Everyone has heard the adage, quality not quantity, right? Well, the same holds true for fitness. Whether it be yoga, free weights, exercise machines, treadmills, abs, whatever. Because it’s better to do anything with proper posture and body mechanics, than to do it improperly, for a longer time. Like the fifty-something guy I heard talking in the gym this weekend. He told his friend he was going to do his 1,200. And when his friend asked, “1,200 what?”, the guy said, “Abs”. Now this guy looked like he just swallowed a bowling ball. Whatever he’s doing for abs, isn’t working, regardless of the 1,200.
So don’t settle for quantity, go with less – and that goes for food too – and go with quality! And here’s to the guy in the gym who needs a new ab workout – today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #88 – Screaming Abs. Enjoy – R
Happy Labor Day everyone! Today my Cookies and Ice Cream friend and I can splurge. But I caution everyone like us who’s celebrating today to go easy on the splurge, because no sense in undoing all the good work you did over the past week or so. And don’t forget to get your workout in with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #89 – Chair Legs -R
This morning I made a deal with a 46 year-old gal friend from the gym. I know she’s exactly that age, because after demonstrating some cable ab crunches for her, we talked about our respective ages. Not only does she have the best body in the gym of all the ladies in the morning crowd, she doesn’t look a day over 30. And she was quite impressed with my 48 – as she said I looked 30. So we got talking about how difficult it was to keep your abdominals looking good, especially if you eat anything sugar-based, like cookies and ice cream. Well if you really know me, you know I’ve always loved cookies. That’s right, I admit, I eat cookies. Yes, and rather frequently, but when I do, it’s never too many. Just a few to fill that sweet tooth I’ve had since I was a little boy.
Now my friend on the other hand, well she said she likes ice cream. And since we’re both trying to get back our respective six-packs (which I’ve certainly lost over the past few years), we decided to make a deal. Starting today, no cookies or ice cream for either of us until Labor Day. Now that’s only 10 days of no cookies and ice cream. On the 11th, we can splurge! So what do you think? Wanna join us? We could use some reinforcements. You can do it, just like we can. And by the way, in case you were Challenging Yourself with losing 2% of your body weight or 3 measly pounds like me (see blog posted August 18th), well I hope you’re getting there because I already did. Today I weighted exactly 150.
But no worries if you’re not there yet, we have another week to go until the challenge is up on September 1st. So make that two challenges: lose 2% of your body weight and no cookies and ice cream until Labor Day. You can do it if you set your sights and try! And here’s a little help getting you focused and balanced today with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #91 – Standing Splits. Enjoy – R
If you have a tendency to use the same exact equipment every time you workout, especially anything cardio, try mixing it up a bit. Because your body becomes accustomed to specific rhythmic exercises and activities, which can put you on cruise control. And if you’ve ever driven your car on cruise control, you know that sometimes you’re going too fast or too slow, depending on the traffic flow and road conditions.
So take your workouts off cruise control and try something different today. Yesterday I traded in my 2 mile run for 30 minutes on the StairMaster. And boy did I sweat! Something I usually don’t do when I’m running or practicing yoga. And since I’m trying to lose those 3 measly pounds – see my previous blog – mixing things up certainly gives my body a chance to work hard on something I’m not accustomed to, i.e., not the same level of tolerance. That’s why my Fat Burning Workouts are so good. Whether it be my 15 minute or 5 minute workouts, each one is completely different from the next. So take off the cruise control today with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #92 – Killer Thighs.
Now I’m not going to rant about how everyone in the world should challenge themselves in everything they do…blah,blah,blah. No, this “challenge yourself” is more of a challenge yourself along with me as I lose exactly three pounds of fat over the next two weeks. That’s right, lose 3 measly “lbs” with me from now until September 1st.
