The door is open

You may have heard the old Chinese proverb, “Teachers open the door.  You enter by yourself.”  When it comes to working out, this is 100% true.  Because the hard part of physical fitness is that no one can do it for you.  Knowing what to do is the easy part.  It is, when you’re practicing along with my 5 minute fat burning workouts.  Short, effective and uniquely challenging, these workouts are meant to teach you the right exercises using the proper technique. They’ll also motivate you to do more, and serve as a confidence builder if you’re new to fitness.  The door is open, but you must enter by yourself.  So enter freely with some detoxifying lunge twists in today’s daily workout #35.  Enjoy – R

Be reverent

I was speaking with a friend today about the concept of being reverent vs. irreverent. Sometimes, the only way to succeed in a particular situation is to be irreverent.  To be disrespectful of your opponent, confident in your abilities to get the job done. Like a baseball hitter who’s irreverent toward the Cy Young winning pitcher staring him down, all the while knowing he’ll get a hit.  On the other hand, when it comes to working out every day, one should be reverent.  That is to say, it would be wise to respect the power of a daily fitness program because of its proven, healthy, long term affects.  So be reverent with your workouts and enjoy soft leg squats in my 5 minute Workout #29 – R


Remain “unstuck”

Because we hold emotional energy in our hips, it’s always good to incorporate simple hip opening exercises into your daily fitness routine so you can remain unstuck.  Or at least give your hips the chance to open up and let energy flow more smoothly in these areas that are critical to your emotional well being.  And always remember to breathe slowly and deeply, sending the breath to any areas of discomfort.   Try not to wiggle around whenever you feel that discomfort  – do your best to stay focused and relaxed.  Enjoy – R