Tola Talks with Children’s Book Author, Erin Mason

Congratulations to author, psychotherapist, yoga teacher and my dear friend, Erin Mason, for publishing a tender and heartwarming story, Growing Grace, about adoption from the biological mother’s perspective.

Tola also Talks about America’s obesity epidemic and how it affects 36% of all adults and nearly 20% of all children and adolescents, and more specifically, how I would financially reward everyone for being fit…If I Were President. Not to mention fitness tips for losing that unwanted weight.

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Subscribe on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher. And have an awesome day! Peace – R

Conscious Living: 10 Years & Counting

This morning I read an article by psychotherapist Bonnie Katz about the emotional roller coaster ride Actors are subject to throughout their careers – especially those of us auditioning for that break-out role – and what it takes to be The Conscious Actor.

RichTola2007Whether or not your life’s calling takes you on that rather lonely path of emotional ups and downs filled with countless auditions resulting in countless silent rejections (which I more colorfully address in my memoir), then take Bonnie’s advice when she says, “Be your own best friend and take care of your emotional life. Stay away from people who are negative and not supportive of you. Be around people who lift you up, not pull you down.” No doubt.

Most importantly – at least I think so and something I’ve been blogging about since I started this website 6 years ago – and as Bonnie says, “Keep yourself in top mental and physical shape.”

Interestingly enough, this week marks my 10 year anniversary of practicing the “Conscious Living” Art of Yoga. Talk about keeping you in excellent mental and physical shape…not to mention spiritual, Yoga is an amazing way to level off those emotional ups and downs no matter what path you’re on. For the past 9 years, I’ve taught more than 20,000 students and there’s no question that every single one of them has benefited from taking at least one class.

Positivity not negativity. Strong body and a clear mind. Believe you can and sit tall in the saddle. Never judge yourself, just do the best you possibly can and delete excuses from your repertoire. All things I recommend no matter what you do in life. And workout every single day while incorporating the principles of Yoga into your everyday life.

It’s worked for me and it will certainly work for you. Peace – R

Get Fit. Live Healthy. Lose Inches. Stay Zen

Because life’s a BLVD and you gotta be ZEN.

And everything else that comes with living a self-respecting and healthy lifestyle that keeps you happy and fit. As well as lean and confident, because feeling good about yourself positively affects your friends and loved ones as you project your inner strength out into the Universe.

So if you haven’t already, add some exercise and some Zen (i.e., enlightenment) to your day and you’ll be on your way! And if you could use a little inspiration to get you going today, then follow BLVD ZEN on Instagram (click below), and Get Fit, Live Healthy, Lose Inches and Stay Zen.