Butt Beautiful

From the Wikipedia website we learn that one’s butt is eloquently described as follows: “The buttocks (singular: buttock) are two rounded portions of the anatomy, located on the posterior of the pelvic region of apes and humans, and many other bipeds or quadrupeds, and comprise a layer of fat superimposed on the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles.”  The key phrase here being a layer of fat superimposed over muscle.  And who doesn’t want to reduce that layer of fat while building muscle, right? Let’s give it a try with Workout #9 from my 5 minute fat burning web series aptly named, Butt Beautiful.  And when you’re done, consider climbing stairs for another 15 minutes or go for that 1 mile walk.  You’ll be happy you did!  Enjoy your workout – R

Get Killer Abs

From the streets of New York City you may have heard the age old question, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall”?  The answer: practice, practice, practice.  The same holds true for your core and abdominal muscles.  How do you get killer abs?  Practice, practice and more practice.  At the very least you’ll feel good about doing something every day to stay trim, keep your waistline from expanding, and preventing your posture and low back from suffering. Plus, the good news about strengthening your core & abs is that a short and simple workout is all it takes to feel fatigued.  So here you go – Workout #8 in my 5 minute fat burning video series that also complements workouts 5, 6, and 7.  That’s 20 minutes of core & abs exercises to chose from.  Have fun and don’t forget to breathe!  R

Combine your efforts

What’s the best way to burn fat and trim your waistline?  If you said doing 1,000 abdominal crunches, well, you’re wrong.  The answer is a bit more complex:  it takes a combination of efforts that include a positive mindset, a healthy diet and a plethora of fitness activities including anything cardiovascular, weightlifting, yoga, and of course abdominal workouts.  It certainly helps to do something core & ab related everyday – as you’re well aware of my zealous approach to a daily fitness program.  So if you haven’t already tried one of my 5 minute fat burning workouts, check out Workout #7 – Sculpt those Abs – then keep it going with a vigorous walk, swim, bike, jog or run.  Be well – R

Blast your Abs

What does it mean to Blast your Abs?  Simply put, it means to exercise and fatigue your abdominal muscles until you’re too tired to do another set.  And why Blast your Abs? Because when properly exercised strong abdominal muscles improves your breathing, posture, balance and flexibility, as well as reduces the likelihood and severity of back pain and protects against injury.  Not to mention a leaner waistline and much tighter belly.  A mere 5 minutes a day is well worth the effort – for anyone.  And with my fat burning video series workout #6, you don’t even have to get out of bed!  Enjoy your workout – R

Burn those Abs

One of the most simple exercises you can do for your core and abdominal muscles is the standing side body crunch, or as I like to call them, side-to-sides.  Workout #5 of my 5 minute fat burning video series does just that – burns your abs with several instructional and easy-to-follow sets of side-to-sides.  So if you’re looking to firm your mid-section and reduce your waistline, whether or not you already have a good core & abdominal program, consider adding these 5 minutes of core & abs to your day.  Everyday!

Michelle Obama’s got it right

There’s no question that our nation’s First Lady has got it right when she says “small changes can lead to big results”.  I strongly believe in Michelle Obama’s child obesity initiatives, and I totally concur with her push for healthier meals and more exercise, especially for anyone NOT currently on a fitness program.  As for overweight children and their role model parents, let’s get them started with a daily fitness routine that’s simple and attainable – whether or not they can afford a gym or yoga studio membership. Like my new 5 minute fat burning series on YouTube.  Each low impact workout is designed for anyone of any size, weight, age or gender.  Plus, these 5 minutes of exercise will serve to jump-start your day, strengthen your body and your mind, burn fat while getting your heart rate up, as well as lay the groundwork for your daily fitness routine.  So give it a try…and I’ll see you next time!  R


Another day, another fat burning workout

In keeping with our theme to burn fat while sculpting your thighs, workout #3 of my 5 minute fat burning series employs the age old exercise most commonly referred to as the lunge.  For anyone looking to start a new fitness program, keep it simple and make sure you do something everyday – even for only 5 minutes.  It will help establish a strong foundation that will propel you to greater fitness heights.  Enjoy your workout – R

Sculpt your thighs

Who doesn’t want to burn fat and sculpt and beautify their thighs?  It’s a human thing, right, but workout #2 of my 5 minute fat burning series uses that powerful Warrior stance named after the Hindu folklore’s warrior Virabhadra.  In yoga terms, the Sanscrit for warrior is Virabhadrasana.  So get your warrior on and come sculpt those thighs!

Anything’s possible

Anything's possible

Imagine peeling off a Post-It note and sticking it on your wardrobe mirror so you can watch the morning news while you’re getting dressed.  Or better yet, post it anywhere – at any time – and join me for 5 minutes of yoga or a 15 minute fat burning workout.  Because soon the U.S. Army will be field testing a so-called “Dick Tracy wristwatch” with a flexible plastic screen that won’t shatter or crack like glass.  That one day soon may result in moving images that are not limited to your PDA, television or computer screen.  Imagine that.  A wireless flexible display that can receive and transmit data anywhere.  And we thought space travel was impossible.  Simply put, anything’s possible.  Or at least anything you set your mind to.  Because why not change your belief that something isn’t possible and go for it.  At the very least, if you truly believe and manifest that something is possible, and set your sights beyond your previously perceived realm of possibility, then your new belief might just happen.  Like embracing a daily fitness program.  Because who doesn’t have 1% of their life to respect themselves?

Change is good

For the past week I’ve had the fortunate, albeit stressful task of moving my home and office.  I say fortunate because whether you see the cup half full or half empty, change is good.  As humans, we suffer from what behaviorists call homeostasis.  Simply put, we don’t like change because our internal tendency is to maintain a stable and constant condition. So if you’ve ever moved you know how challenging it is to pack up your life, ship it another neighborhood (in my case 12 miles away which in Los Angeles is like another state), unpack and reorder everything in your new home or office, become familiar with all the retail and convenience stores, gas stations, dry cleaners, gyms and yoga studios, and most importantly, changing your address for your multitude of accounts like banks, credit cards, postal service, magazines, drivers license, health care providers, and professional organizations.  Not to mention all your family and friends.  So much for homeostasis.  That said, moving gives you an excellent opportunity to explore new markets and expand your world.  To meet new people, to experience new beginnings.  Change is good.  Especially when it comes to improving yourself and your life.  Like embracing a daily fitness program.  However stressful and challenging you may think it is to get started, it’s well worth the effort.  So if you haven’t made the change, one that truly improves your overall well being, get a move on it.  And enjoy your workout!