Today we’re talking fact vs. fiction when it comes to inaccurate claims about children being hospitalized for COVID (3,500 actual vs. 100,000) plus total US deaths and comorbidity, including highlights of the Fox News interview with Bret Baier and CDC director Rochelle Walensky; the negative affects of 5,000 schools still being closed for in-person learning; kudos to Marc Cuban for his clarity on Dogecoin vs. Bitcoin as an inflation hedge and better than a lottery ticket; plus a breakdown of soaring obesity rates throughout the US (up 26% since 2008) to an all time high of 42.4%.
Tola Talks with Children’s Book Author, Erin Mason
Congratulations to author, psychotherapist, yoga teacher and my dear friend, Erin Mason, for publishing a tender and heartwarming story, Growing Grace, about adoption from the biological mother’s perspective.
Tola also Talks about America’s obesity epidemic and how it affects 36% of all adults and nearly 20% of all children and adolescents, and more specifically, how I would financially reward everyone for being fit…If I Were President. Not to mention fitness tips for losing that unwanted weight.
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Subscribe on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher. And have an awesome day! Peace – R
Tola Talks Katy Perry, Shoplifters & Careful What You Say
Tola Talks about Katy Perry & the Super Bowl, Katherine the great white shark & stupid shoplifters, plus it’s Fitness Friday so check-out the 5 things you NEVER say to someone who has gained weight. Because no matter what, anything you say, you’re going to offend someone!
Weekdays on
Tola Talks with Wellness Professionals Tom & Toni Polucki
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Tola Talks with Wellness Professionals, Dr. Thomas Polucki & his lovely wife Toni. On Wellness Wednesdays, Rich also teaches us the proper way to do a Yoga push-up (Chaturanga Dandasana). Weekdays on

GYST #13: Point of No Return (Obesity)
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Let’s obliterate obesity and start by losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks…guaranteed! Because everybody wins when you come back from the Point of No Return.
Time to Weigh-in
When was the last time you stepped on the scale? If it wasn’t this morning, then it’s Time to Weigh-in!
That’s right, it’s time for you to check your weight as we enter the final three weeks of the year. And if you haven’t taken my advice from last New Year’s Day – click HERE to read my blog – then consider the following discourse “to make the better choice” as articulated in Chapter 67 of my new memoir,
Simply Between Millions: From Wall Street to Hollywood (click to preview on

Chapter 67 – SELF CORRECT
“If you consider Lucy, a 3.2 million year-old ape, as our human ancestor, then as a species we’ve been around a long time. Individually though, it’s less than 100 years. The way I figure it, I’ll be happy to get 80 great years out of it, so why not keep my body (and mind) as young as possible, for as long as possible. How do I plan on doing that? Through proper diet and exercise, two of the hardest simple words in the English language. Because to do each one correctly requires pain and sacrifice. Maybe discomfort is a better word than pain, but you know what I mean. And to master each of these two simple words, you need to “self-correct”. Self-correct refers to making adjustments along the way, consciously reminding yourself to make the better choice.”
And for those of you who believe there’s no chance you can lose those extra pounds you’ve already gained this holiday season – NONSENSE!
Anyone can lose a few measly pounds in less than 21 days! Just MAKE THE BETTER CHOICE when it comes to food and alcohol – you know what that means – and be sure to embrace a Daily Fitness Program. And if you don’t have money for a gym or yoga studio, then start walking everyday and/or start doing any one of my 100 Days of 5-Minute Fat Burning Workouts on YouTube: Boulevard Zen.
Because who doesn’t have 5 minutes a day to respect themselves? Enjoy – R
Help is on the way!
