4-Star Review for Zen Diaries: The Lockdown

Hey everyone, hope your 2024 is off to a great start!

As for small victories along the way, on behalf of the very talented cast and crew of my short film, Zen Diaries: The Lockdown, we’re honored to receive a 4-Star Review from Short Films Matter. Here’s what they say:

* * * * A drama that delves into the transformative power of confronting personal weaknesses.

SYNOPSIS: Ten years after his wife was killed in a drive-by shooting gone bad, former hot-shot attorney turned yoga master, Bobby D’Angelo, is dealing with another shooter in his life. This time causing a police lockdown of his Los Angeles studio. A zenful place “where self-doubt goes to die”, but it’s also where tempers start to flare between students and strangers as Bobby vows to ‘protect his family’ while trying hard to inspire and not insult them with his tough love words of wisdom.

REVIEW: Rich Tola’s short sequel to his 2009 feature film ‘Boulevard Zen’ takes center stage during a police lockdown of his yoga studio, prompted by an external situation, yet it skillfully weaves a narrative focused on internal conflicts. The crux of the story revolves around an outsider forced to confront his realities, under the candid guidance of the brutally honest Bobby D’Angelo, portrayed by Tola himself. The ensemble cast navigates the anxieties stemming from external conflict, with A.P. Moses delivering a compelling performance as Mr. Sloan, a character grappling with weight issues and self-esteem.

Tola’s film delves deep into the theme of personal transformation, emphasizing the need to confront and overcome our weaknesses. The societal implications of these individual struggles add depth to the narrative, creating a thought-provoking ensemble piece that resonates with universal themes. The well-acted cast brings authenticity to their roles, complemented by Salvadore Sclafani’s cinematography, which adds visual richness to the storytelling. The sequel stands out as a commendable film, offering a compelling exploration of self-discovery and the potential for positive change within individuals and society at large.

FILM: 20-minute dramedy (completed from start-to-finish in less than 90 days for $2,000) starring Rich Tola, Jonny Haug, Kayla Moore, Romi Valenti, Anita Davenport, Jennifer Cheung, and A.P. Moses.

Click HERE to visit the review on Short Films Matter, and thanks for watching!

Have a great year everyone, and as always, get your workout in! Peace – R

GYST #30: Be a Badass Everyday

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Want to empower yourself by being a Badass every single day? Then check-out my 50 Rules of Badassery and add more positivity into your life. This is also the final episode of my Get Your S#!T Together podcast, so thanks for listening everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Peace – R

Ray Kroc’s first McDonald’s

Exactly 56 years ago today, 52 year-old American businessman – and high school dropout – Ray Kroc purchased his first McDonald’s franchise from the McDonald brothers.  It was their 9th location, and the first of thousands that would revolutionize the fast food business and turn Kroc into a multimillionaire ($500 million in his lifetime).  This from a man who once tried his hand at a number of trades including paper-cup salesman, pianist, jazz musician, band member, and a multi-mixer milkshake traveling salesman.  At one time, Kroc even worked for room and board at a restaurant in the midwest to learn the restaurant business.  So taking a line from yesterday’s blog, “If there’s anything in your life that needs more perseverance to get you through, think of Ray Kroc (or Jackie Robinson) and stay the course.”  Enjoy sculpting your thighs & triceps with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #52 – Sculpt Your Thighs II.  And I’ll see you next time – R

It’s all relative with Einstein’s Relativity

Exactly 105 years ago today Nobel Laureate Albert Einstein introduced his “Theory of Relativity”.  Although his ‘curved space-time continuum‘ doesn’t really affect our lives because we travel at speeds much less than the speed of light, it was one of the most significant scientific advances of our time.  When you think of relativity, it’s applicable to everything in your life.  Just ask yourself a yes or no question, like whether or not you work too much.  Before you answer, think: relative to whom?  Because it’s all relative. Like fitness.  If you exercise all the time, then working out 5 minutes a day seems like nothing.  But if you don’t workout at all – and you know if you don’t – then 5 minutes a day is significant.  But rest assured, 5 minutes a day becomes 15 minutes. Then 15 minutes becomes whatever your heart desires. Enjoy sculpting your body with today’s fat burning workout #47 – Crane Legs (remember the movie, Karate Kid).  See you next time – R

Years of preparation

The Japanese have been preparing for years for fear of “the big one”.  Preparations have become part of their culture in a country where minor earthquakes occur daily.  That preparation saved many lives Friday when a magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck off Japan’s main island.  A preparation mindset gives all individuals the power in knowing you’re ready for anything – to the best of your ability.   So maintain a preparation mindset and apply it your mental & physical well being in the form of a healthy lifestyle and daily fitness routine.  And radiate your positive thoughts and prayers to all those in need – R