Tola Talks with Children’s Book Author, Erin Mason

Congratulations to author, psychotherapist, yoga teacher and my dear friend, Erin Mason, for publishing a tender and heartwarming story, Growing Grace, about adoption from the biological mother’s perspective.

Tola also Talks about America’s obesity epidemic and how it affects 36% of all adults and nearly 20% of all children and adolescents, and more specifically, how I would financially reward everyone for being fit…If I Were President. Not to mention fitness tips for losing that unwanted weight.

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Subscribe on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher. And have an awesome day! Peace – R

Tola Talks with Actress/Producer, Stephanie Drapeau

Kudos to re-launch of Tola Talks…we had a titillating show yesterday talking Hollywood film and TV roles with the lovely and talented, Stephanie Drapeau.

Plus, before I introduce Stephanie at 27:41 minutes, I kick-off the show with some Presidential advice on how to solve homelessness and get every United States resident off the streets. I also give out the Get Your Shit Together Award to none other than The Trump Administration.

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We also observe a moment of silence for the victims and families of those who perished or were injured in Las Vegas in the worst mass shooting in our nation’s history, as well as for the way-too-early passing of one the great rock-and-roll legends of all time, Tom Petty.

Thanks for listening, and have an awesome day! Peace – R

Getting ready for Monday talking Tola Talks w/ Sam & Wren

Had a great time on LATalkRadio’s “Sam in the Morning” show this past Wednesday with Sam & Wren. You can isten to the show below by clicking the play button…I’m introduced at 11:07mins.

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Thanks again Sam & Wren…it was fun talking Hollywood, pumpkin patches, Wall Street and the Oct 2nd re-launch of Tola TalksPeace – R

Talking Tola Talks on LATalkRadio tomorrow 10am PST

Hey everyone, you can catch me on the radio tomorrow, Wednesday at 10am PST with ‘Sam in the Morning’ talking Tola Talks and anything else Sam and Rachel have in mind.

And if you haven’t seen the news on social media, after three years aways teaching Tola Yoga in Chicago and Seattle, I’m re-launching my talk show on LATalkRadio every Monday at 4p.

Tola Talks is a weekly show bringing you my “21st Century Talk for a No-Bullshit World”. No doubt there’s a lot of BS in the world, so I give it to you straight with seven different segments including: If I Were President, the Get Your Shit Together Award, Books-Movies-Music & More, World News, Rant & Raves (aka WTF), Fitness & Tola Yoga, and Celebrity Guest Interviews & Listener Calls.

Have an awesome day and as always, remember to get your workout in!

Tola Talks with Voice Artist & Director Karen McCarthy

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Tola Talks with “the woman of a thousand voices”, Hollywood Voice Artist & Director, Karen McCarthy. On Throwback Thursdays, Rich interviews Karen and her imaginary friends plus gives you the scoop on the baby boom in North Dakota, the roller-coaster ride on Wall Street & market corrections, wedding bells for Lady Gaga & Taylor Kinney, holiday jobs at Amazon & promising retail forecasts, the richest people in all 50 United States – Bill Gates at the top of course – plus the Get Your SH!T Award & highlights of 1990.

Weekdays on

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with Voice Artist & Director, Karen McCarthy
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Voice Artist & Director, Karen McCarthy

Tola Talks w/ NY Times Best Selling Author Jen Sincero

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Tola Talks with the NY Times best selling author & success coach, Jen Sincero. Her book, You Are a Badass, is all about “how to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life.” On Top 10 Tuesdays, Rich details his Top 10 Ways to Be A Badass Everyday plus talks about the US Air Force & unmanned space planes, China box-office data & social media transparency, severe weather & tornados in the Southeast, Ebola & new infections, and GYST Awards & the NFL (again). Weekdays on

Tola Talks with NY Times best selling author and success coach, Jen Sincero.
Tola Talks with NY Times best selling author, Jen Sincero.

Tola Talks w/ 99 Cent Store Brand Ambassador Papa Joe

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Tola Talks weight loss, GYST Award for an Olympic Champion and the USA Today.  On Wellness Wednesdays, Rich interviews the Brand Ambassador for the 99 Cent Store – and 250 pound loser – Papa Joe Aviance. Weekdays on

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with the Brand Ambassador for the 99 Cent Store, Papa Joe Aviance
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with the Brand Ambassador for the 99 Cent Store, Papa Joe Aviance


Tola Talks Top 10 Movie Cars of All-Time

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Tola Talks the Umbrella Revolution plus guys, beers and their muscle cars.  On Top 10 Tuesdays, Rich and Jo discuss The Top 10 Movie Cars of All-Time with his Dad, aka “Richie The Barber”. Watch weekdays on

Tola Talks' Rich Tola talking Top Ten Movie Cars of All-time with Jo (and his Dad).
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola talking Top Ten Movie Cars of All-time with guest co-host, Johanna “Jo” Mantilla.

Tola Talks Movie Mondays & Denzel’s The Equalizer

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Tola Talks top news stories including Microsoft & Apple, SoftBank buying DreamWorks Animation and National Coffee Day.  On Movie Mondays, Rich also reviews the new Denzel Washington film, The Equalizer with guest co-host, Troy Titus-Adams. 

Watch weekdays on

Tola Talks' Rich Tola and guest co-host, Troy Titus Adams.
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola and guest co-host, Troy Titus Adams.