5 Stars on Amazon…thanks Andrea Burrows!

Click to read it on Amazon.com

“Inspirational and Doable!!!! Rich Tola’s chapter by chapter self help advice is an inspirational and motivational book that should be read by anyone who wants to be their best self and live their best life (seems like a read that Oprah and Deepak Chopra would like)!

What I love about this quick read is that it equates youthfulness with a persons mind, body, spirit and energy. The author defines aura and emphasizes the importance of keeping it vibrant! He also explains how passion and kindness are both energies that others can feel.

He’s had several successful careers and is able to write from experience. He gives very practical and wise advice that he has gathered from everywhere from his father to the ancient Greeks, to hypnotherapy, to Winston Churchill to his Ivy League education.

With a friendly, inclusive and encouraging tone in his writing, Tola is sharing an approach to life that has allowed him to feel youthful, successful and happy! At age 57, he feels more than 2 decades younger than his actual age and even in reading him without meeting him, his youthful energy feels contagious! He is living proof that the 30 steps he speaks of are 30 disciplines that get positive results.

I completely agree with what Tola has written and I feel more inspired each day since reading it!

Thanks so much Andrea, and hey everyone, take heed from someone who gets it…Everlasting Youth is DOABLE, no doubt!

Have an awesome day…and get your workout in! Peace – R

The Proof is in the Pudding…Always

When it comes to anything in life, this 14th Century idiom says it all:

The Proof is in the Pudding. Meaning, the end result is the mark of the success or failure of one’s efforts or planning. Simply put, check it out for yourself and you be the judge.

The same goes for the secrets of my “youthful” success…coming this week! Have an awesome day everyone, and get your workout in. Peace – R

Tola Yoga finale extols Launch & Let Go

In our Tola Yoga finale of 2017, we could have been laser-focused on sending out boatloads of Love & Light. But I wanted to praise the mighty powers of two other L words that can really change your life.  Launch & Let Go.

As we began our challenging yoga workout, I told my amazing students to focus their energies on launching, i.e., beginning, three new things in the first three months of 2018. It doesn’t matter what they are, as long as they serve you well. Like a daily fitness program or a volunteer opportunity. Plus, everybody knows that good things come in three’s, right?

And more importantly, let go, i.e., take out the machete and whack it off, that one thing that REALLY doesn’t serve you well. Like a shitty boyfriend or a dead-end job.

So kudos to all the courageous souls who L&L in the New Year and change their lives for the better.  You deserve it.

Have a safe and Happy New Year everyone!  Peace – R

Tola Talks with Actress/Producer, Troy Titus-Adams

Good things come in threes, so this week Tola Talks is all about celebrating three very special 10 year anniversaries.

The first, a decade of friendship with my lovely co-host, Actress/Producer Troy Titus-Adams. Second, it’s our 10th show since returning to LA Talk Radio – the second time around. And third, it’s my 10 year anniversary of sobriety. That’s right, an amazing decade of hangover-free mornings…not to mention more than $50,000 worth of savings!

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There’s also some sober talk about going the mile, i.e., adding an extra 10% to your exercise regime, allowing transgender individuals in the military, plus one of my favorite leadership books by best selling author Dr. John C. Maxwell, Talent is Never Enough.

Have an awesome week everyone, and remember to get your workout in!

Peace – R

Tola Talks Movie Mondays & Tribute to Derek Jeter

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Tola Talks leadership and baseball with a tribute to the great Yankee shortstop, Derek Jeter. On Movie Mondays, Rich also reviews A Walk Among the Tombstones with guest co-host, Troy Titus-Adams. Weekdays on youtube.com/tolatalks.

Tola Talks's Rich Tola and Movie Monday's guest do-host, actress Troy Titus-Adams.
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola and Movie Monday’s guest co-host, actress Troy Titus-Adams.

Tola Talks on LA Talk Radio

I’m super excited to launch my new talk show, Tola Talks, on LATalkRadio.com this coming Monday – that’s right, Labor Day – and broadcasting live weekdays at Noon on Channel 2.

Tola Talks is all about positivity and inspiring listeners with my 21st Century talk for a No Bullshit world. No topic is off limits, and just like my 30-episode podcast, Get Your S#!T Together: GYST with Rich Tola, I plan on entertaining listeners with my no bullshit style and candid conversations with today’s Celebrities & Business Leaders, Fitness & Yoga Professionals, Love & Relationship Experts, plus Movie Reviews and Live Performances from popular Musicians.

Our first week is filled with an awesome Guest list including Celebrity Psychic Jeanie Jacobs MacDonald, the lovely and talented Actress Troy Titus-Barrow (who also co-starred in Boulevard Zen), two amazing Yoginis, Linda Baffa and Jess Harper, Hollywood Photographer Jared Cowan, and LA Music Awards ‘Best Male Vocalist of the Year’ Erick Macek (from NBC’s ‘The Voice’).

So get ready for my next evolution from Podcaster to Radio Host on Internet’s most irreverent, entertaining and cool radio station that’s home to more than 80 talk shows a week with over 1,000,000 listeners a month. And like the LA Talk Radio tagline asserts…”We say what we want”.

Have a great Holiday weekend everyone, and I’ll see you on the radio! – R