Call me crazy, but over the past six weeks I’ve bulked-up about five pounds to do this study. That’s right. And I call it a study because in my opinion, anybody can burn fat if they just commit to it. Today I weighed exactly 153, and on the first of September I’ll weigh exactly 150 (or less). That’s only a 2% reduction in 2 weeks. So how about it? Weigh yourself today and commit to weighing 2% less on September 1st. Anybody can do it – assuming you’re not starving yourself and you have the 2% to lose. Whatya say? And if you need some help getting there, start doing my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts everyday, and don’t forget that brisk walk after lunch or dinner! Let’s get you kick-started with some great ab-work in Fat Burning Workout #93 – Extreme Abs. Enjoy – R
Click to PurchaseResearchers in Taiwan studied 416,000 participants for 13 years, analyzing health levels and reported levels of physical activity each year. They found that “just 15 minutes of moderate exercise a day increased the life expectancy by three years compared to those who remained inactive.”
Lead researcher Chi Pang Wen of the Institute of Population Sciences at Taiwan’s National Health Research Institutes said, “Dedicating 15 minutes a day to a moderate form of exercise, like brisk walking, would benefit anyone. The first 15 minutes…the benefits are enormous.” Wen said the Taiwan findings were consistent with similar studies in the past using Caucasian participants, but his team was the first to come up with the minimum level of exercise necessary. “It’s for men, women, the young and old, smokers, healthy and unhealthy people. Doctors, when they see any type of patient, this is a one-size-fits-all type of advice”, Wen said.
So if you haven’t started with a daily fitness program, make it easy with my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts. 7 different yoga-based workouts anyone can do. Without ever leaving the house. They’re simple, effective and attainable. Not only will you live a healthier, stronger, and leaner life, you’ll also increase your life expectancy by another 3 years! Look and feel better longer. Because 15 minutes a day equals 1% of your life. And who doesn’t have 15 minutes a day to respect themselves…PLUS live 3 years longer!
Click HERE to Download for only $1.99 each Workout
10% of all sales are donated to my charity, The Boulevard Zen Foundation, teaching these yoga workouts and more, to women and children living in domestic violence shelters.
Have you ever challenged yourself to change one thing? That is to say, to change one thing about yourself that you know would significantly benefit you in the long run. Something that you do – or don’t do – that when changed results in a positive outcome. For me it was Sardines. Yes, those small, saltwater, oily-rich, silvery soft-boned fish that feed exclusively on plankton, and therefore, do not concentrate mercury and contaminants as do other fish.
Named after Sardinia, the Italian island where large schools of these fish were once found, sardines are: 1) rich in Protein – which provides us with amino acids to create new proteins, 2) one of the most concentrated sources of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA – which have been found to lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels, 3) an excellent source of vitamin B-12 – which promotes cardiovascular well-being, 4) incredibly concentrated in vitamin D – which plays an essential role in bone health since it helps to increase the absorption of calcium, 5) a very good source of Phosphorus – a mineral that is important for strengthening bones, 6) a very good source of Selenium – a mineral with powerful antioxidant activity whose dietary intake has been associated with reduced risk of cancer, and 7) relatively inexpensive, low in calories and have a long storage life. Except for the fact that sardines contain naturally occurring substances called purines – which too much purines in the body can lead to an excess accumulation of uric acid, and thus, can lead to gout or kidney stones – they’re excellent for you!
So why is it that prior to this week I wouldn’t go near sardines? Because when I tried them as a youngster, I hated them. Or at least I hated them at that particular time in my life. So when my father told me he eats canned sardines regularly to help combat his cancer, I thought why not change one thing about myself and start eating sardines. No matter my pre-conceived notion that I hated them, I purchased a few cans and dove right in. Now sardines are a regular part of my diet. Quite frankly, I like them more than any other of my previously consumed canned aquatic vertebrates, like tuna and salmon.
