Tola Talks with Actor/Comedian, Barry Ratcliffe

Always a blast talking with my good friend, Actor/Comedian and Producer, Barry Ratcliffe. On the Monday before Thanksgiving, Tola Talks goes into hyper-speed with the super high-energy Ratcliffe talking about his days in the 90’s working with Don Johnson on Nash Bridges, to his recent days on WGN’s gritty drama, Outsiders. Not to mention Rich’s dogmatic talk about positivity always rules over negativity, specifically as it relates to the current witch hunt for Hollywood’s sexual predators, Serena Gomez getting bashed for lip-syncing at the AMAs, and hometown heroin overdoses.

Plus there’s more including protecting the world’s endangered species and #BeKindtoElephants, fitness tips for the holidays and movies flashbacks – talking Men in Black (1997) and George Clooney’s The American (2010).

Audio Player

Hosting/StandUp – Last Comedy Showcase of 2015

Treat yourself to my last hosting and Stand-up gig of the year, the Ain’t Jokin’ Wit Chu Comedy Showcasetomorrow night (December 29th) at Abram Gale Lounge in Chicago, starting at 8pm.

Excellent line-up with two super funny comedians from our 12 Ladies of Christmas Holiday Show at Two Hearted Queen, my friends Danette Mark & Bridget Clymore. Gonna be a blast!

And if we don’t see you there, have an amazing New Year everyone…and feel free to drop-in my Yoga class on New Year’s Day at Wicker Park Athletic Club from 10:30-11:30am. Peace – R


Flappers Show this Sunday & Hosting Open Mic at Tribal

flappersmainroomOne more day for free tickets to my show this Sunday, the All Men’s Dress to Impress at Flappers Comedy Club in Burbank – starting at 9p in the Main Room. Click this link for free tickets: (expires Thursday).

Once that expires, click this link for $5 tickets (expires 24hrs prior to show):

Come eat, drink, laugh and join the fun as I get ready for the Burbank Comedy Festival.

tribalcafeopenmicI’ll also be hosting the Open Mic at Tribal Cafe in Echo Park every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month – starting this Monday, August 10th as well as August 24th. Calling all Stand-up comedians, Musicians, Singers & Rappers for a great time to strut your stuff. Sign-up at 7p – first come, first serve – so come early, bring your best 5 minutes and I’ll see you there.

Any questions, email me at:

Peace – R

Next Comic Standing at the HaHa Cafe Comedy Club

NextComicHAHAHey everyone, keep the momentum going and never lose sight of your goals…it works.

Also catch me in the Next Comic Standing competition at the HaHa Cafe Comedy Club in North Hollywood on Monday, August 3rd @ 8:30p. It’s a comedy contest amongst up and coming comics where you get to vote for your Top 3 that will go through to the finals.

Looking forward to introducing one of my favorite trophies from Tola Talks to the show, the Get Your Shit Together Award.

Hope to see you there – R

Flappers on July 23rd & the Burbank Comedy Festival

Great show last week and I’m now getting ready for this Thursday’s show at Flappers Comedy Club in Burbank, 10p in the Main Room.

And here’s some more exciting news…I was accepted into the 2nd Annual Burbank Comedy Festival the week of August 16th – 22nd! Performance dates are 8/20 at 4p and 8/21 at 7:30p.


With each performance a Stand-up comedian experiences an epiphany, i.e., a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something. Pretty heavy stuff, I know, but each time I learn something different about myself and my material. And what’s great about performing is that there are no bad performances, just enlightening ones. Whether I bomb or kill-it, it’s a win-win all around.

Kinda like practicing Yoga…every time you hit the mat you evolve your mind, body and soul. At the very least you make progress with your practice, or as I like to call, move up another rung on the ladder of life. Because no matter what you’re trying to master, the overall journey is more important than the individual occurrences along the way.

Have an awesome week everyone and hope to see you Thursday at Flappers! Peace – R

Next Performance at Flappers Comedy Club – July 7th

Rich Tola performing at the Tribal Cafe
Rich Tola performing at the Tribal Cafe (LA)

Hey everyone, hope you’re having a great weekend and looking forward to the 4th of July!

Had a blast at the Father’s Day show and getting ready for next week’s show at Flappers Comedy Club in Burbank on Tuesday, July 7th from 10-11:30p in the Main Room. Come celebrate your Independence Day in true New York style, i.e., make it last 3 days.

As the great comedian, Louie Anderson said, “It takes about 100 performances (Stand-up) to even know if you’re good”. About a dozen and counting Louie!

Peace – R