Get ready for the best Yoga workout in the world: Tola Yoga on Periscope. Starting April 3rd at 11AM (Central Time) I’ll be teaching you my unique style of fitness Yoga I’ve created over the past 10 years. Meet my Chicago Yoga students and learn some new poses and sequences!
Tola Talks Insurgent, Good Cops & LeBron James
Check-out Movie Monday’s review of the new Shailene Woodley & Theo James film, Insurgent. Plus, a celebrity shout-out to LeBron James and a cool cop story about a good samaritan police officer helping out a 10k runner in Louisville. Weekdays on
GYST #17: Manifest Good Health
Take a positive approach to your body and your health by manifesting it, i.e., make it happen. Anybody can…Get Your S#!T Together…do it!
Eat Smart
Everybody understands the concept of eating smart, right? And what a great time to get mentally prepared for the long holiday weekend by consciously respecting your body with a smart approach to eating. Because eating smart with healthy foods and smaller portions per meal will certainly complement your daily fitness program. So enjoy stretching it out today with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #94 – Leg Stretches. – R
Healthy Diet + Daily Exercise = Success
We all know the meaning of a healthy diet, right? And we all know what it means to exercise daily – or at least if you’ve been following along the past 33 days you know you can exercise for as little as 5 minutes a day. So why is it so hard to combine the two to achieve a successful result? Well, although the definition of success may be different for each of us, the certainty in the above referenced equation is the plus and the equals part. If you eat healthy and workout everyday you will certainly achieve success as it relates to preserving your body for the long term. And hopefully you’re not fooling yourself when it comes to a healthy diet and daily exercise – because there is no substitute. So watch your diet, do something physical fitness everyday, and keep with your positive thoughts and feelings! Enjoy shaping your legs and biceps with today’s 5 minute fat burning workout #33. And I’ll see you next time – R
Resist the temptation
You may have heard the ancient proverb, ‘good habits result from resisting temptation’. I would go one step further and say that good habits result from resisting temptation and embracing change. Because good habits are derived by doing things that are considered good for you, versus bad habits that are usually derived from the not-so-good things that constantly tempt us – like unhealthy food groups and the aversion to exercise. So if you haven’t already, get with a new habit in the form of a daily fitness program. And resist the temptation NOT to workout because who doesn’t have 5 minutes a day to respect themselves? Enjoy opening your hips and hamstrings with fat burning workout #26 – R
I was just thinking about TGIF. That is to say, how Time Goes Incredibly Fast. We’re 10 weeks into the New Year – which feels like yesterday – yet it seems like everything we strive for takes so much time. Like fat burning. On a day-to-day basis it seems like not much is happening. But in reality, something good is happening. That is, if you apply yourself. Apply yourself to a lifestyle that includes thinking and feeling positive, making the right food choices, and sticking with a fat burning mindset and daily fitness routine. Because time goes incredibly fast. So TGIF & enjoy your 5 minutes of fat burning #16 – R
Thank you Jack LaLanne

My first memories of this pioneer and King of daily exercise and good nutrition were in my Aunt Tina & Concetta’s living room. My “right off the boat” Sicilian aunts were fascinated by this exuberant dynamo who preached the gospel of health and fitness. Thus, I became fascinated with an American icon who would impact my life for the next 40 years. Thank you Jack LaLanne. For being ‘born again’ after meeting Paul Bragg when you were 15; for starting a rudimentary gym for police officers and firefighters when everyone thought you were a crackpot; for opening the first real gym in 1936 – LaLanne’s Physical Culture Studio in downtown Oakland, CA; for starting the first morning TV show dedicated to health and fitness that encouraged kids to wake-up their moms for their morning workout; for your multitude of daring feats to get people to believe in you – like towing 76 kids across the Long Beach Harbor while being handcuffed and shackled; for inciting a national craze of weight rooms, exercise classes and fancy health clubs; for always accepting people for who they were – like your 300 pound best friend who was a chain-smoker and a boozer; for all the exercise machines and health related products you created; and most importantly, for inspiring me to embrace a daily fitness routine since that fateful day I felt your unparalleled fervor. You’re a true and inspirational legend the world will never forget. Rest in Peace – R