Now Teaching TOLA YOGA Classes in Las Vegas

I’m excited to announce I’m now teaching my Tola Yoga classes in Las Vegas, Nevada. The perfect workout for beginners to advanced, my fitness style of Yoga is strong, energetic, safe and effective. Developed after 10 years of teaching more than 25,000 students in over 2,200 classes, Tola Yoga incorporates 5 key elements: Yoga stretches, abdominals, core strengthening, balancing and foundation poses. Public & Private classes – 7 days a week.

Rates and availability upon request:  [email protected]

Have an awesome day everyone…and don’t forget your daily workout!

Peace – R

Another Teaching Milestone…600th Class in Chicago

Rich Tola 600th Chicago ClassI Just taught my 600th Yoga class since arriving in The Windy City last September.

And what an amazing time I had teaching thousands of yogis and yoginis in 12 different neighborhoods including Lincoln Park, Lincoln Square, Lakeview, West Loop, Uptown, Andersonville, Wicker Park, Bucktown, Highland Park, Evanston, Streeterville and the South Loop.

Have an awesome week everyone!

Peace – R

Be a Rockstar in Everything You Do!

Simply put, do the very best you can in everything you do and let the Universe decide what happens next. And if your heart and your mind are really not into it, then reconsider the task at hand and make another choice. Because making good choices is easier than you think!

And always remember to break all the rules except this one:  Another day, Another workout


Happy Autumn Everyone…Make it a Cleansing One!

Summer’s over and you’re back in the groove while sportively enjoying the August-like weather.

Now what? How about making the first day of Autumn a great time for a change. A simple change, one that involves deleting a bad habit from your daily repertoire.  It doesn’t have to be a major lifestyle change, i.e., quit smoking cigarettes or partying every weekend. Although that would be awesome if you could – which you definitely can, no worries, just pick an easy one like replacing your lunchtime soda with water, or stop eating bread and butter before your meal.

Easier said then done, you might say, but that’s BS…because you can do anything you set your mind to. So make it a cleansing Fall everyone, and drop bad habits like acorns from an oak tree!

Peace – R

Whatever You Do, Finish Strong…Like Usain Bolt

Nine-time Olympic Gold medalist and the world’s fastest man (for the past 10 years), Usain Bolt, confidently concedes that “there are faster starters than me but I’m a strong finisher”.YogaStylesVoiceOver

Because no matter when you begin your new venture or how quickly you come out of the starting blocks, the most important part of the race is the finish line. So finish strong!

Just like we’re doing with YogaStyles of RICH and the Almost Famous: CHICAGO. Yesterday we recorded the voice-over and we’re now thundering towards the finish line.

Have an awesome day everyone! Peace – R

500th Yoga Class in the First 50 Weeks: Chicago

Rich Tola - One Armed PinchamayurasanaI’m heels over head for teaching my 500th Yoga class since arriving in Chicago last September.

I’m grateful to my courageous students, fellow teachers and managers, and the owners of Chicago Athletic Clubs for giving me the opportunity to spread my passion for fitness & yoga, and specifically my style of Tola Yoga.

Looking forward to inspiring the world with YogaStyles of RICH and the Almost Famous.

Peace – R

That’s a Wrap…YogaStyles Pilot Coming Soon!

Get ready for some really cool Yoga filmed at some really cool Chicago landmarks with some really cool – and Almost Famous – people. Here’s a behind the scenes look at our Yoga class with The Namaste Five filmed at the super cool Damen Silos…in 100 degree heat I might add!

Stay tuned for more on YogaStyles of RICH and the Almost Famous: Chicago. Peace – R