Now Teaching TOLA YOGA Classes in Las Vegas

I’m excited to announce I’m now teaching my Tola Yoga classes in Las Vegas, Nevada. The perfect workout for beginners to advanced, my fitness style of Yoga is strong, energetic, safe and effective. Developed after 10 years of teaching more than 25,000 students in over 2,200 classes, Tola Yoga incorporates 5 key elements: Yoga stretches, abdominals, core strengthening, balancing and foundation poses. Public & Private classes – 7 days a week.

Rates and availability upon request:

Have an awesome day everyone…and don’t forget your daily workout!

Peace – R

Get Fit. Live Healthy. Lose Inches. Stay Zen

Because life’s a BLVD and you gotta be ZEN.

And everything else that comes with living a self-respecting and healthy lifestyle that keeps you happy and fit. As well as lean and confident, because feeling good about yourself positively affects your friends and loved ones as you project your inner strength out into the Universe.

So if you haven’t already, add some exercise and some Zen (i.e., enlightenment) to your day and you’ll be on your way! And if you could use a little inspiration to get you going today, then follow BLVD ZEN on Instagram (click below), and Get Fit, Live Healthy, Lose Inches and Stay Zen.