Tola Talks with Children’s Book Author, Erin Mason

Congratulations to author, psychotherapist, yoga teacher and my dear friend, Erin Mason, for publishing a tender and heartwarming story, Growing Grace, about adoption from the biological mother’s perspective.

Tola also Talks about America’s obesity epidemic and how it affects 36% of all adults and nearly 20% of all children and adolescents, and more specifically, how I would financially reward everyone for being fit…If I Were President. Not to mention fitness tips for losing that unwanted weight.

Subscribe on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher. And have an awesome day! Peace – R

Ready, set, go for your Tola Yoga private lessons

In honor of National Yoga Month, I have decided to extend my half-price Tola Yoga private lessons through September 30th.

That means anyone from beginner-to-advanced students can transform their practice with some private instruction from yours truly for only $60 per lesson. And only $90 for all corporate or group lessons.

And if you never tried yoga and have questions regarding your ability to practice or just want some insight on how to begin the process, email me and we’ll get you ready: [email protected]

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles starts with just one step.

And no worries if you’re not flexible, because yoga makes you flexible. No doubt. When I took my first class more than a dozen years ago I couldn’t even touch my toes. Within a few months I was touching the ground with my fingertips…and now I can touch both palms to the ground.

Amazing what a little yoga can do for you, not to mention the workout you get with Tola Yoga.

Peace – R

Build a Strong Foundation with Tola Yoga

Everybody knows the answer to that infamous question, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall”, right? Of course, it’s “practice, practice, practice”. And if you believe best-selling author and pop psych writer, Malcolm Gladwell (Outliers), you’ll say it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to become world-class in any field.

But what happens when the foundation you’ve set for all your practicing is not that sturdy, or better yet, it’s built on quicksand? 

That’s why anyone looking to build a strong yoga practice should learn the proper fundamentals before spending hours upon hours in the yoga studio. Just like I say in Chapter 68 of my memoir, Simply Between Millions: From Wall Street to Hollywood, it’s always best to Learn from the Best. Or at the very least, learn from someone who has learned from the best.

That’s also why if you’re in Los Angeles you should treat yourself to a Tola Yoga class or private lesson to help you build that strong foundation. There’s something for everyone…from beginner-to-advanced as well as pregnant women…with my five distinct classes:

  1. Tola Yoga Fundamentals  – for beginners or anyone looking to re-learn the basics
  2. Tola Yoga Prime – for intermediate students and strong beginners
  3. Tola Yoga Power – for advanced students and strong intermediates
  4. Tola Yoga Prenatal – for women in all stages of pregnancy
  5. Tola Yoga Stretch & Restore – for all students from beginner-to-advanced

Feel free to email me your questions and to schedule your Tola Yoga private lesson today: [email protected]

Peace – R

Tola Yoga thanks you back!

Over the past 11 years I’ve had the pleasure of teaching some really inspiring students from NYC to LA to Chicago to Seattle – and several places in between – who make it all worth while.

Thanks for the memories everyone, and especially these kind words. Peace – R

“When I walk into Rich’s class feeling emotionally weak, without a doubt, every week, at the end of the hour, I feel stronger and more confident.” – Adriana R.

“Thank you so much for filling our little Seattle yoga class with such wonderful joy & skills. You are AMAZING and I have learned a ton!” – Sallie B.

“Rich is a master at sequencing poses. My body always feels great for hours after class.” – Lauren A.

“It’s very well-structured, plus I get a great full-body workout every time I take Rich’s class. He’s the best!” – Vika L.

“After 10 years, I took my practice to a new level when I started taking Tola Yoga classes.” – Rhonda C.

“Tola Yoga is effective in strengthening and stretching every part of your body, plus it’ll make you sweat!” – Ron W.

“Rich’s classes are transformative.”  – Jeremy S.

“Thank you for your classes and training this past year. I spent six weeks after knee surgery without putting any weight on my left leg, and because of your super long standing sequences, my right leg was strong enough to carry me throughout. For that I am grateful.” – Ananya D.

“We’ll be very sad to see you go… I get RAVE reviews about your class.” – Manager, TRIBE Fitness in Seattle

Working out with “Belle of the Ball”

Or shall I say, Belle of the Gym. Let me explain:

The other day I saw this elderly woman working out in the gym and I thought to myself, wow, this woman really knows what she’s doing and she’s definitely a regular. It was the third time I had seen her this week.

I was definitely curious, so I introduced myself and asked Belle a few questions. Because when a fitness dude like me who’s worked-out or practiced Yoga every single day for the past 40 years (that’s no bullshit), sees a fitness dudette who’s well into her 70’s, well, I’m impressed.

Check it out. Belle has osteoporosis and says she knows the importance of lifting weights to stay strong so she works out three times a week. Yes, three times a week, every week.

And it shows.

When I asked if she ever misses a workout, she said, “Sometimes I slip and slide around a little bit with my days, but I always go three times a week. I have to.” Belle also said her body is not what it used to be so sometimes she feels it the next day. Similar to my own Mom who goes to the gym every week and has done so for the past 30 years, her body often feels it the next day too.

But no worries, because you gotta keep going. Your strength and youth depends on it.

So take if from Belle and “have fun with it!” And even though my Tola Yoga workouts may be too intense for her (I agreed), Belle says “mix it up with different exercises like the machines, treadmill or these bikes that let you ride through the parks of San Francisco (her favorite).”

Kudos to you Belle and everyone else getting your workout groove on every week!

Happy Mother’s Day everyone 🙂  Peace – R

Go With All Your Heart

Many years ago, my sister gave me this polished piece of black stone inscribed with this:

Wherever You Go, Go With All Your Heart

I’ve keep it by my bed ever since, to remind me of what should be. For everyone on the planet.

Because it’s all about shining your light – coming from your heart, that is – out into the Universe in the most positive, truthful and heartfelt way.

Hey, what do you expect coming from a Yoga dude who’s been practicing and teaching this mind-body-spirit, self-love and self-respect, “it’s a lifestyle” practice for over twelve years.

Think about it. Wouldn’t life be grand If you shared the very best of you…all the time. You know the one: upbeat, positive, smiling, confident, respectful and considerate. To name a few.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Peace – R

No Judgment…Just More Resoluteness

Never judge yourself when it comes to fitness. Just forgettaboutit, and keep moving forward. Because what you did or didn’t do yesterday – or last week – or last year – makes no difference when it comes to exercising today. Because each dawn brings a new day, and with each day brings another opportunity to reward your body with fitness. With an emphasis on reward.

Case in point: Yesterday my friend says to me, “OK, this week I’m going to start working out every Tuesday and Friday for the rest of the year, because it’s two weeks into 2017 and my resolution to workout twice a week is, well, failing.” This coming from a woman who worked out 4 times a week for the past 20 years until last year, when an injury put her on the sidelines for nearly a year. Now she’s completely healed but just can’t seem to get started.

Is this you? Or perhaps you’re someone who’s never been into fitness and wants to start? No worries.

Really. Because each dawn brings a new day, and with each day brings another opportunity to reward your body with fitness. You get the picture.

And if you don’t already know it, then repeat after me: if I workout on a regular basis, I will look and feel younger. Just like I said to my friend lamenting over her inability to re-start her engines, look at it this way: if you workout twice a week for 30 minutes each for the rest of the year, by New Year’s 2018 that’ll be 50 hours of fitness. Better yet, if you can make it one hour and then turn that second hour into a Yoga class, that’ll be 100 hours…a helluva lot better than Zero.”

No judgment over failed resolutions people…just more resoluteness. You can do it.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day everyone! Peace – R