GYST #30: Be a Badass Everyday

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Want to empower yourself by being a Badass every single day? Then check-out my 50 Rules of Badassery and add more positivity into your life. This is also the final episode of my Get Your S#!T Together podcast, so thanks for listening everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Peace – R

Try it on your phone

I had dinner with a friend last night who said she wanted to do my 5 minute fat burning workouts but couldn’t use her work computer and her laptop was down.  Then I said, why not do them on your phone.  Watch it first, then set your phone aside and follow along with my voice.  Today she called to say it worked great.  So there you go.  If you’re not currently on a daily fitness program, start small with only 5 minutes a day.  Believe me, these simple workouts will challenge you.  Just log on to my butt, thighs and heart opener Workout #23 – 5 minutes of fat burning you can truly do anytime and anyplace.   Now playing on, Vimeo and YouTube.   Happy Friday!  R

Sad but true

There’s so much to speak of these days that’s very sad but true.  In addition to the catastrophes and chaos around the globe, this morning I learned about the passing of legendary speech pathologist and dialogue coach, Sam Chwat.  Sam helped thousands of people with speech challenges, as well as coach Hollywood stars like Robert DeNiro, Julia Roberts, Andie MacDowell and Tony Danza, to perfect and/or eliminate accents.  I was fortunate enough to meet Sam the winter of 2006, when I received coaching from his associate, Jessica, before moving to Los Angeles.  He was exactly 10 years older than me. An age far too young to go.  So today, let’s open ours hearts to all those who are suffering and all those who have passed.  And enjoy workout #19 – Heart Openers.  R


I was just thinking about TGIF.  That is to say, how Time Goes Incredibly Fast.  We’re 10 weeks into the New Year – which feels like yesterday – yet it seems like everything we strive for takes so much time.  Like fat burning.  On a day-to-day basis it seems like not much is happening.  But in reality, something good is happening.  That is, if you apply yourself.  Apply yourself to a lifestyle that includes thinking and feeling positive, making the right food choices, and sticking with a fat burning mindset and daily fitness routine. Because time goes incredibly fast.  So TGIF & enjoy your 5 minutes of fat burning #16 – R

Enjoy the simple things

What if you couldn’t tie your shoelaces or put your daughter’s hair in a braid?  This past weekend a 26 year old woman was given a hand transplant during a successful 14 hour operation at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center – the first such transplant in the state of California.  To be whole again.  And to enjoy the simple things like braiding her daughter’s hair were the young woman’s wishes.  Good news followed the operation – she’s already moving her fingers as the donor’s hand “matched beyond expectation”. Although a hand transplant comes with lifelong risks, lead surgeon Dr. Azari said, “The reasonable expectation is she will get sensation back and she will use her hand.  So far it looks spot on”.  Let’s radiate positive energy for our young woman, and let’s all enjoy the simple things in life.  Including our daily 5 minute fat burning workout.  Here’s #13.  R

It gets in your head

Yesterday I spoke with an old college buddy and former baseball player like me at the University of Pennsylvania.  He recently started the 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts and simply stated he really liked them because “It gets in your head”.  What does that mean you might ask?  Well it means that each 15 minute workout not only incorporates detailed instruction on how to maximize the efficiency of the exercises you are doing, but also has a short intro and outro that reinforces the concept that fat burning doesn’t end on the mat.  Quite frankly, it gets in your head.  It’s something you take out into the world as you consciously – and subconsciously – make good choices about the foods you eat, the liquids you drink, the movements you make, and the thoughts you chose to fill your mind with throughout your daily life.  Just like the great Jack LaLanne believed it’s all about self-control, there’s no question that once you ingrain the concept of healthy choices into your subconscious you’ll be well on your way to burning fat every single day.  As long as you accompany those healthy choices with some sort of physical fitness – everyday – you will see results.  Enjoy your workout – R