Everyone knows that by exercising every single day while embracing a Yogic lifestyle – for the rest of your life – you’ll certainly reap the benefits, right? Well if you didn’t, let me assure you that sticking to a Daily Fitness Program that’s based on Yoga principles will definitely pay-off.

So what does it take to look and feel 20 years younger? Just follow my 5 Simple Rules for Looking 20 Years Younger and you’ll be set. Or at least you’ll be on the right path to achieving the physical and spiritual beauty and sexiness we all desire, with no regrets for putting on those useless pounds…especially as we approach the hectic Holiday season.
Now don’t get me wrong. Not everyone is blessed with good genes and a penchant for feeling hungry all the time, like I am. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Anyone can! It only takes the desire and discipline to respect yourself everyday and to put your body – and your soul – to the challenge. Start with believing you can, then get rocking with bite-sized workouts like my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts on YouTube (click HERE for my favorite Abdominals!). They’ll get on the right path to a stronger core and flatter Abs in no time, then take it from there. Just get started today. YOU CAN DO IT!
And then move to Los Angeles and maybe next year you too will be named L.A. Magazine’s Sexiest Man or Woman…hey, ya neva know!
Enjoy – R