5 Ways to Workout on Vacation

So you’re on vacation with lots of time for R & R and you’re thinking you want to workout – or what you’re really thinking is you don’t have to workout because you’re on vacation, right?


Because the only way to keep that Strong Body – Clear Mind is to do something physical fitness related EVERY single day. So keeping with your Daily Fitness Program, here’s 5 ways you and your entire family can workout together while on vacation that’s effective and affordable:

#1 – Walk, Jog or Run

There’s nothing better than lacing up your Chuck Taylors and Kicking the Bricks…literally. Whether it’s a brisk walk, steady jog, or a fast paced run, this is the simplest way to get your heart-rate up while taking in the natural beauty of your surroundings. I always prefer a long walk first thing in the morning, but no matter what time of day, lace’em up and get going!

#2 – Bike or Swim

Perhaps a bit more complicated than #1 since you’ll need a bike or a lap pool, but if you’re anywhere near the beach you’ll certainly find bike rentals, or check-out the local YMCA since they usually have a 25 yard pool. Two more great fitness activities the whole family can enjoy!

#3 – Push-ups and Sit-ups

How can you go wrong with good ole push-ups and sit-ups that you can do just about anywhere with no props required. Start with push-ups and do as many as you can – Chaturanga style for you yoginis – then lay on your back with your legs bent (or bicycle them) and do as many sit-ups as you can. Then do it again and again until you can’t do any more!

#4 – Take a Class: Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Cross-training or Whatever

Whatever suits your fancy – of course mine is Yoga – research the local health clubs and private Yoga and Pilates studios and treat yourself to an invigorating group fitness class. Albeit, the most expensive of your 5 workout options, but certainly a great way to meet people and experience the local teaching styles as well as learn from other popular teachers!

#5 – Rich Tola’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts

The most effective of your choices because my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts on the web are simple, easy-to-follow and effective. Plus there’s 100 Workouts to choose from, and you can combine them to equal as much time as you have to workout. And if you’re spending all your time at the beach or poolside, here’s Workout #84 – Lounge Chair Abs to get your started!

Enjoy – R

5 Years Goes By Quick!

Exactly 5 years ago today I purchased a one-way ticket and boarded a plane to Hollywood. Of course, I had a “Five Year Plan”, which you’ll read all about in Chapter 3 of my soon-to-be-released memoir, Simply Between Millions: From Wall Street to Hollywood. But when does anything go according to plan, right? Nevertheless, it’s been an amazing 5 years and I’m really looking forward to the next leg of my journey! Because, no matter if you’re “on-track” to meet your pre-determined plan, life always throws you a curve ball. And just like a batter expecting the fastball but gets the curve – relax, stay focused, keep you eye on the ball, and go with the pitch. And always remember, wherever you go, go with all your heart.

Here’s my Top Ten highlights of the past 5 years:

1) Produced, directed and starred in my first feature film, Boulevard Zen
2) Created and produced a video encyclopedia of 100 yoga poses, Yoga Survival Guide
3) Created and produced a yoga/fitness video for 7 days a week, 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts
4) Created and produced 100 consecutive days of free yoga/fitness videos, 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts: 100 Workouts in 100 Days
5) Founded a charity teaching yoga to women and children living in domestic violence shelters, The Boulevard Zen Foundation
6) Launched the Fat Burn America Tour: 100 Cities in 100 Days (albeit, I didn’t procure the necessary funding)
7) Quit drinking and my “player” ways (OK, that’s 2 but they go together)
8) Lived in paradise (Hawaii) for 3 months
9) Wrote my first book, Simply Between Millions: From Wall Street to Hollywood
10) Moved to the most lovable and unique city in the country: San Francisco

Oh, did I mention I worked out every day for the past 5 years. I guess that goes without saying, because anyone can commit to a daily fitness program, if you set your sights and try. So for those of you not currently trying to fight Father Time on a daily basis, here’s another 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout to get you started. Enjoy – R

Yoga can hurt you…so arm yourself with knowledge!

There’s been a lot of talk these days about how “yoga can wreck your body”. Well, there’s no question that practicing yoga with an inexperienced or bad teacher can lead to injury; I’ve been hurt three times in the past six years from so-called master teachers and their inappropriate sequencing of poses. Unfortunately, just like Glenn Black says in the NY Times article, “To many schools of yoga are just about pushing people”. Add to that, too many yoga teachers have no background in physical fitness and/or body mechanics, and voila, yoga can hurt you.

Proof in point: Last summer I read a GQ article and posted my Letter to the Editor in my July 22nd blog (click HERE to read). In short, a NYC studio owner prescribed a 15 minute yoga workout with three twisting and forward bending poses that made me cringe. Because there are certainly yoga poses that should never be attempted without the proper (and complete) understanding of how to come into and out of each pose, as well as properly warming up the spine and preparing your body. And if you’re new to yoga, be extremely careful with any teacher that’s pushing too hard or moving too fast – especially an overzealous one that’s new to the profession.

And if you’re someone who truly wants the benefits of yoga but are reluctant to take a class (for a variety of reasons), then try my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts that are based on yoga principles and employ my very precise teaching style that’s designed to minimize injury to any body part, especially the neck and low back. Or better yet, if you really want to arm yourself with knowledge, then watch my Yoga Survival Guide with 30 fun lessons teaching you the proper and safe way to practice 100 yoga poses. Enjoy – R

Challenge yourself

Now I’m not going to rant about how everyone in the world should challenge themselves in everything they do…blah,blah,blah. No, this “challenge yourself” is more of a challenge yourself along with me as I lose exactly three pounds of fat over the next two weeks. That’s right, lose 3 measly “lbs” with me from now until September 1st.

