Homage to MLK – Ep 15 – Tola Talks Texas

Today we’re paying tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It’s a national holiday in the United States and time to honor a great man who stood for never ending equality and justice for all. MLK was also the youngest man to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, and a civil rights leader who inspired a nation with his “I Have a Dream” speech in front of 250,000 people gathered around the Lincoln Memorial during their peaceful march upon our nation’s capitol. We’re also talking about the Wolf Moon, a full moon that illuminates to its fullest tonight at 6:48p EST. Plus more fitness tips and inspiration as well as three more steps to everlasting youth from my book, How to Drink from the Fountain of Youth. Have an awesome holiday everyone…and get your workout in!

Top 7 Gym Equipment Exercises – Ep 11 – Tola Talks Texas

Today we’re talking about the Top 7 Gym Equipment Exercises that anyone can do – and should be doing at their local gym or health club. Because when it comes to drinking from the Fountain of Youth, the best advice I always give is to consume a daily diet of iron. Gym equipment iron that is. Like I’ve been doing for the past 40 years. And like you can…either man or woman or adolescents over the age of 16, when I started training at Man’s World Gym in Trenton, NJ. Plus some more talk and confusion about the bipolar Texas weather as well as whether the best tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic, will get to compete in Australia. And speaking of confusion, there’s more talk about investing in trillion dollar companies like Tesla (bought some today) and risky assets like cryptocurrencies, and how it’s best to limit your exposure to this so-called gambling while enjoying the topsy turvy ride.

Tola Yoga every Monday at Castle Hill Fitness

Hey everyone, come to Austin, Texas and get your Tola Yoga  groove on before it’s too late! Because like they say here in The Lone Star State, the only sure thing in life are death and Texas…and now of course, Tola Yoga.

So come join me at the super welcoming Castle Hill Fitness Gym & Spa for a summer series of nine classes every Monday 10-11:15a.

Classes run the month of July and no worries about bringing your mat & towel because they’re provided free of charge. Better yet, use my promo code TOLAYOGA on their website (click HERE) and get a 50% discount of all class passes. Not to mention Castle Hill’s current promotions on spa services including therapeutic massages with aromatherapy, acupuncture featuring Acu-Moxa therapy, skin care and their muscle balancing M.A.T®.

Too good to pass up?

No doubt, especially if you’re visiting from out of town or out of the country for that matter. Because who needs to sweat it out in this 100 degree sweltering Texas heat when you can just take my class.

Any questions? Email me at: info@richtola.com

Have an awesome week everyone, and I’ll see you on the mat. Peace – R

Rockin’ Chicago…First 50 Days

Great weather, tons of Yoga, a new talent agency and my own weekly showcase in the first 50 days. What more could I ask from America’s third largest city? I suppose a date with Katy Perry is the veritable cherry on top (no pun intended), but other than that, I’m rockin’ Chicago!

Hope you’re rockin’ your world wherever you are, and here’s a quick update since I arrived in the Windy City only 50 days ago:

  1. Signed with BMG Talent and auditioning for film & TV.
  2. Hosting a monthly comedy & talent showcase at Two Hearted Queen the 2nd Saturday of each month.
  3. Taught 51 Yoga classes and love my new home at Chicago’s #1 fitness community, Chicago Athletic Clubs. Come check-out any of our 9 locations around town and take my Yoga class sometime…we’re awesome!
  4. Found a new apartment in the lovely confines of Lincoln Park – 1 mile from the free Lincoln Park Zoo.
  5. Made a quick trip back East to visit family and friends and to watch my oldest nephew play baseball for my alma mater, The University of Pennsylvania.

Keep pursing your passion and Happy Halloween everyone…and don’t forget your daily workouts – they do wonders to fight those aging affects of good old Father Time! Peace – R

Tola Talks with Singer/Songwriter Cooper Phillip

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Tola Talks with the beautiful & talented singer/songwriter, Cooper Phillip. On Acoustic Fridays, Rich interviews 21 year-old Cooper who plays two songs from her EP, Walk a Mile, and discusses going for her dreams and her heartfelt journey from Russia four years ago. Rich also talks about earthquakes, the San Francisco Giants, building dream-homes on the wrong property, mild winter forecasts, President Obama & the Ebola Czar, Brad Pitt & his new film Fury, Ms. Science Babe & her homeopathic experiments, plus GYST Awards & Hunter Biden.

Weekdays on youtube.com/tolatalks

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with SInger/Songwriter, Cooper Phillip
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Singer/Songwriter, Cooper Phillip

A little above the weather

Monday's Fat Burning Workout

Everyone knows the feeling when the weather’s got you down and you’re ‘a little under the weather’ right?  Well how about turning the tables on today’s bad weather and telling yourself exactly the opposite – that you’re a little above the weather!  Because that weather malaise is just a temporary mindset you can enthusiastically change.  I know for most of you Mother Nature has been rather frigid and snowy and all around nasty, but for those of us in LA it feels like we should be boarding Noah’s Arc right about now.  And since we’re relatively spoiled with our clear blue sunny skies – well, who says you can’t move to LA – it’s especially easy to feel under the weather and fall off your daily routine.  Don’t do it.  Or if you do, just make it one day only, not two or three in a row.  Because while everyone else around you feels a bit more weather-like with each passing day, you’ll be the bright a cheerful one who got your workout in.  For sure you’ll feel better and for sure your positive energy will radiantly affect everyone around you.  And maybe you’ll even motivate your loved ones to do the same, so they can bask in the sunshine of their own positive energy.  So get your 15 Minute Fat Burning Workout in today.  And I’ll see you tomorrow.  R