Whether it be sardines or a daily fitness program, change one thing that will better your life today and in the long run. Just because you think you don’t like something, doesn’t mean you can’t change your way of thinking. Especially with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts. They’re so short, simple and easy to follow, that anyone with a computer or smart phone can do them in the same amount of time it takes to eat a can of sardines! Here’s a 5 minute workout from my 100 day web series: #94 – Leg Stretches. Enjoy – R
By the time you’re 10 years old your subconscious has formed and thereafter differentiates between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. For example, if you grew up with a mother or father who was a big drinker or smoked cigarettes, then your subconscious considers these activities (or bad habits) as acceptable behaviors. Behaviors that are more easily adopted by you because they’re acceptable to you. Thus, if you experienced or witnessed domestic violence in your youth – like more than 10 million children do in the United States every year – then domestic violence has permeated your subconscious and has become acceptable. Not good. Actually, it’s pretty pathetic that a child unknowingly accepts domestic violence at no fault of their own. It’s also pretty pathetic that a child has to identify the concept of LOVE with such traumatic visual and emotional experiences. And it’s horrible on the child’s mother (or father in some cases), to experience the physical, mental and emotional poison of domestic violence. Poison because domestic violence permeates a victim’s body, mind and spirit, oftentimes causing irreparable damage. Damage to the victim’s self-confidence and self-esteem.
That’s why my charity, The Boulevard Zen Foundation, is striving to bring the benefits of yoga to women and children survivors of domestic violence – everywhere. To help rebuild their SELF, because yoga is all about the SELF, and to teach these women and children how to respect their minds and bodies with the amazing physical and lifestyle benefits of yoga. Our compassionate and well-trained teachers also lead by example and serve as a living testament to how anyone can better themselves with the help of yoga.
Over the past year I have personally taught more than 100 women and children living in domestic violence shelters. I know that look in their eyes that says “I’m not good enough” and “I can’t do it”. A look that I’ll always counter with, “Yes, you can do it, and yes, you can believe in yourself”. Because I do and I know they can. Be well, believe & achieve! – R
The other day I met a bodybuilder who said he tried yoga and hated it because it made him “feel uncomfortable”. I responded with just one word, “exactly”. Simple put, yoga demands you to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.
If you ever tried yoga and immediately began to fidget and squirm your way out of your first downward facing dog, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Because the physical practice of yoga (the asanas), put your body into challenging positions that will QUIET your MIND and get rid of all that mind chatter. Of course we know what mind chatter is, right? It’s that inner conversation you’re having with yourself about anything and everything that’s going through your mind. Including the discomfort you’re experiencing in a particular pose – including the simplest of down dogs.
When the ancient yogi’s practiced 6,000+ years ago, yoga was embraced as a culture that included the art of positioning their bodies into asanas (poses) for long periods of time to cleanse themselves and to reach a higher enlightenment, aka, nirvana. Yoga was revered as a lifestyle seeking union with the Supreme. Yoga also enabled it’s male practitioners – since women weren’t allowed to practice – to quiet their bodies and their minds while focusing on one particular object for an extended period of time. No matter the feelings of discomfort. Today most people think yoga is either just stretching and meditation, or some kind of body-twisting exercise that’s really good for you but really hard to do. And the really hard to do part usually has something to do with not wanting to endure discomfort – for any period of time.
So if you’re anything like our bodybuilder friend and don’t like feeling uncomfortable, keep your yoga workouts short and sweet with just 5 minutes a day. Soon you’ll get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable, and you’ll truly begin to experience the benefits of yoga. And always remember that pain is bad and discomfort is good. So enjoy some good discomfort with our upcoming FAT BURN AMERICA TOUR: 100 Cities in 100 Days, Hollywood Walk of Fame Preview! – R
The Boulevard Zen Foundation teaches the benefits of yoga to women and children living in domestic violence shelters. That’s why we’re going on the FAT BURN AMERICA TOUR: 100 CITIES in 100 DAYS, to inspire Everyone to workout with us Everyday for 100 straight days at historic sites in all 50 states! And to help The Boulevard Zen Foundation raise funds to teach women and children survivors of domestic violence, Everywhere.
And you don’t have to take a yoga class to get these benefits. Keep it simple and practice a little each day. And here’s me teaching the women and children living at the domestic violence shelter in San Diego. Enjoy and don’t forget to get your workout in! – Rich