Rockin’ Chicago…First 50 Days

Great weather, tons of Yoga, a new talent agency and my own weekly showcase in the first 50 days. What more could I ask from America’s third largest city? I suppose a date with Katy Perry is the veritable cherry on top (no pun intended), but other than that, I’m rockin’ Chicago!

Hope you’re rockin’ your world wherever you are, and here’s a quick update since I arrived in the Windy City only 50 days ago:

  1. Signed with BMG Talent and auditioning for film & TV.
  2. Hosting a monthly comedy & talent showcase at Two Hearted Queen the 2nd Saturday of each month.
  3. Taught 51 Yoga classes and love my new home at Chicago’s #1 fitness community, Chicago Athletic Clubs. Come check-out any of our 9 locations around town and take my Yoga class sometime…we’re awesome!
  4. Found a new apartment in the lovely confines of Lincoln Park – 1 mile from the free Lincoln Park Zoo.
  5. Made a quick trip back East to visit family and friends and to watch my oldest nephew play baseball for my alma mater, The University of Pennsylvania.

Keep pursing your passion and Happy Halloween everyone…and don’t forget your daily workouts – they do wonders to fight those aging affects of good old Father Time! Peace – R

Tola Talks w/ Celebrity Photographer & Director Scott Nathan

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Tola Talks
 retirement income & America’s oldest worker (102), killer bees & America’s most expensive Zip Codes, plus the Get Your S#!T Together Award for chop blocks in the NFL. On Throwback Thursdays, Rich interviews celebrity photographer and director Scott Nathan, and discusses the highlights and pop culture of 2009. Plus, check out Scott’s new music video “Silence” that he directed with 21 year-old Cooper Phillip.

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Tola Talks' Rich Tola with Celebrity Photographer and Director, Scott Nathan
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Celebrity Photographer and Director, Scott Nathan