutes a day to respect themselves?  R

Break the cycle

The cycle of domestic violence occurs when abuse or victimization is passed down from one generation to the next.  More specifically, it’s when children learn destructive behaviors from their parents, and then carry these acceptable behaviors with them into their lives. It must be broken.  Case in point:  Last night a friend called me to talk about his 22 year-old neighbor who was being verbally accosted by her drunken boyfriend.  He said the screaming and shouting from the jackass was so bad that he was concerned for her safety and wasn’t sure what to do.  And this wasn’t the first time this has happened.  In fact, he said it was a regular event.  He also said that when he passes the young gal in the hallway, he feels her insecurity and lack of self-confidence as she always looks away, avoiding any type of eye contact or conversation.  Why does she put up with that crap, and what can he do to help her gain the self-confidence to get rid of the bum, my friend asks?  Breaking the cycle of violence begins with re-building one’s self-worth and turning acceptable behaviors into non-acceptable behaviors.  Like choosing to respect oneself everyday by making healthy choices and by constantly strengthening your body and your mind.  Because it’s all about the choices we make.  And each good choice leads to another good choice, and so on and so on.  So respect yourself and make the healthy choice.  Because anything is possible…if you believe you can.

Welcome to a new Fat Burning lifestyle!

What does fat burning mean to you?  Is it a specific thing, or action, or result?  To me it’s a lifestyle.  I know we hear that word a lot and in too many scenarios, but for the most part we all know what lifestyle means, right?  Mirriam-Webster Dictionary defines it as “the typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture “.  I define it as the way you choose to live your life.  Yes, choose.

Because your choice of what’s “the typical way” for you impacts everything you do, and subsequently how you feel.  And how you feel is what really matters.  Because it permeates you, affecting your overall mental and physical well-being.  It’s simple really. Lifestyle = Actions = Feelings. So where am I going with all this?  I’m going to the three simple rules I reinforce in every one of my 15 minute fat burning workouts:  think positive, speak positive and feel positive.  And by positive I mean you can workout every day, you can make healthy choices about what you eat and drink every day, you can speak only positive words regarding any situation or circumstance – because there are positives in everything we experience, and finally, you can feel positive all the time by adhering to the first two simple rules.  Trust me. It works.  So forget about the potentially hazaradous lifestyle you think you currently have, because those are just thoughts you can change whenever you choose to.  So choose to join me for a fat burning lifestyle, one that includes working out every single day for at least the next 30 years.  And I’ll see you tomorrow.

Peace – R