4-Star Review for Zen Diaries: The Lockdown

Hey everyone, hope your 2024 is off to a great start!

As for small victories along the way, on behalf of the very talented cast and crew of my short film, Zen Diaries: The Lockdown, we’re honored to receive a 4-Star Review from Short Films Matter. Here’s what they say:

* * * * A drama that delves into the transformative power of confronting personal weaknesses.

SYNOPSIS: Ten years after his wife was killed in a drive-by shooting gone bad, former hot-shot attorney turned yoga master, Bobby D’Angelo, is dealing with another shooter in his life. This time causing a police lockdown of his Los Angeles studio. A zenful place “where self-doubt goes to die”, but it’s also where tempers start to flare between students and strangers as Bobby vows to ‘protect his family’ while trying hard to inspire and not insult them with his tough love words of wisdom.

REVIEW: Rich Tola’s short sequel to his 2009 feature film ‘Boulevard Zen’ takes center stage during a police lockdown of his yoga studio, prompted by an external situation, yet it skillfully weaves a narrative focused on internal conflicts. The crux of the story revolves around an outsider forced to confront his realities, under the candid guidance of the brutally honest Bobby D’Angelo, portrayed by Tola himself. The ensemble cast navigates the anxieties stemming from external conflict, with A.P. Moses delivering a compelling performance as Mr. Sloan, a character grappling with weight issues and self-esteem.

Tola’s film delves deep into the theme of personal transformation, emphasizing the need to confront and overcome our weaknesses. The societal implications of these individual struggles add depth to the narrative, creating a thought-provoking ensemble piece that resonates with universal themes. The well-acted cast brings authenticity to their roles, complemented by Salvadore Sclafani’s cinematography, which adds visual richness to the storytelling. The sequel stands out as a commendable film, offering a compelling exploration of self-discovery and the potential for positive change within individuals and society at large.

FILM: 20-minute dramedy (completed from start-to-finish in less than 90 days for $2,000) starring Rich Tola, Jonny Haug, Kayla Moore, Romi Valenti, Anita Davenport, Jennifer Cheung, and A.P. Moses.

Click HERE to visit the review on Short Films Matter, and thanks for watching!

Have a great year everyone, and as always, get your workout in! Peace – R

Top Stories of 2021 – Ep 6 – Tola Talks Texas

Today we’re talking about finishing the year strong as well as assessing your goals, successes and failures in 2021. Because it’s always best to acknowledge your small victories in the war when it comes to your personal, family, business and “Universe” lives. We also countdown the Top 10 Stories of the Year, plus my own Top 5 Highlights as well as my entertainment goals for 2022 including making the short film, All Mixed Up, plus a more lofty one…working with Noomi Rapace. She’s the six time award winning lead actress in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy (I highly recommend watching all three films on Crackle). Not to mention more talk about working out and drinking from the Fountain of Youth and of course, my predictions for where Robinhood’s seven cryptocurrencies are headed in the New Year. Stay safe and sound and perhaps even sober tonight everyone (like me)…and get your workout in! Peace – R

Tola Talks with Actress/Producer, Troy Titus-Adams

Good things come in threes, so this week Tola Talks is all about celebrating three very special 10 year anniversaries.

The first, a decade of friendship with my lovely co-host, Actress/Producer Troy Titus-Adams. Second, it’s our 10th show since returning to LA Talk Radio – the second time around. And third, it’s my 10 year anniversary of sobriety. That’s right, an amazing decade of hangover-free mornings…not to mention more than $50,000 worth of savings!

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There’s also some sober talk about going the mile, i.e., adding an extra 10% to your exercise regime, allowing transgender individuals in the military, plus one of my favorite leadership books by best selling author Dr. John C. Maxwell, Talent is Never Enough.

Have an awesome week everyone, and remember to get your workout in!

Peace – R

Tola Talks with Actress/Producer, Stephanie Drapeau

Kudos to re-launch of Tola Talks…we had a titillating show yesterday talking Hollywood film and TV roles with the lovely and talented, Stephanie Drapeau.

Plus, before I introduce Stephanie at 27:41 minutes, I kick-off the show with some Presidential advice on how to solve homelessness and get every United States resident off the streets. I also give out the Get Your Shit Together Award to none other than The Trump Administration.

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We also observe a moment of silence for the victims and families of those who perished or were injured in Las Vegas in the worst mass shooting in our nation’s history, as well as for the way-too-early passing of one the great rock-and-roll legends of all time, Tom Petty.

Thanks for listening, and have an awesome day! Peace – R

Movie Theme Song to Boulevard Zen – Music Video

For Flashback Friday I’m taking you back to December 9, 2009 and to the premiere of my Yoga-inspired film, Boulevard Zen. What a magical night that was, with super fond memories beginning with the drive over to The Silent Movie Theater with my very talented co-star and associate producer, Stephanie Drapeau. We sang our butts off to its catchy theme song, Life’s Boulevard, composed and performed by award-winning singer/songwriter, Erick Macek.

Here’s the music video with a panorama of my amazing journey in Hollywood. Enjoy – R

Tola Talks – First Three Weeks

Hot, current and definitely on the edge, Tola Talks is broadcasting live on the radio this Tuesday from 4-6pm (ET) on Hamilton-Radio.com (Channel 2). So tune-in and treat yourself to my “21st Century Talk for a No-Bullshit World”, not to mention some really cool and inspiring conversation with an assortment of celebrity guests…here’s our guest list for the first 3 weeks:

January 5th – Actress Troy Titus-Adams and Chef Lizette, Founder/Host of The Chef Network

January 12th – Comedians Lynne Roberts & Lauren Huffman and Fitness Guru Mandee Miller

January 19th – Recording Artist/Producer Moses Stone and Dancer/Yoga Teacher Jen Wycykal

Plus, I’ll be taking listener calls throughout the show, so feel free to give us a shout! Peace – R

Tola Talks Logo

Tola Talks Dakota Johnson’s SNL skit & Will Smith’s Focus

Tola Talks about the luckiest man alive who survived free falling unconscious at 4,000 feet, plus all the furor over SNL’s skit with Dakota Johnson heading off to join ISIS and a RIP tribute to Leonard Nimoy, aka Mr. Spock. It’s also Movie Monday so check-out my review of Will Smith’s new film, Focus…with some talk about my return to stand-up comedy tomorrow night in LA.

Weekdays on youtube.com/tolatalks