Thank you Seattle…until we meet again!

Top of Denny Way in Capitol Hill looking West

Thank you Seattle, for a wonderful six months of teaching yoga to well over 1,000 students in exactly 136 classes. Because as you may already know, I’ll be returning to my beloved Los Angeles (aka Home) where I first began teaching my fitness style of yoga in 2007 before it was even known as Tola Yoga.

And who says you can’t have a blast walking around and exploring Seattle in the rain? Plus, you never really get those torrential downpours like Chicago does, so who needs protection? Seattleites with an umbrella, that’s something you rarely see. I guess that’s why people would always ask, “You’re not from around here, right?” With my black leather jacket and biker boots and carrying a red umbrella, go figure. Or maybe it was just my California tan 🙂

Relaxing in Martin Luther King Jr. Park looking North

And what a great place to stay in shape and to keep moving forward, or I shall I say, upward…on the plethora of hills that traverse the Emerald City.

No doubt your butt works overtime in this town. I should know, I’ve walked more neighborhoods than Oprah has houses (well, maybe not) and loved every minute of it!

But what I’ll miss most – other than my yoga students, especially Charisma, Jodi and Sallie who never missed a class – are the amazing views of downtown Seattle you get just by walking around or lounging in Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park, including my three favorites you see here.

40th & Stone Way in Fremont looking South

So thanks Seattle, and until we meet again I wish you the very best. Continue growing and providing your good citizens with more great buildings, parks, restaurants, culture, grunge-free fashion and of course, a Tola Yoga studio in the near future.

Hey, ya neva know!

Peace – R


Tola Talks w/ Grunge-Soul Singer/Songwriter Poison Ivory

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Tola Talks with the sexy and talented singer/songwriter, Poison Ivory. On a special Halloween Acoustic Friday, the Grunge-Soul artist plays a track from her new EP, The Filth. Rich also talks about Michelangelo & his Sistine Chapel masterpiece The Last Judgment, successful manhunts & cop killer Eric Frein, LeBron James & his Nike tribute to the city of Cleveland, The Dow Jones & stock indices giving investors a real treat, the history & significance of All Hallows Eve, and the GYST Award for the Texas woman who tried to orally “pleasure” her husband’s best friend (unbeknownst to him). Weekdays on

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with Grunge-Soul Singer/Songwrter, Poison Ivory
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Grunge-Soul Singer/Songwrter, Poison Ivory