Years of preparation

The Japanese have been preparing for years for fear of “the big one”.  Preparations have become part of their culture in a country where minor earthquakes occur daily.  That preparation saved many lives Friday when a magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck off Japan’s main island.  A preparation mindset gives all individuals the power in knowing you’re ready for anything – to the best of your ability.   So maintain a preparation mindset and apply it your mental & physical well being in the form of a healthy lifestyle and daily fitness routine.  And radiate your positive thoughts and prayers to all those in need – R


I was just thinking about TGIF.  That is to say, how Time Goes Incredibly Fast.  We’re 10 weeks into the New Year – which feels like yesterday – yet it seems like everything we strive for takes so much time.  Like fat burning.  On a day-to-day basis it seems like not much is happening.  But in reality, something good is happening.  That is, if you apply yourself.  Apply yourself to a lifestyle that includes thinking and feeling positive, making the right food choices, and sticking with a fat burning mindset and daily fitness routine. Because time goes incredibly fast.  So TGIF & enjoy your 5 minutes of fat burning #16 – R

Happy Birthday Mom

My mother turned 70 today and she looks amazing!  What’s her secret?  Well, about 31 years ago when I joined my first gym she was this 39 year-old mother of three who never worked out.  One year later – at the ripe age of 40 and after much cajoling on my part – she joined a health club and never looked back.  Thirty years later she’s been working out 4-5 times a week – and it shows because she doesn’t look a day over 60.  Kudos to your workouts and your healthy lifestyle Mom!  So for anyone not currently on a daily fitness program, let’s get you started with Workout #15.  And I’ll see you next time – R

Tip of the Iceberg

For anyone just getting started with a daily fitness or weight loss program, consider my 5 minute fat burning workouts as the tip of the iceberg.  Designed to be simple, quick and effective, each workout is like the spark that ignites a more complete fitness regimen that includes anything cardiovascular, weight lifting or yoga.  Better yet, combine several 5 minute workouts and create your own customized program that fits your busy schedule and targets your body parts that require the most fat burning.  And always remember to include at least one workout to strengthen your core & abs!  Enjoy – R


Enjoy the simple things

What if you couldn’t tie your shoelaces or put your daughter’s hair in a braid?  This past weekend a 26 year old woman was given a hand transplant during a successful 14 hour operation at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center – the first such transplant in the state of California.  To be whole again.  And to enjoy the simple things like braiding her daughter’s hair were the young woman’s wishes.  Good news followed the operation – she’s already moving her fingers as the donor’s hand “matched beyond expectation”. Although a hand transplant comes with lifelong risks, lead surgeon Dr. Azari said, “The reasonable expectation is she will get sensation back and she will use her hand.  So far it looks spot on”.  Let’s radiate positive energy for our young woman, and let’s all enjoy the simple things in life.  Including our daily 5 minute fat burning workout.  Here’s #13.  R

Sculpt your thighs

Who doesn’t want to burn fat and sculpt and beautify their thighs?  It’s a human thing, right, but workout #2 of my 5 minute fat burning series uses that powerful Warrior stance named after the Hindu folklore’s warrior Virabhadra.  In yoga terms, the Sanscrit for warrior is Virabhadrasana.  So get your warrior on and come sculpt those thighs!

Welcome to the Year of the Rabbit

Year of the Rabbit

Today starts the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Rabbit.  If you were born in the year 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, or 1999, then it’s your year. I was born in 1963, so it’s also my year. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are considered to be articulate, talented, and ambitious. They are virtuous, reserved, and have excellent taste. Rabbit people are admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky. They are fond of gossip but are tactful and generally kind. It is also believed that Rabbit people seldom lose their temper. They are clever at business, are known for being conscientious, and never back out of a contract. They would make good gamblers for they have the uncanny gift of choosing the right thing. However, Rabbit people seldom gamble, as they are conservative and wise.  So for all you fellow Rabbits out there…Happy New Year!  R


Yoga for low back pain

I woke up today with pain in my low back, specifically on my right side.  It wasn’t there yesterday so perhaps it occurred during the night, or maybe negative energy or tension came to reside there as a result of stress or something I did yesterday.  No matter the cause, I went to the gym this morning and wasn’t able to work it out with my usual stretching so I decided to focus on it with 15 minutes of yoga and meditation when I got home.  First I laid on my back and quieted my mind with the meditative breathing technique called Ujjayi Pranayama.  In yoga terms (or Sanskrit) it means upwardly victorious or skull shining breath which is a three part yogic breath moving from the low belly into the upper chest and throat.  Inhalation and exhalation are done through the nose – with your mouth closed – and the resulting sound is much like the sound of the ocean.  Next I hugged my knees into my chest while rounding then elongating my spine which is call Apanasana.  All the while I kept with my meditation and Ujjayi breath while sending thoughts of relief specifically to the point of low back pain.  Next I slowly rocked back and forth and side to side massaging my low back into the ground.  Next I reached for the sides of my feet moving into Happy Baby pose.  I also teach this pose in Zoo Yoga from my Yoga Survival Guide as well as Apanasana in Comfort Yoga and Ujjayi Pranayama in the very first lesson, Mountain Pose.   Next I straightened my legs best I could while holding onto my big toes – much like Paschimottanasana on your back (also taught in Park Yoga).  Next I spread my legs wide into a big V, all the while keeping my spine elongated best I could.  Finally I hugged my knees into my chest for another Apanasana, then slowly moved into my final resting pose, Savasana.  Viola!  No more pain.  Although everyone’s body is different with varying degrees of pain, give this sequence a try the next time your low back is bothering you.  It just might do the trick.  R


Excellent teaching moments

You may already know that my charity, The Boulevard Zen Foundation, teaches yoga to kids and moms living in domestic violence shelters (  I was inspired to start the nonprofit after visiting a shelter upon completion of my film, Boulevard Zen.   My experience with domestic violence comes via the domino affect abuse has on families as my father was a victim of child abuse until the age of 12 when his father left for good.  I have also befriended women in my lifetime that have experienced some of the most heinous crimes imaginable.  Domestic violence and child abuse unjustly robs its victims of self-confidence and oftentimes prevents kids from experiencing what we at the foundation call excellent teaching moments.  So when our yoga teachers find a unique opportunity during class to go beyond an actual yoga pose and teach meaningful life lessons, we all succeed.  And the kids remember those lessons and bring that knowledge into their lives while impacting the lives of everyone around them.  Which is why I get excited every time one of our teachers writes to me about an excellent teaching moment. Like today from Carolyn in our San Diego shelter.  It’s what we strive for and are committed to doing:  to be more than just yoga teachers and to impact lives forever. Because those lives are the future of our Nation and of our World.  Namaste – R


30 Day Workout Challenge

So how about a little workout challenge to add to your external motivation?  If you’re not already a fan of ours on Facebook, become one today and win a complete set of my yoga and fitness videos ($50 value) as we aim for 500 fans – click logo to visit our fan page.  Or better yet, workout every day for 30 consecutive days and win a copy of my yoga-inspired film, Boulevard Zen.  We certainly hope our competitive external motivation gets you started with a daily fitness program…because who doesn’t have 15 minutes a day to respect themselves?  R