Tola Talks w/ Founder of Elevate My Brand, Laurel Mintz

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Tola Talks about People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive (Chris Hemsworth), the Genesha-like “God Boy” from India born with 4 arms and 4 legs, the “act of passion” shooting death of Beauty Queen Miss Honduras, the record-breaking snowfall throughout the Northeastern US that has claimed at least 7 lives, plus the GYST Award to a New York man for hanging 25 dead cats from a tree. On Whatever Wednesdays, Rich also interviews the Founder of Elevate My Brand, Laurel Mintz, and discusses the importance of maximizing your brand and what it takes to stay current with the latest trends. Watch weekdays on

Do it with consistency…like the self-flushing toilet

Exactly 219 years ago today, the toilet that flushes itself at regular intervals was patented. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could automatically set yourself to exercise at regular intervals?  That would certainly make it easier to stick with a daily fitness program, right. Believe it or not, you can set your internal clock to go off daily, reminding you to workout.  That’s right.  Because like any activity that’s become routine in your life, e.g., brewing your morning coffee as soon as you wake up, taking that afternoon cigarette break at work, or going to the laundromat every Wednesday night, you can program yourself to workout on a daily basis.  The easiest way to do this is to do it with consistency.  Because once you’ve established the habit of working out, your mind and body will crave it.  Plus, your internal clock will subliminally remind you that it’s time to exercise.  It’s true.  At this point in life, I couldn’t go two days without exercising and not feel my “alarm clock” reminding me to workout.  So enjoy flushing that fat away with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #78 – Sculpt Those Shoulders II.  – R

48 and Feeling Great

By the time you reach 48 there’s not much hoopla about your birthday, right?  The true celebration is in the continued evolution of your soul.  Which also applies to your body. And with that evolution of your body brings new challenges each year.  Challenges that include dealing with a slower metabolism rate, a weakening of muscles and bones, and an increasing waistline.  Go figure, right?  So what can be done to counter these challenges? This:  what I’ve been doing everyday for the past 32 years – working out.  I hate to blow my own horn here, but maintaining a daily fitness program really works. Yesterday I met a 20 year old gal who thought I was 33.  That’s 15 years younger folks. Plus, I’m not a fanatic about what I eat – just smart – so I must attribute my success to working out. Everyday.  Trust me, it works.  Here’s a few of my favorite abdominal exercises in today’s 5 minute fat burning workout #34 – Birthday Abs.  Enjoy – Rich

21 feet of space

I just read an article in the LA Times about TV and film composer, Glenn Morrissette, who travels the country in his RV after having simplified his world to embrace a mobile lifestyle.  When Glenn composes the score for Fox’s “Family Guy”, he does so from his recording studio on wheels then beams it back to Hollywood.  And when his friends extend invitations for him to park at their homes, he says all he needs is ’21 feet of space’. How cool would that be to reduce all your worldly possessions – and not so worldly obligations – to 21 feet of space?  That can go anywhere (that’s drivable, that is).  I guess you can say Glenn’s on-the-move lifestyle is similar to having a daily fitness program that works anytime, anywhere – without the obligations of a gym or yoga studio membership. Or the significant time commitment.  5 Minutes.  Anytime.  Anywhere.   So let’s all take note of our friend Glenn and his desire to simplify.  And enjoy restoring your legs, core and abs with my 5 minute fat burning workout #27 – R

It’s how you look at it

Sometimes words can be confusing, like in the today’s title for my 5 minute fat burning workout #21 – Thunder Thighs.  Thunder thighs can be construed as a bad thing if you imagine thighs the size of thunderbolts.  Or thunder thighs can be construed as a good thing if you imagine having thighs that are rock-hard like thunderbolts.  So it’s how you look at it – positive or negative – that makes the difference.  So always choose the positive, and enjoy your workout – R


I was just thinking about TGIF.  That is to say, how Time Goes Incredibly Fast.  We’re 10 weeks into the New Year – which feels like yesterday – yet it seems like everything we strive for takes so much time.  Like fat burning.  On a day-to-day basis it seems like not much is happening.  But in reality, something good is happening.  That is, if you apply yourself.  Apply yourself to a lifestyle that includes thinking and feeling positive, making the right food choices, and sticking with a fat burning mindset and daily fitness routine. Because time goes incredibly fast.  So TGIF & enjoy your 5 minutes of fat burning #16 – R

Happy Birthday Mom

My mother turned 70 today and she looks amazing!  What’s her secret?  Well, about 31 years ago when I joined my first gym she was this 39 year-old mother of three who never worked out.  One year later – at the ripe age of 40 and after much cajoling on my part – she joined a health club and never looked back.  Thirty years later she’s been working out 4-5 times a week – and it shows because she doesn’t look a day over 60.  Kudos to your workouts and your healthy lifestyle Mom!  So for anyone not currently on a daily fitness program, let’s get you started with Workout #15.  And I’ll see you next time – R