Fitness in a bottle

When asked about fitness, the Goddess of Pop Cher once said, “If it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body”.  No doubt.  Except the universe – or anyone else for that matter – has yet to provide us with fitness in a bottle. So, the next best thing is to do something fitnessrelated everyday.  Even for just 5 minutes.  Because once you’re set with a daily fitness program, your body will crave it and your mind will become conditioned to do it, thus, it becomes easy.  Well, maybe not easy, but for sure it becomes easier to workout every day since you’ve now created a new and rewarding routine.   But don’t take my word for it – try it out for yourself.  And I’ll see you next time – R


Get Killer Abs

From the streets of New York City you may have heard the age old question, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall”?  The answer: practice, practice, practice.  The same holds true for your core and abdominal muscles.  How do you get killer abs?  Practice, practice and more practice.  At the very least you’ll feel good about doing something every day to stay trim, keep your waistline from expanding, and preventing your posture and low back from suffering. Plus, the good news about strengthening your core & abs is that a short and simple workout is all it takes to feel fatigued.  So here you go – Workout #8 in my 5 minute fat burning video series that also complements workouts 5, 6, and 7.  That’s 20 minutes of core & abs exercises to chose from.  Have fun and don’t forget to breathe!  R

Combine your efforts

What’s the best way to burn fat and trim your waistline?  If you said doing 1,000 abdominal crunches, well, you’re wrong.  The answer is a bit more complex:  it takes a combination of efforts that include a positive mindset, a healthy diet and a plethora of fitness activities including anything cardiovascular, weightlifting, yoga, and of course abdominal workouts.  It certainly helps to do something core & ab related everyday – as you’re well aware of my zealous approach to a daily fitness program.  So if you haven’t already tried one of my 5 minute fat burning workouts, check out Workout #7 – Sculpt those Abs – then keep it going with a vigorous walk, swim, bike, jog or run.  Be well – R

Another day, another fat burning workout

In keeping with our theme to burn fat while sculpting your thighs, workout #3 of my 5 minute fat burning series employs the age old exercise most commonly referred to as the lunge.  For anyone looking to start a new fitness program, keep it simple and make sure you do something everyday – even for only 5 minutes.  It will help establish a strong foundation that will propel you to greater fitness heights.  Enjoy your workout – R

Welcome to the Year of the Rabbit

Year of the Rabbit

Today starts the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Rabbit.  If you were born in the year 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, or 1999, then it’s your year. I was born in 1963, so it’s also my year. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are considered to be articulate, talented, and ambitious. They are virtuous, reserved, and have excellent taste. Rabbit people are admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky. They are fond of gossip but are tactful and generally kind. It is also believed that Rabbit people seldom lose their temper. They are clever at business, are known for being conscientious, and never back out of a contract. They would make good gamblers for they have the uncanny gift of choosing the right thing. However, Rabbit people seldom gamble, as they are conservative and wise.  So for all you fellow Rabbits out there…Happy New Year!  R


Cultivate self-discipline

The topic of my horoscope today was self-discipline and how no one is born with it, but is something that must be fostered.  I believe self-discipline is something you can cultivate everyday with conscious thoughts, feelings and actions.  And since actions lead to results, than it’s best we take positive and deliberate actions on anything in our lives that will lead to positive and desired results.  In the case of physical well being, it’s therefore important to take action that will lead to a healthier, leaner and longer life.   By embracing a daily fitness program, whether it be walking, biking, weight-lifting, yoga, or any other preferred form of exercise, you’ll be cultivating self-discipline everyday in the realm of physical well being.  Which also helps strengthen your mental well being.  So if you’ve already broken that New Year’s resolution to workout every day, don’t despair.  Leave those negative thoughts behind and start your new routine today.  Because who doesn’t have 15 minutes a day to achieve a strong body and a clear mind?  Enjoy your workout!  R

Top 10 Excuses

So what’s your excuse for not making fitness a daily part of your life?  Here are the top 10 excuses I’ve heard this year:

1.    It’s too expensive. Well, if you can’t afford the $13.93 to download my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts – only $1.99 per workout – or the $14.99 to download my Yoga Survival Guide, then go for a free 15 minute walk or just lay on your back and stretch and work your core & abs – for any amount of time.
2.    I don’t have the time. Who doesn’t have 15 minutes a day to respect themselves?  And if 1% a day is too much time for you, then make it 5 minutes.
3.    I don’t know what to do. Educate yourself for free on the Internet, or better yet, purchase any fitness or yoga video that resonates with you – hopefully mine.
4.    I’m injured. Speak with your doctor about what you can do to avoid that area of your body – and mindfully and cautiously workout around your injury.
5.    I’m afraid of getting hurt. Before you begin any fitness program, check with your doctor about what you can and cannot do, and really listen to your body at all times.
6.     I’m too old. Nonsense!  Everyday – including this morning – I exchange hellos with this eighty-something year old man in the gym.  Plus, my oldest yoga student was an 88 year-old woman who could barely walk.  Need I say more?
7.    I don’t have the desire. Who does?  I mean, what’s desire got to do with strengthening and preserving your body and your mind for the long term.  It’s a necessity.
8.    I don’t like working out. Same as above.  Plus, try working out everyday for 30 years then tell me if you really like doing it.
9.    It’s too cold outside where I live. Who says you have to go outside to workout?
10.  I’m going to start in the New Year. Great.  Now download my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts or my Yoga Survival Guide, and I’ll see you tomorrow!

All the best in 2011 – R

Get a good lead

North Pole Sunset

When you’re a base-runner it’s always best to get a good lead so you’re in a better position to advance.  And just like in any sport, and in life, it’s always best to be well-conditioned and well-prepared to achieve whatever advantage you can over the opposition.  So let’s consider Mother Nature and Father Time the pitcher and the catcher, and let’s say you’re on base.  Why not get a good lead by starting your new daily fitness program today, if you haven’t started one already?  Because with all the punishing weather out there it’s easy to just curl up in a ball and chill out on the couch for 12 hours.  Well, that sounds relaxing, but don’t forget to get your workout in, even if you stretch out and work your abs for 15 minutes.  Hint: “Thursday’s 15 Minute Fat Burning Workout”.  Plus, you’ll get a head start on your New Year’s resolution to lose weight or get in shape or start sculpting that bikini body for next summer.  So take advantage of Mother Nature and Father Time and get started today.  And don’t forget the sugar-free hot chocolate!  R