5 Stars on Amazon…thanks Andrea Burrows!

Click to read it on Amazon.com

“Inspirational and Doable!!!! Rich Tola’s chapter by chapter self help advice is an inspirational and motivational book that should be read by anyone who wants to be their best self and live their best life (seems like a read that Oprah and Deepak Chopra would like)!

What I love about this quick read is that it equates youthfulness with a persons mind, body, spirit and energy. The author defines aura and emphasizes the importance of keeping it vibrant! He also explains how passion and kindness are both energies that others can feel.

He’s had several successful careers and is able to write from experience. He gives very practical and wise advice that he has gathered from everywhere from his father to the ancient Greeks, to hypnotherapy, to Winston Churchill to his Ivy League education.

With a friendly, inclusive and encouraging tone in his writing, Tola is sharing an approach to life that has allowed him to feel youthful, successful and happy! At age 57, he feels more than 2 decades younger than his actual age and even in reading him without meeting him, his youthful energy feels contagious! He is living proof that the 30 steps he speaks of are 30 disciplines that get positive results.

I completely agree with what Tola has written and I feel more inspired each day since reading it!

Thanks so much Andrea, and hey everyone, take heed from someone who gets it…Everlasting Youth is DOABLE, no doubt!

Have an awesome day…and get your workout in! Peace – R

Tola Talks – Guns and Roses – Episode #152

There are two sides to every coin, no doubt, just like there’s good and bad in everything, including Guns and Roses. That’s right, they both can be beautiful and powerful as well as draw blood, and yes, we’re also talking about Slash and the legendary rock band, Guns N’ Roses (still reading his autobiography).

When it comes to Drinking from the Fountain of Youth, be sure you take that same “greatness” approach with Everlasting Youth and you’re halfway there!

Have an awesome day everyone, and get your workout in! Peace – R

New! How to Drink from the Fountain of Youth

Look! It’s a book, it’s a plane, it’s a journal. Wait, it’s definitely not a plane, but yes, it’s both a book and a journal.

With dozens of extra pages for Notes and Journaling as well as for memorializing your Dreams, Actions and Small Victories, How to Drink from the Fountain of Youth: 30 Steps to Everlasting Youth is an inspiring “how-to manifesto” about drinking from the mythical fountain – like I do – that keeps on manifesting long after you’ve read it. There’s also a 50-word Glossary making it perfect for any age, albeit I wrote it for the mature adolescent on up.

This book is ideal anyone looking to lose weight, feel more energized, be more confident, define their personal goals and aspirations, plus grow mentally as well as improve their entire outlook on life. It’s also for aspiring Millennials still searching for their calling, and for Baby Boomers who finally have the money but not the motivation to pursue their passion.

Click the cover below to buy it on Amazon for $12 USD – Made in the USA. Thanks for reading everyone, and get your workout in! Peace – R

The Proof is in the Pudding…Always

When it comes to anything in life, this 14th Century idiom says it all:

The Proof is in the Pudding. Meaning, the end result is the mark of the success or failure of one’s efforts or planning. Simply put, check it out for yourself and you be the judge.

The same goes for the secrets of my “youthful” success…coming this week! Have an awesome day everyone, and get your workout in. Peace – R

Self-Correct…anytime you get Off-Track

Whenever you find yourself getting off-track when it comes to your fitness regime or worse, your body weight, no worries. Simply Self-Correct.

Anyone who has read my memoir knows that Chapter 67 is one of my favorites and is called just that, Self-Correct. Because it’s all about getting back on-track ASAP as soon as you start to deviate from your daily fitness responsibilities as well as from your ideal weight.

Case in point: Last month I gained the COVID 5, that is to say, 5 pounds of extra weight due to the overconsumption of food (mostly cookies) during this crazy pandemic. Not sure about you, but the prolonged ‘safer-at-home’ decree has really put a damper on my fitness routine, not to mention my usually good eating habits. So rather than get mad or frustrated, I confidently chose to Self-Correct and I’m right back where I started…5 pounds lighter.

How did I do it? I increased my aerobic exercises to 8 miles of walking per day (up from 7 miles/day last month) and decreased my weight training exercises by about 50%. Thus, I kept my total monthly exercise percentage the same (12%) while increasing my total calories burned. That said, with a little time and energy and discipline (of course), anyone can make the right choice versus the easy choice. For more self-correcting details, check-out my book on Amazon.

Here’s my exercise report card for May 2020:

  • 20 minutes/day of Abs/Stretching and Tola Yoga = 10 hours
  • 20 minutes/day of bodyweight training = 10 hours
  • 25 flights of stairs/day = 750 (about 3 hours)
  • 8 miles/day of fast-paced walking = 250 miles (about 60 hours)
  • 7 minutes/day of standing balancing poses = 3 hours

Have an awesome June everyone…and get your workout in! Peace – R

Make Note of Your Small Victories…They Count

Now that April is in the books, it’s a great time to reflect upon your small victories in the quest to win the war. Because when it comes to achieving your goals and aspirations – and your bountiful dreams – it’s all about making small advances on a daily basis as well as experiencing enlightenments along the way. Especially in these frustrating times of shutdown and uncertainty.