Call me crazy, but over the past six weeks I’ve bulked-up about five pounds to do this study. That’s right. And I call it a study because in my opinion, anybody can burn fat if they just commit to it. Today I weighed exactly 153, and on the first of September I’ll weigh exactly 150 (or less). That’s only a 2% reduction in 2 weeks. So how about it? Weigh yourself today and commit to weighing 2% less on September 1st. Anybody can do it – assuming you’re not starving yourself and you have the 2% to lose. Whatya say? And if you need some help getting there, start doing my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts everyday, and don’t forget that brisk walk after lunch or dinner! Let’s get you kick-started with some great ab-work in Fat Burning Workout #93 – Extreme Abs. Enjoy – R

“I’m glad you’re here”

It felt like a ghost-town when I walked into the gym this morning at 6am.  I expected it to be light because of the holiday, but it was barren.  And as I was making my way past the Chest machines, this older gentleman sat up tall and said to me, “I’ll glad you’re here.” Of course, right.  Because when it comes to a daily fitness program, sometimes it helps to get a little boost from your compatriots.  Let’s face it, honoring our Nation’s Independence deserves a day off from exercise, right?  Wrong.  That’s all the more reason to honor yourself and your freedom with a strong body – clear mind.  So don’t let the Fourth of July festivities spoil your routine.  Grab a fellow barbecuer and challenge yourself with today 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #95 – Dancer’s Pose.  Enjoy – R

Happy Independence Day Everyone!

I believe in you Ladies!

This goes out to all the Ladies living at the domestic violence shelter in San Diego where I taught a 2-hour yoga & lifestyle class last night.  Because after teaching a 75 minute yoga class followed by a 45 discussion about embracing a positive mindset, a healthy diet, and most importantly, a daily fitness routine, I truly believe in each and every one of them.  I know you’re reading this Ladies, so don’t forget to do your Peaceful Warriors, Temple Poses, Side Body Abs and Stretching, Chair Poses up against the Wall, and of course our favorite, Viparita Karani or Legs Up the Wall.  Today and every day this week until I come back again next Thursday to “kick it up a notch”.   Always remember to stay present with your thinking and live positively and happily, moment to moment.  Because whether or not your past experiences have been negative or abusive, you never have to carry that energy with you.  Let it go.  And if it begins to creep into your mind and body, go outside and do some yoga and my fat burning workouts, or better yet, work on some balancing with that meditative breath I taught you – and remember to pick that point of focus and use all distractions to help you focus more.  So respect yourself each and every day, especially during this long holiday weekend, and enjoy sculpting your thighs and butt today with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #96 – Killer Squats II.  Namaste – R

Take compliments to Heart

Oftentimes we receive compliments from friends or people we recently met, and just let them slide off us without really absorbing their energy.  That is to say, really taking compliments to heart and warming yourself with the admiration.  Especially guys.  We can easily prefer criticisms to compliments because of our male conditioning.  But it’s OK for anyone to basque in the moment of the compliment.  Like what happened to me this morning.   I saw a friend in the gym I haven’t seen in a while who complimented me on my film, Boulevard Zen, and my 100 days of blogs when she went on about how she loved the film’s characters, and my “totally believable” girlfriend, and my “powerful blogs”, until she finally said, “And you know what Rich Tola, you got heart.”  Now that made my day.  And why shouldn’t it, right?  So take note and absorb that positive energy.  Take compliments to Heart!  And enjoy firming your Core & Abs as we countdown with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #99 – Core Power II.  – R

Mind games never work

I was working out next to this very large twenty-something year old guy in the gym the other day when he says to his friend, “I told myself I’m going to lose 15 pounds, so when I don’t make it and only lose 10, it’ll be a success.  Because I only need to lose 10.”  So what’s wrong with this statement?  Besides the fact that he’s just casually throwing around words and talking about what he’s going to do, he’s playing mind games with himself and not facing up to the truth.  Because when it comes working out and/or significant weight loss, it’s critical to be honest with yourself.  Never judge yourself or the outcome, but be honest. Mind games never work.  Because your subconscious knows the truth and will always sabotage your games.  Rightly so, since any successful program begins with honesty, commitment and self-discipline.  So forget the mind games and let the real games begin with a daily fitness program.  With today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #100, why not BRIDGE your way backwards to the next 100 days!  Enjoy – R

100 Workouts in 100 Days

When you read this you might think, what’s so special about exercising 5 minutes a day, everyday, for 100 straight days?  I mean, you walk around and climb stairs everyday at work and home, and even work-up a sweat doing the household chores like scrubbing the bath tub.  But are you really embracing a daily fitness program?  One that’s effective, simple and attainable, and most importantly, one that becomes an integral part of your subconscious. Because moving the body around isn’t the same as exercising the body. With exercise there’s a purpose and a goal.  And if you exercise daily, you will see results. You’ll not only benefit from having more strength and flexibility, increased bone mass, better posture, better circulation, and better breathing, but also from the mental clarity and strength you’ll get from succeeding everyday at something quite challenging. All it takes is the belief and the courage to try.  So believe and achieve with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #100-Bridge Pose II. It’s also the finale of this fat burning series, with details coming soon about my Burn Fat America Tour.  Thanks for tuning in!  – R

Arsenal of Exercises

For the past 98 days, I’ve been coming up with different fat burning workouts that are uniquely challenging, simple and short.  No special equipment or anything else required. Just yourself, a device with internet access, and a space about the size of your bathroom. Clothes optional.  So check out the cool arsenal of exercises you now have at your disposal with the past 98 workouts.  And enjoy blasting your thighs from the Ground to the Penthouse with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #98 – Elevator Squats.  – R