“Holy expanding waistline Batman, America just keeps getting fatter”. Now if you’re a fan of the infamous Caped Crusader and read this morning’s newspaper, this is definitely something Robin would say. Because in today’s Los Angeles Times, a new report on our nation’s weight crisis – as prepared by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trust for America Health – says “16 states are experiencing steep increases in adult obesity, and none has seen a downturn in the last four years”. So what’s up with that? With an obese population of 19.8%, Colorado is the ONLY state with an adult obesity rate below 20%. Furthermore, “adult obesity rates have doubled or nearly doubled in 17 states. Two decades ago, not a single state had an obesity rate above 15%. Now all states do.” But no worries folks…help is on the way! Soon my team will embark upon my FAT BURN AMERICA TOUR, visiting every state in America, 100 cities in 100 days, filming my fat burning workouts to promote daily fitness & yoga, and to raise much needed funds for my charity, The Boulevard Zen Foundation. As you know, we teach yoga to women and children living in domestic violence shelters. And since the report also states that “obesity remains a condition disproportionately affecting those with poor education and income, and closely tied to minority status”, it’s all the more reason to bring my FREE Fat Burning Workouts to the public. Our goal: to EDUCATE, EMPOWER, INSPIRE and ENTERTAIN. So get ready and get set with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #94 – Leg Stretches. Enjoy and we’ll see you soon! – R
Michelle Obama’s got it right
There’s no question that our nation’s First Lady has got it right when she says “small changes can lead to big results”. I strongly believe in Michelle Obama’s child obesity initiatives, and I totally concur with her push for healthier meals and more exercise, especially for anyone NOT currently on a fitness program. As for overweight children and their role model parents, let’s get them started with a daily fitness routine that’s simple and attainable – whether or not they can afford a gym or yoga studio membership. Like my new 5 minute fat burning series on YouTube. Each low impact workout is designed for anyone of any size, weight, age or gender. Plus, these 5 minutes of exercise will serve to jump-start your day, strengthen your body and your mind, burn fat while getting your heart rate up, as well as lay the groundwork for your daily fitness routine. So give it a try…and I’ll see you next time! R
Child obesity is a serious problem
This morning I read an enlightening article about the growing concern of California residents that believe childhood obesity is not only a serious problem, but one that nearly 60% of those polled statewide believe has become an epidemic. I would have to agree. Not only is childhood obesity a serious problem – the inability of parents to be excellent roll models is one that I consider even more alarming. I should know. One of the key reasons I created my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts is due in part to my charity, The Boulevard Zen Foundation. As you know, we teach yoga to children and their moms living in domestic violence shelters. Every time I’ve entered a new shelter to introduce our program to everyone the first question I’m asked by the moms is will yoga help them lose weight. An interesting question for those of us who are dedicated to this 6,000 year old practice. Because most of us didn’t start practicing yoga to lose weight. We did so for its overall mental, physical and spiritual benefits. Thus, I created a complete set of full body, yoga-based exercises that are brief in nature – only 15 minutes per workout- are easy to follow, affordable, attainable and available for ANYONE of any age, size, weight or gender. Including children. Just ask my niece who’s 11 years old. And if you don’t believe me – try it out yourself. And if you can’t afford the $1.99 per workout, write me a letter with your sincere interest and I’ll forward you Monday’s workout. Because who doesn’t have 15 minutes a day to respect themselves?
Point of no return
I just visited my thirty-something year old friend who was speaking about her weight when she said, “I know what it’s like to be past the point of no return”. She spoke with such conviction about how everyone struggling with weight loss reaches a specific point of no return. Last week I gave her my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts and stopped by today to check in on her and to drop one off for her girlfriend. She hasn’t started the workouts, but said she would today – after much cajoling on my part. When I asked her why not, she said it was “mental”. Actually she’s doing quite well, mentally and physically, considering she weighed 218 lbs. two years ago. She also said her exact “point of no return” was 180 lbs, and that once she reached that point she pretty much gave up hope – and desire – of getting the weight off and skipped right past 200 until her final stop at 218. And can you believe this adorably funny gal started college weighing 106 lbs? The good news is when she finally reached 218 she started with a well-known weight loss program that helped get her down to today’s weight of 180. Hmmm. I suppose now it’s the “point of return”. Next stop 140. So she says. And so I believe – as long as she believes and continues to make good choices. Because with a daily fitness program complemented by a positive mindset and positive lifestyle choices, anything is possible. Enjoy your workout – R