Are you Free Squared?

The other night I had dinner with Stephani Drapeau, my dear friend and co-star of my film, Boulevard Zen.  We were discussing the concept of “freeing your mind and your soul” from anything that prevents you from evolving to a higher level.  That is to say, letting go of the “ties that bind” you to past beliefs, or rather, disbeliefs about your dreams, your desires, and your life’s destiny.  Because when you free your mind and your soul, you evolve to a much better and brighter place.  A place where anything is possible if you truly believe it.  So make a conscious effort to become Free Squared, especially when it comes to fat burning and a daily fitness routine.  Because anyone and everyone has at least 5 minutes a day to respect themselves with a little exercise.  So enjoy firming your Core & Abs with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #97 – Side Plank.  My best – R

Take compliments to Heart

Oftentimes we receive compliments from friends or people we recently met, and just let them slide off us without really absorbing their energy.  That is to say, really taking compliments to heart and warming yourself with the admiration.  Especially guys.  We can easily prefer criticisms to compliments because of our male conditioning.  But it’s OK for anyone to basque in the moment of the compliment.  Like what happened to me this morning.   I saw a friend in the gym I haven’t seen in a while who complimented me on my film, Boulevard Zen, and my 100 days of blogs when she went on about how she loved the film’s characters, and my “totally believable” girlfriend, and my “powerful blogs”, until she finally said, “And you know what Rich Tola, you got heart.”  Now that made my day.  And why shouldn’t it, right?  So take note and absorb that positive energy.  Take compliments to Heart!  And enjoy firming your Core & Abs as we countdown with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #99 – Core Power II.  – R

Mind games never work

I was working out next to this very large twenty-something year old guy in the gym the other day when he says to his friend, “I told myself I’m going to lose 15 pounds, so when I don’t make it and only lose 10, it’ll be a success.  Because I only need to lose 10.”  So what’s wrong with this statement?  Besides the fact that he’s just casually throwing around words and talking about what he’s going to do, he’s playing mind games with himself and not facing up to the truth.  Because when it comes working out and/or significant weight loss, it’s critical to be honest with yourself.  Never judge yourself or the outcome, but be honest. Mind games never work.  Because your subconscious knows the truth and will always sabotage your games.  Rightly so, since any successful program begins with honesty, commitment and self-discipline.  So forget the mind games and let the real games begin with a daily fitness program.  With today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #100, why not BRIDGE your way backwards to the next 100 days!  Enjoy – R

100 Workouts in 100 Days

When you read this you might think, what’s so special about exercising 5 minutes a day, everyday, for 100 straight days?  I mean, you walk around and climb stairs everyday at work and home, and even work-up a sweat doing the household chores like scrubbing the bath tub.  But are you really embracing a daily fitness program?  One that’s effective, simple and attainable, and most importantly, one that becomes an integral part of your subconscious. Because moving the body around isn’t the same as exercising the body. With exercise there’s a purpose and a goal.  And if you exercise daily, you will see results. You’ll not only benefit from having more strength and flexibility, increased bone mass, better posture, better circulation, and better breathing, but also from the mental clarity and strength you’ll get from succeeding everyday at something quite challenging. All it takes is the belief and the courage to try.  So believe and achieve with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #100-Bridge Pose II. It’s also the finale of this fat burning series, with details coming soon about my Burn Fat America Tour.  Thanks for tuning in!  – R

Arsenal of Exercises

For the past 98 days, I’ve been coming up with different fat burning workouts that are uniquely challenging, simple and short.  No special equipment or anything else required. Just yourself, a device with internet access, and a space about the size of your bathroom. Clothes optional.  So check out the cool arsenal of exercises you now have at your disposal with the past 98 workouts.  And enjoy blasting your thighs from the Ground to the Penthouse with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #98 – Elevator Squats.  – R

Remembering my Uncle Mickey

Every Memorial Day I remember my Uncle Mickey, aka, Dr. Cook.  Uncle Mickey served as a cook in the Army in WWII, thus the nickname, and he was exactly 55 years older than me as we shared the same birthday.  In my 20’s I got to know Uncle Mickey and respected his view of himself and the world.  Because he respected everyone and everything.  He was this charming bachelor who would tell folks he never married because he had to take care of his mother, he had a daily fitness routine he’d do in the spare room, and he wore a suit & tie every single day.  That’s right, every single day until he entered the nursing home when he was 90.  He was the ultimate citizen who respected what it meant to be an American.  Someone to admire for truly loving life.  And what I remember most about Uncle Mickey was our walks at the nursing home when his mind and body would barely cooperate.  He always kept his dignity and his positive attitude, and never felt sorry for himself.  So for everyone remembering loved ones today, enjoy!  And enjoy sculpting your thighs again with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #96 – Killer Squats II. – R

Happy Memorial Day Everyone!

Eat Smart

Everybody understands the concept of eating smart, right?  And what a great time to get mentally prepared for the long holiday weekend by consciously respecting your body with a smart approach to eating.  Because eating smart with healthy foods and smaller portions per meal will certainly complement your daily fitness program.  So enjoy stretching it out today with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #94 – Leg Stretches.  – R

Maximize Gains and Minimize Injury

This week I updated my YouTube Channel home page (click HERE to check it out) and changed my Profile section.  For anyone my age or even 10 years younger, this New Age internet world with all it’s social networking, websites and tags is quite a handful, right. Whatever happened to calling someone or sending them a handwritten letter. (like I’ve been doing in recent weeks).  It’s also interesting how few words you use when you write a note or letter by longhand.  With computers and all, we’re usually bombarded with TOO many words.  Oh well, adapt and survive!  Nevertheless, in my Profile on YouTube I wrote, “My style is precise to maximize gains and minimize injury.”  Simply put, getting the most out of your workouts is achieved when you know exactly what to do and exactly how to do it – as in proper form and body mechanics.  Plus, you’ll reduce your chances of getting hurt.  Which is exactly what and how I teach.  Even if you exercise regularly or practice yoga, check out my videos and expand your knowledge base.  You’ll definitely learn something that will help you and that you’ll never forget.  So enjoy going to the “extreme” today with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #93 – Extreme Abs.  – R

Make it a Religion

I met a thirty-something year old gal in the gym this morning who’s there religiously, Monday-Friday, but never on the weekends.  When I asked why, she said “because she likes to sleep a lot to get ready for Monday”.  Interesting, I thought, then she asked me why I workout everyday, even on the weekends.  Because working out everyday is a religion to me, I responded, and I believe that rest is more pertinent to strength training than it is to a comprehensive daily fitness program.  One that includes weight training, yoga, cardio, abdominals, and stretching, all combined with a moving meditative mindset. As described by, the noun religion is also defined as “a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects”.  Thus, my fervent belief in a daily fitness program makes it a religion for me, albeit, in an unconventional way.  No worries if you believe otherwise.  Just consider the results you’re getting from whatever fitness program you believe in, and if they’re not too satisfying, then perhaps consider embracing my religion.  And enjoy another 5 Minutes of Fat Burning with today’s 92nd consecutive workout – Killer Thighs.  My best – R

Remind yourself often

Samuel Johnson, the English poet, author and lexicographer who after nine years of work published the Dictionary of English Language (circa 1755) once said, “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.”  I would certainly agree. Especially when if comes to working out and sticking to a daily fitness program.  Because with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts, there’s expert instruction for every position and exercise that’ll take the guesswork out of it.  All you need is to be reminded to hit the PLAY button and you’re good to go!  So remind yourself often and enjoy slowing things down a bit as you invert yourself with today’s Workout #91 – Standing Splits.  – R