Summer’s Over Party!

Back in NYC circa the late 1990’s my cronies and I would begin every Labor Day weekend with a blow-out celebration called the Summer’s Over Party. A party it was, to officially celebrate the end of summer – which meant everyone on Wall Street and every other business would get their vacationed butts back in the office to start making money again.

The fact that our little Summer’s Over Party lasted the entire weekend as well as every subsequent weekend until Thanksgiving really didn’t matter (what can I say, we liked to party). Our real intent was to celebrate the beginning of something very good that was about to happen, or perhaps even exceptional.

So let’s get ready to celebrate the following happenings that are definitely very good and are no doubt worth celebrating:

  1. Serena Williams rockin’ the US Open at the ripe young age of 40 while drinking from the Fountain of Youth. And you can too, just read my book.
  2. Inflation is subsiding and the mild recession we’re already in will start to wane.
  3. The oppressive heat across the US and the world will subside. It has to because time goes quick and Winter’s fast approaching.
  4. COVID and/or the fear thereof will subside to the point where everyone on the planet – including those fear-mongering politicians – won’t really care or pass judgment on someone like me who isn’t vaccinated (which should have been the case from Day 1 of this controversial pandemic).
  5. Stocks and Cryptocurrencies will rebound in our investment portfolios before year’s end and we’ll all have a jolly good Christmas. And if you don’t yet have an investment portfolio, get started now…prices are cheap! Another prediction, albeit I’m a long term BULL so what can I say.
  6. Everyone on the planet will embrace my motto, Another Day – Another Workout, and get with a daily fitness program. Trust me, it’ll change your life and keep you drinking from the Fountain of Youth. Just like me and Serena. And if you could use some much needed inspiration, just read my book.

And finally here’s something I learned a long time ago that keeps rearing it’s paradoxical head: Never say Never. Like when it comes to Nomad Living. Let’s just say it’s time for me to head back east again – this time driving – to spend time with family plus add another dozen US cities to my noteworthy collection. What can I say…it’ll definitely be fun!

Happy Labor Day everyone…get your workout in and enjoy the party!

Peace – R

Tola Yoga every Monday at Castle Hill Fitness

Hey everyone, come to Austin, Texas and get your Tola Yoga  groove on before it’s too late! Because like they say here in The Lone Star State, the only sure thing in life are death and Texas…and now of course, Tola Yoga.

So come join me at the super welcoming Castle Hill Fitness Gym & Spa for a summer series of nine classes every Monday 10-11:15a.

Classes run the month of July and no worries about bringing your mat & towel because they’re provided free of charge. Better yet, use my promo code TOLAYOGA on their website (click HERE) and get a 50% discount of all class passes. Not to mention Castle Hill’s current promotions on spa services including therapeutic massages with aromatherapy, acupuncture featuring Acu-Moxa therapy, skin care and their muscle balancing M.A.T®.

Too good to pass up?

No doubt, especially if you’re visiting from out of town or out of the country for that matter. Because who needs to sweat it out in this 100 degree sweltering Texas heat when you can just take my class.

Any questions? Email me at:

Have an awesome week everyone, and I’ll see you on the mat. Peace – R

Longer days for better bodies

In exactly three weeks (June 21st), the summer solstice will occur when the days are longest and the nights are shortest.  I’m not sure about you, but I certainly prefer the daytime when it comes to working out or doing anything fitness related.  With longer days and the hot summer weather, it’s a great time to go for that after dinner walk or scenic bike ride.  And why not consider adding a few 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts to the mix to round out your evening.  Either before or after, these bite-size workouts will provide you with a quick and effective warm-up or cool-down to complement your stroll. So let that extra sunlight help you achieve that better body, and enjoy sculpting your entire body with today’s 97th consecutive fat burning workout – Side Plank.  – R