Make Note of Your Small Victories…They Count

Now that April is in the books, it’s a great time to reflect upon your small victories in the quest to win the war. Because when it comes to achieving your goals and aspirations – and your bountiful dreams – it’s all about making small advances on a daily basis as well as experiencing enlightenments along the way. Especially in these frustrating times of shutdown and uncertainty.

Small victories in the war also relates to your physical body, i.e., your temple and what you’ve done (today) to help fortify it for the journey. Thus, fitness is an everyday necessity, for sure, if you want to stay strong and youthful forever.

So, you gotta ask yourself one question: Did I workout enough in April 2020? Meaning, every single day or more specifically, 30 times. With ‘stay-at-home’ orders permeating the globe, how difficult was it for anyone on the planet aged 12 and up to squeeze at least 15 minutes of exercise into their busy day? And what about your Cardio, Abs/Stretching and Tola Yoga? I trust you got those in too. And if not, then hopefully my exercise report card for April will provide you with some much-needed fitness inspiration:

  • 20 minutes/day of Abs/Stretching and Tola Yoga = 10 hours
  • 40 minutes/day of bodyweight training = 20 hours
  • 25 flights of stairs/day = 750 (about 3 hours)
  • 7 miles/day of fast-paced walking = 210 miles (about 50 hours)
  • 7 minutes/day of standing balancing poses = 3 hours

When you look at my sum total for April, that equals 86 hours of exercise. To get my daily (and monthly) percentage of exercise achieved, simply divide 86 hours into the total number of hours in April (720), and that equals 12%.

Perhaps more than your average bear, but nothing too extreme. Now 12% may seem gargantuan compared to 1% – that’s exercising every single day for 15 minutes – because unfortunately most people don’t even do that. And if your exercise score is somewhere between me and 1%, you’re a superstar. I believe that. But if during April you’ve averaged less than 1%, than God help you.

Either way, make note of your small victories and keep moving forward. In everything you do, including your career goals and aspirations as well as your hobbies and your wildest dreams. And believe that anything is possible.

And finally, in addition to my fitness victory for April, I scored another small victory by completing my second nonfiction opus about everlasting youth. Another one-of-a-kind creation you’ll really enjoy, especially all the readers of my first book, Simply Between Millions: From Wall Street to Hollywood.

Have an awesome May everyone, and get your workout in! Peace – R

Arsenal of Exercises

For the past 98 days, I’ve been coming up with different fat burning workouts that are uniquely challenging, simple and short.  No special equipment or anything else required. Just yourself, a device with internet access, and a space about the size of your bathroom. Clothes optional.  So check out the cool arsenal of exercises you now have at your disposal with the past 98 workouts.  And enjoy blasting your thighs from the Ground to the Penthouse with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #98 – Elevator Squats.  – R

Benefits of balancing

Balancing poses are great for the mind and body because they help you develop lightness, strength, agility, muscle tone, coordination, concentration, self-confidence and overall control of your body.  And when you add a backbend to your standing balancing pose, like we do with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #95 – Dancer’s Pose, you’ll also rejuvenate the body, giving you more alertness, openness, flexibility, energy and courage. So add some balancing & backbends to your long holiday weekend.  And enjoy!  – R


Healthy Diet + Daily Exercise = Success

We all know the meaning of a healthy diet, right?   And we all know what it means to exercise daily – or at least if you’ve been following along the past 33 days you know you can exercise for as little as 5 minutes a day.  So why is it so hard to combine the two to achieve a successful result?  Well, although the definition of success may be different for each of us, the certainty in the above referenced equation is the plus and the equals part.  If you eat healthy and workout everyday you will certainly achieve success as it relates to preserving your body for the long term.  And hopefully you’re not fooling yourself when it comes to a healthy diet and daily exercise – because there is no substitute.  So watch your diet, do something physical fitness everyday, and keep with your positive thoughts and feelings!  Enjoy shaping your legs and biceps with today’s 5 minute fat burning workout #33.  And I’ll see you next time – R

Be reverent

I was speaking with a friend today about the concept of being reverent vs. irreverent. Sometimes, the only way to succeed in a particular situation is to be irreverent.  To be disrespectful of your opponent, confident in your abilities to get the job done. Like a baseball hitter who’s irreverent toward the Cy Young winning pitcher staring him down, all the while knowing he’ll get a hit.  On the other hand, when it comes to working out every day, one should be reverent.  That is to say, it would be wise to respect the power of a daily fitness program because of its proven, healthy, long term affects.  So be reverent with your workouts and enjoy soft leg squats in my 5 minute Workout #29 – R


It’s how you look at it

Sometimes words can be confusing, like in the today’s title for my 5 minute fat burning workout #21 – Thunder Thighs.  Thunder thighs can be construed as a bad thing if you imagine thighs the size of thunderbolts.  Or thunder thighs can be construed as a good thing if you imagine having thighs that are rock-hard like thunderbolts.  So it’s how you look at it – positive or negative – that makes the difference.  So always choose the positive, and enjoy your workout – R

Remain “unstuck”

Because we hold emotional energy in our hips, it’s always good to incorporate simple hip opening exercises into your daily fitness routine so you can remain unstuck.  Or at least give your hips the chance to open up and let energy flow more smoothly in these areas that are critical to your emotional well being.  And always remember to breathe slowly and deeply, sending the breath to any areas of discomfort.   Try not to wiggle around whenever you feel that discomfort  – do your best to stay focused and relaxed.  Enjoy – R