Rich Tola to star in ‘Godfather’ remake

April Fools!  But really, wouldn’t it be nice if all our dreams came true?  At least in the world of make believe – and I don’t mean Hollywood – anything is possible.  Today, why not consider your world of make believe the real deal?  Like rapper sensation Drake croons in Nicki Minaj’s hit single, Moment 4 Life, “everybody dies but not everybody lives”.  So on this April Fools’ Day 2011, imagine yourself in your wildest possible dream, and just live.  Because life is short and the days fly by.  And if by chance your wildest dream includes you looking like a movie star with that perfect body, here’s your chance to get started with my 5 minute fat burning workout #37 that combines some Zen with that Warrior in you.  It’s called Peaceful Warrior.   And I’ll see you next time! -R

The door is open

You may have heard the old Chinese proverb, “Teachers open the door.  You enter by yourself.”  When it comes to working out, this is 100% true.  Because the hard part of physical fitness is that no one can do it for you.  Knowing what to do is the easy part.  It is, when you’re practicing along with my 5 minute fat burning workouts.  Short, effective and uniquely challenging, these workouts are meant to teach you the right exercises using the proper technique. They’ll also motivate you to do more, and serve as a confidence builder if you’re new to fitness.  The door is open, but you must enter by yourself.  So enter freely with some detoxifying lunge twists in today’s daily workout #35.  Enjoy – R

Resist the temptation

You may have heard the ancient proverb, ‘good habits result from resisting temptation’.  I would go one step further and say that good habits result from resisting temptation and embracing change.  Because good habits are derived by doing things that are considered good for you, versus bad habits that are usually derived from the not-so-good things that constantly tempt us – like unhealthy food groups and the aversion to exercise.  So if you haven’t already, get with a new habit in the form of a daily fitness program.  And resist the temptation NOT to workout because who doesn’t have 5 minutes a day to respect themselves?  Enjoy opening your hips and hamstrings with fat burning workout #26 – R

Spring into it

Rebirth, renewal and regrowth.  That’s what Spring personifies.  With Spring also comes longer days, better weather and the blossoming of all things earthy.  It’s also a great time to shake off those Winter pounds with a daily fitness program. Whatever suits your fancy will work.  And here’s another 5 minute fat burning workout to choose from.  Have fun toning your shoulders and legs with Workout #25, and I’ll see you next time – R

Biggest and Brightest

As the sun sets in the west today, it will be the biggest and brightest it’s been in the past 20 years.  According to NASA, this so-called ‘super-moon’ will appear about 14% bigger and 30% brighter.  Why such grandness?  Because the moon’s perigee – that point in the moon’s oval orbital path where it’s closest to the Earth – will occur within one hour of the monthly astronomical phase of the full moon.  “A rarely seen spectacle of illumination and size”, says astronomer Geoff Chester at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington. So if you have 5 minutes tonight, go outside and enjoy this rare spectacle. Better yet, take your phone along and try Workout #24 under a beautiful moonlit sky!


Look at the results

Sir Winston Churchill once said, “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results”.  I would certainly agree, and when it comes to fitness and body sculpting, it’s always best to look at the results more than occasionally – like every day. Most likely you won’t see any noticeable results on a day-to-day basis, but this more than occasional acknowledgment of your daily workouts will help fuel you to do that little extra.  Like going for a walk or jog after your 5 minute abs, bicep and thigh blasting you’ll get from today’s workout #22.  So keep looking for results, and I’ll see you next time – R

It’s how you look at it

Sometimes words can be confusing, like in the today’s title for my 5 minute fat burning workout #21 – Thunder Thighs.  Thunder thighs can be construed as a bad thing if you imagine thighs the size of thunderbolts.  Or thunder thighs can be construed as a good thing if you imagine having thighs that are rock-hard like thunderbolts.  So it’s how you look at it – positive or negative – that makes the difference.  So always choose the positive, and enjoy your workout – R

Remain “unstuck”

Because we hold emotional energy in our hips, it’s always good to incorporate simple hip opening exercises into your daily fitness routine so you can remain unstuck.  Or at least give your hips the chance to open up and let energy flow more smoothly in these areas that are critical to your emotional well being.  And always remember to breathe slowly and deeply, sending the breath to any areas of discomfort.   Try not to wiggle around whenever you feel that discomfort  – do your best to stay focused and relaxed.  Enjoy – R

Fitness in a bottle

When asked about fitness, the Goddess of Pop Cher once said, “If it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body”.  No doubt.  Except the universe – or anyone else for that matter – has yet to provide us with fitness in a bottle. So, the next best thing is to do something fitnessrelated everyday.  Even for just 5 minutes.  Because once you’re set with a daily fitness program, your body will crave it and your mind will become conditioned to do it, thus, it becomes easy.  Well, maybe not easy, but for sure it becomes easier to workout every day since you’ve now created a new and rewarding routine.   But don’t take my word for it – try it out for yourself.  And I’ll see you next time – R


Sculpt your thighs

Who doesn’t want to burn fat and sculpt and beautify their thighs?  It’s a human thing, right, but workout #2 of my 5 minute fat burning series uses that powerful Warrior stance named after the Hindu folklore’s warrior Virabhadra.  In yoga terms, the Sanscrit for warrior is Virabhadrasana.  So get your warrior on and come sculpt those thighs!