Longer days for better bodies

In exactly three weeks (June 21st), the summer solstice will occur when the days are longest and the nights are shortest.  I’m not sure about you, but I certainly prefer the daytime when it comes to working out or doing anything fitness related.  With longer days and the hot summer weather, it’s a great time to go for that after dinner walk or scenic bike ride.  And why not consider adding a few 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts to the mix to round out your evening.  Either before or after, these bite-size workouts will provide you with a quick and effective warm-up or cool-down to complement your stroll. So let that extra sunlight help you achieve that better body, and enjoy sculpting your entire body with today’s 97th consecutive fat burning workout – Side Plank.  – R

Eat Smart

Everybody understands the concept of eating smart, right?  And what a great time to get mentally prepared for the long holiday weekend by consciously respecting your body with a smart approach to eating.  Because eating smart with healthy foods and smaller portions per meal will certainly complement your daily fitness program.  So enjoy stretching it out today with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #94 – Leg Stretches.  – R

Maximize Gains and Minimize Injury

This week I updated my YouTube Channel home page (click HERE to check it out) and changed my Profile section.  For anyone my age or even 10 years younger, this New Age internet world with all it’s social networking, websites and tags is quite a handful, right. Whatever happened to calling someone or sending them a handwritten letter. (like I’ve been doing in recent weeks).  It’s also interesting how few words you use when you write a note or letter by longhand.  With computers and all, we’re usually bombarded with TOO many words.  Oh well, adapt and survive!  Nevertheless, in my Profile on YouTube I wrote, “My style is precise to maximize gains and minimize injury.”  Simply put, getting the most out of your workouts is achieved when you know exactly what to do and exactly how to do it – as in proper form and body mechanics.  Plus, you’ll reduce your chances of getting hurt.  Which is exactly what and how I teach.  Even if you exercise regularly or practice yoga, check out my videos and expand your knowledge base.  You’ll definitely learn something that will help you and that you’ll never forget.  So enjoy going to the “extreme” today with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #93 – Extreme Abs.  – R

Remind yourself often

Samuel Johnson, the English poet, author and lexicographer who after nine years of work published the Dictionary of English Language (circa 1755) once said, “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.”  I would certainly agree. Especially when if comes to working out and sticking to a daily fitness program.  Because with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts, there’s expert instruction for every position and exercise that’ll take the guesswork out of it.  All you need is to be reminded to hit the PLAY button and you’re good to go!  So remind yourself often and enjoy slowing things down a bit as you invert yourself with today’s Workout #91 – Standing Splits.  – R

Try and try again

This morning I read the obituary for Dick Wimmer, a creative writing instructor and author who was turned down by publishers and agents 162 times over 25 years.  His first novel, Irish Wine, was conceived in the 1960’s then streamlined in the 1980’s – after his 80th rejection – until it was good enough to be published.  When finally released,  The New York Times raved about it, calling it “a taut, finely written, exhaustingly exuberant first novel”.  A wonderful reward for never giving up!  And a pretty simple lesson to try and try again.  So if there’s anything in life that feels hopeless and insurmountable, like your daily fitness program, think of Dick Wimmer and all his 162 rejections.  And enjoy strengthening your legs with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #89.  – R

Be as unique as a fingerprint

Oprah Winfrey said, “I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint – and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.”  I love Oprah’s belief because it lets you be you, and incorporates the collective energy of everything and everyone around you as part of your destiny.  So be as unique as a fingerprint today and everyday, and don’t forget your 5 minutes of fat burning with Workout #87 – Dancing Warrior.  Enjoy  – R

No excuses with Lounge Chair Abs

So you’re going on vacation and you won’t have time to workout, right?  Wrong.  Because with today’s 84th consecutive 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout – Lounge Chair Abs, all you need to do to is chill out poolside on a lounge chair.  That’s right.  Because no matter where you go, there’s always time for a 5 minute workout.  And for those of you who aren’t familiar with my 5 minute yoga lessons (in my Yoga Survival Guide), there isn’t a place on earth where you can’t workout or strengthen your yoga practice.  So if you’re not a sun worshiper and rarely find yourself on a lounge chair, check out Shower Yoga, Bus Stop Yoga, Baking Yoga, Office Yoga, Weight Room Yoga, Prison Yoga (for Lindsay Lohan), Park Yoga, Traffic Yoga (yes, while sitting in traffic), Beach Yoga, Rooftop Yoga, Zoo Yoga, and of course, Watching “The Ellen Show” Yoga. Because no matter where you are or what you’re doing, you can ALWAYS add some fitness into your day.  Enjoy – R

Slow and steady wins the race

Everybody’s read Aesop’s fable, The Hare and the Tortoise, right?  It’s about a hare who vainly boasts of his great running speed and challenges the slow tortoise to a race. However outpaced, in the end the tortoise wins because the hare decides to take a nap en route to the finish line.  The moral lesson here:  slow and steady wins the race.  Just like with your daily fitness program.  It may seem to progress slowly, but in the long run you’ll certainly see the results you desire as well as feel the rejuvenating affects of doing a little something to strengthen your mind and body every single day.  So enjoy getting Fantastic Forearms with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #83.  – R

Don’t let time waste you

William Shakespeare once said, “I wasted time, and now doth time waste me.”  For anyone who’s ever read the world’s pre-eminent dramatist, this is some pretty straightforward prose.  Or is it?  Because like anything by Shakespeare, it helps to read it a few times and let the true meaning of the words really sink in.  In this case, the concept of wasting time has a double meaning – time being wasted and time doing the wasting.  If you really think about it, whenever you waste time it has a tendency come back and bite you in the butt.  That is to say, wasting time can negatively impact you as well as prevent you from reaching your goals.  Whatever it is you’re doing.  Especially with fitness.  So don’t waste time planning and talking about your new exercise program.  Keep it simple and workout everyday.  And enjoy strengthening your core and toning your abdominal muscles with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #81 – Plank Crunches.  – R

Do it with consistency…like the self-flushing toilet

Exactly 219 years ago today, the toilet that flushes itself at regular intervals was patented. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could automatically set yourself to exercise at regular intervals?  That would certainly make it easier to stick with a daily fitness program, right. Believe it or not, you can set your internal clock to go off daily, reminding you to workout.  That’s right.  Because like any activity that’s become routine in your life, e.g., brewing your morning coffee as soon as you wake up, taking that afternoon cigarette break at work, or going to the laundromat every Wednesday night, you can program yourself to workout on a daily basis.  The easiest way to do this is to do it with consistency.  Because once you’ve established the habit of working out, your mind and body will crave it.  Plus, your internal clock will subliminally remind you that it’s time to exercise.  It’s true.  At this point in life, I couldn’t go two days without exercising and not feel my “alarm clock” reminding me to workout.  So enjoy flushing that fat away with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #78 – Sculpt Those Shoulders II.  – R