Small victories in the war also relates to your physical body, i.e., your temple and what you’ve done (today) to help fortify it for the journey. Thus, fitness is an everyday necessity, for sure, if you want to stay strong and youthful forever.

So, you gotta ask yourself one question: Did I workout enough in April 2020? Meaning, every single day or more specifically, 30 times. With ‘stay-at-home’ orders permeating the globe, how difficult was it for anyone on the planet aged 12 and up to squeeze at least 15 minutes of exercise into their busy day? And what about your Cardio, Abs/Stretching and Tola Yoga? I trust you got those in too. And if not, then hopefully my exercise report card for April will provide you with some much-needed fitness inspiration:

  • 20 minutes/day of Abs/Stretching and Tola Yoga = 10 hours
  • 40 minutes/day of bodyweight training = 20 hours
  • 25 flights of stairs/day = 750 (about 3 hours)
  • 7 miles/day of fast-paced walking = 210 miles (about 50 hours)
  • 7 minutes/day of standing balancing poses = 3 hours

When you look at my sum total for April, that equals 86 hours of exercise. To get my daily (and monthly) percentage of exercise achieved, simply divide 86 hours into the total number of hours in April (720), and that equals 12%.

Perhaps more than your average bear, but nothing too extreme. Now 12% may seem gargantuan compared to 1% – that’s exercising every single day for 15 minutes – because unfortunately most people don’t even do that. And if your exercise score is somewhere between me and 1%, you’re a superstar. I believe that. But if during April you’ve averaged less than 1%, than God help you.

Either way, make note of your small victories and keep moving forward. In everything you do, including your career goals and aspirations as well as your hobbies and your wildest dreams. And believe that anything is possible.

And finally, in addition to my fitness victory for April, I scored another small victory by completing my second nonfiction opus about everlasting youth. Another one-of-a-kind creation you’ll really enjoy, especially all the readers of my first book, Simply Between Millions: From Wall Street to Hollywood.

Have an awesome May everyone, and get your workout in! Peace – R

Keep Moving…Forward

Hey everyone, hope you’re staying strong, safe and sane during these crazy pandemic times. No doubt a great time to stay calm and to feel positive, as well as to keep – yourself and your dreams – moving forward.

When it comes to empowering your physical being, it’s always best to Keep Moving. All throughout your day, you gotta keep your body moving as much as humanly possible. Especially when all the gyms and health clubs and wherever else you fancy are closed to the public. I should know, I lift weights every single day and it’s been three weeks since the lockdown shut us down. Safe to say I’m really missing my daily dose of iron, not to mention I’ve had to be even more creative with my workouts during these “safer at home” times. Likewise for you, I’m sure, and hopefully you’re getting creative and getting it done.

And if you need a little help with ideas around-the-house, check out my Stay Zen – Web Series. Made them in 2014 for anyone who can’t find the time to exercise . Fun, fast and effective.

Stay Zen Web Series – Episode #4 – 10 Ways to Workout with a Stool

And I don’t know about you, but I’ve also gained 4 pounds in these past three weeks. The good news is, I wanted to gain 2 pounds to power up my immune system and stay even stronger in the face of the ‘invisible enemy,’ aka, Coronavirus. But 2 pounds became 4 pretty quick – you know how that goes.. So today I’m fasting and expect to be 2 pounds lighter by tomorrow when I get on the scale – another cool Stay Zen episode, Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Scale. That’s right, all I’m having is unlimited coffee and one apple (already had it) and bam, I’ll be back on track. A concept I refer to as Self-Correct in my memoir, plus it’s also the final chapter of my new book. Coming soon!

As for the second meaning, Keep Moving Forward, especially during shutdowns and more spent time at home, you gotta stay focused and keep the ball moving up the field. Day-in-day-out. As in your studies, your profession or your dream career. Keep moving forward. And unfortunately, hanging out on the couch drinking beer or wine all day may sound nice, but it doesn’t move the ball up the field. Unless, you’re a beer and wine distributer. LOL.

Stay strong in the face of adversity everyone, and remember it’s easy as 1-2-3: 1) keep moving your body, 2) keep working out, and 3) keep moving toward your respective goals. We may be halfway through the woods, but no doubt we’ll get through them.

Peace – R

PS – more workouts, try my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts: 100 Days in a Row.

A Decade to Remember

Rich Tola – Filmmaker | Author | Creator, Tola Yoga

Since my childhood summers playing baseball at Nottingham Little League, I’ve been taught that the best hitters always perform in the late innings. So finish strong everyone, and have a happy and safe holiday season!

I also hope this decade has been as good to you as it has me, as this marks my most amazing one yet beginning with my film, Boulevard Zen. Exactly 10 years ago this week we premiered at the Silent Movie Theater in Hollywood. Thanks to everyone who supported me, i.e., watched or read or listened to any of my creations since the film. And a special thanks for taking my Tola Yoga classes.

No doubt I’ve built an awesome foundation in developing and producing original content as well as successfully crossing the finish line – on time and on budget – more than 15 times. Not to mention teaching my modern-day fitness style of yoga to more than 20,000 students throughout the US.

Looking forward to the next 10. Peace – R

Rich Tola productions this decade: