Spring into it

Rebirth, renewal and regrowth.  That’s what Spring personifies.  With Spring also comes longer days, better weather and the blossoming of all things earthy.  It’s also a great time to shake off those Winter pounds with a daily fitness program. Whatever suits your fancy will work.  And here’s another 5 minute fat burning workout to choose from.  Have fun toning your shoulders and legs with Workout #25, and I’ll see you next time – R

Biggest and Brightest

As the sun sets in the west today, it will be the biggest and brightest it’s been in the past 20 years.  According to NASA, this so-called ‘super-moon’ will appear about 14% bigger and 30% brighter.  Why such grandness?  Because the moon’s perigee – that point in the moon’s oval orbital path where it’s closest to the Earth – will occur within one hour of the monthly astronomical phase of the full moon.  “A rarely seen spectacle of illumination and size”, says astronomer Geoff Chester at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington. So if you have 5 minutes tonight, go outside and enjoy this rare spectacle. Better yet, take your phone along and try Workout #24 under a beautiful moonlit sky!


Look at the results

Sir Winston Churchill once said, “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results”.  I would certainly agree, and when it comes to fitness and body sculpting, it’s always best to look at the results more than occasionally – like every day. Most likely you won’t see any noticeable results on a day-to-day basis, but this more than occasional acknowledgment of your daily workouts will help fuel you to do that little extra.  Like going for a walk or jog after your 5 minute abs, bicep and thigh blasting you’ll get from today’s workout #22.  So keep looking for results, and I’ll see you next time – R

It’s how you look at it

Sometimes words can be confusing, like in the today’s title for my 5 minute fat burning workout #21 – Thunder Thighs.  Thunder thighs can be construed as a bad thing if you imagine thighs the size of thunderbolts.  Or thunder thighs can be construed as a good thing if you imagine having thighs that are rock-hard like thunderbolts.  So it’s how you look at it – positive or negative – that makes the difference.  So always choose the positive, and enjoy your workout – R

Remain “unstuck”

Because we hold emotional energy in our hips, it’s always good to incorporate simple hip opening exercises into your daily fitness routine so you can remain unstuck.  Or at least give your hips the chance to open up and let energy flow more smoothly in these areas that are critical to your emotional well being.  And always remember to breathe slowly and deeply, sending the breath to any areas of discomfort.   Try not to wiggle around whenever you feel that discomfort  – do your best to stay focused and relaxed.  Enjoy – R

Years of preparation

The Japanese have been preparing for years for fear of “the big one”.  Preparations have become part of their culture in a country where minor earthquakes occur daily.  That preparation saved many lives Friday when a magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck off Japan’s main island.  A preparation mindset gives all individuals the power in knowing you’re ready for anything – to the best of your ability.   So maintain a preparation mindset and apply it your mental & physical well being in the form of a healthy lifestyle and daily fitness routine.  And radiate your positive thoughts and prayers to all those in need – R

Tip of the Iceberg

For anyone just getting started with a daily fitness or weight loss program, consider my 5 minute fat burning workouts as the tip of the iceberg.  Designed to be simple, quick and effective, each workout is like the spark that ignites a more complete fitness regimen that includes anything cardiovascular, weight lifting or yoga.  Better yet, combine several 5 minute workouts and create your own customized program that fits your busy schedule and targets your body parts that require the most fat burning.  And always remember to include at least one workout to strengthen your core & abs!  Enjoy – R


Enjoy the simple things

What if you couldn’t tie your shoelaces or put your daughter’s hair in a braid?  This past weekend a 26 year old woman was given a hand transplant during a successful 14 hour operation at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center – the first such transplant in the state of California.  To be whole again.  And to enjoy the simple things like braiding her daughter’s hair were the young woman’s wishes.  Good news followed the operation – she’s already moving her fingers as the donor’s hand “matched beyond expectation”. Although a hand transplant comes with lifelong risks, lead surgeon Dr. Azari said, “The reasonable expectation is she will get sensation back and she will use her hand.  So far it looks spot on”.  Let’s radiate positive energy for our young woman, and let’s all enjoy the simple things in life.  Including our daily 5 minute fat burning workout.  Here’s #13.  R

Life’s a boulevard and sometimes you get stuck

‘Life’s a boulevard and sometimes you get stuck’ is the overarching theme to my film, Boulevard Zen.  Each of the characters uses yoga to overcome adversity in their lives. The kind of adversity that is like getting seriously stuck on a Boulevard, such as death of a spouse, a broken heart, depression, anorexia, hypertension, infertility, peer pressure and a party lifestyle.  All this with a PG-rated script that’s appropriate for the entire family. The chorus from the theme song, “Life’s Boulevard”, is especially inspirational:

Driving down Life’s Boulevard is no paradise
Open up your heart let it lead you day and night
Just do not dwell on things that can’t be undone
Keep pushing forward til the battle is won

Written by me and award winning singer-songwriter Erick Macek, and performed by Erick & Bill Jones, get your free download & watch trailers @ RichTola.com.  Enjoy – R

Ignorance corrodes

This morning I was speaking with a friend and practitioner of my new workout series. We were discussing how ignorance corrodes the inside of an individual’s soul.  Ignorance being defined here as the willful lack of knowledge or awareness.  And it’s the willfulness part that speeds the corrosion.  Heavy stuff, I know, but think about it. That’s why my 5 minute fat burning workouts are good for you.  Especially if you’re not a fitness person. Because they teach you a plethora of super effective and easy-to-follow exercises you can do in only 5 minutes – anywhere.  There’s no need for special clothing, or a mat, or a specific area or room to practice in. They’re designed to prime the pump, to get you going, to put a spark in your day. Plus, they’re really simple and they’re really attainable. Check out Workout #11 – and let’s tighten that buttocks and stop corrosion today!  Rich