Fitness in a bottle

When asked about fitness, the Goddess of Pop Cher once said, “If it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body”.  No doubt.  Except the universe – or anyone else for that matter – has yet to provide us with fitness in a bottle. So, the next best thing is to do something fitnessrelated everyday.  Even for just 5 minutes.  Because once you’re set with a daily fitness program, your body will crave it and your mind will become conditioned to do it, thus, it becomes easy.  Well, maybe not easy, but for sure it becomes easier to workout every day since you’ve now created a new and rewarding routine.   But don’t take my word for it – try it out for yourself.  And I’ll see you next time – R


Butt Beautiful

From the Wikipedia website we learn that one’s butt is eloquently described as follows: “The buttocks (singular: buttock) are two rounded portions of the anatomy, located on the posterior of the pelvic region of apes and humans, and many other bipeds or quadrupeds, and comprise a layer of fat superimposed on the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles.”  The key phrase here being a layer of fat superimposed over muscle.  And who doesn’t want to reduce that layer of fat while building muscle, right? Let’s give it a try with Workout #9 from my 5 minute fat burning web series aptly named, Butt Beautiful.  And when you’re done, consider climbing stairs for another 15 minutes or go for that 1 mile walk.  You’ll be happy you did!  Enjoy your workout – R

Blast your Abs

What does it mean to Blast your Abs?  Simply put, it means to exercise and fatigue your abdominal muscles until you’re too tired to do another set.  And why Blast your Abs? Because when properly exercised strong abdominal muscles improves your breathing, posture, balance and flexibility, as well as reduces the likelihood and severity of back pain and protects against injury.  Not to mention a leaner waistline and much tighter belly.  A mere 5 minutes a day is well worth the effort – for anyone.  And with my fat burning video series workout #6, you don’t even have to get out of bed!  Enjoy your workout – R

Sculpt your thighs

Who doesn’t want to burn fat and sculpt and beautify their thighs?  It’s a human thing, right, but workout #2 of my 5 minute fat burning series uses that powerful Warrior stance named after the Hindu folklore’s warrior Virabhadra.  In yoga terms, the Sanscrit for warrior is Virabhadrasana.  So get your warrior on and come sculpt those thighs!

Anything’s possible

Anything's possible

Imagine peeling off a Post-It note and sticking it on your wardrobe mirror so you can watch the morning news while you’re getting dressed.  Or better yet, post it anywhere – at any time – and join me for 5 minutes of yoga or a 15 minute fat burning workout.  Because soon the U.S. Army will be field testing a so-called “Dick Tracy wristwatch” with a flexible plastic screen that won’t shatter or crack like glass.  That one day soon may result in moving images that are not limited to your PDA, television or computer screen.  Imagine that.  A wireless flexible display that can receive and transmit data anywhere.  And we thought space travel was impossible.  Simply put, anything’s possible.  Or at least anything you set your mind to.  Because why not change your belief that something isn’t possible and go for it.  At the very least, if you truly believe and manifest that something is possible, and set your sights beyond your previously perceived realm of possibility, then your new belief might just happen.  Like embracing a daily fitness program.  Because who doesn’t have 1% of their life to respect themselves?

It gets in your head

Yesterday I spoke with an old college buddy and former baseball player like me at the University of Pennsylvania.  He recently started the 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts and simply stated he really liked them because “It gets in your head”.  What does that mean you might ask?  Well it means that each 15 minute workout not only incorporates detailed instruction on how to maximize the efficiency of the exercises you are doing, but also has a short intro and outro that reinforces the concept that fat burning doesn’t end on the mat.  Quite frankly, it gets in your head.  It’s something you take out into the world as you consciously – and subconsciously – make good choices about the foods you eat, the liquids you drink, the movements you make, and the thoughts you chose to fill your mind with throughout your daily life.  Just like the great Jack LaLanne believed it’s all about self-control, there’s no question that once you ingrain the concept of healthy choices into your subconscious you’ll be well on your way to burning fat every single day.  As long as you accompany those healthy choices with some sort of physical fitness – everyday – you will see results.  Enjoy your workout – R


Thank you Jack LaLanne

Jack LaLanne

My first memories of this pioneer and King of daily exercise and good nutrition were in my Aunt Tina & Concetta’s living room.  My “right off the boat” Sicilian aunts were fascinated by this exuberant dynamo who preached the gospel of health and fitness.  Thus, I became fascinated with an American icon who would impact my life for the next 40 years.  Thank you Jack LaLanne.  For being ‘born again’ after meeting Paul Bragg when you were 15;  for starting a rudimentary gym for police officers and firefighters when everyone thought you were a crackpot;  for opening the first real gym in 1936 – LaLanne’s Physical Culture Studio in downtown Oakland, CA;  for starting the first morning TV show dedicated to health and fitness that encouraged kids to wake-up their moms for their morning workout;  for your multitude of daring feats to get people to believe in you – like towing 76 kids across the Long Beach Harbor while being handcuffed and shackled;  for inciting a national craze of weight rooms, exercise classes and fancy health clubs;  for always accepting people for who they were – like your 300 pound best friend who was a chain-smoker and a boozer;  for all the exercise machines and health related products you created;  and most importantly, for inspiring me to embrace a daily fitness routine since that fateful day I felt your unparalleled fervor.  You’re a true and inspirational legend the world will never forget.  Rest in Peace – R


Making Progress with a Pass-Fail Approach

About a month ago I gave my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts to a friend in New York City.  He was actually one of my “prototype” users when I was customizing the full body low-impact exercises.  Think Tony Soprano but shorter.  He’s also late 40’s with amazing abilities in the kitchen.  Albeit, his love of food has certainly helped sustain his 70 lbs. of extra weight.  And since he’s never been much of a gym person – nor would he be caught dead in a yoga studio – the 1% or 15 minutes of your life routine works great. It’s also one that anybody can complement with power walks or abdominals & stretching.  And in my friend’s case, I’ve encouraged him to take my Pass-Fail Approach.  It goes as follows:  At the end of each day you write a P or F into your calendar, P for pass if you worked out that day (15 minutes or more) and F if you did not;  at the end of 7 days you’ll grade each week with a P or F, Pass if you have more Ps than Fs, and Fail if vice versa;  and at the end of the year or 52 weeks later, if you have 26 or more Ps, you PASSED for the entire year.  Which means you worked out at least one hour a week for at least half the year – 26 hours – which is excellent if you really don’t workout.  Like my friend who says he’s making excellent progress.  Progress with his personal Pass-Fail Approach, and progress with all the challenging yoga and balancing I’ve got him doing as he gets stronger and more confident with each workout.  So take a Pass-Fail Approach and keep on progressing.  I’ll see you tomorrow – R

Triceps anyone?

Triceps with Rich Tola

Sometimes you just don’t have the time or just don’t feel like changing into workout clothes just to workout, right?  Well who says you have to find time or wear something workout-ish?  Do one thing for a couple of minutes and you’ll get your workout in – at least part of it.  Like when you’re waiting for that email, or that phone call, or your girlfriend to get ready, or that client to show up.  Check out me working triceps here on my favorite reading chair (dining room and office chairs are even better).  Apply “yoga principles” as you plant your feet slightly apart with knees at right angles pressing together.  Keep your chin parallel to the floor, your spine straight and dip slowly until your elbows reach right angles (no need to go further), pointing your elbows toward each other.  Do not to jerk your head or neck.  Note: always be sensitive to any tweaks or pains in your neck as well as your shoulders, elbows and wrists.  Move with slow and deliberate movements.  Nothing fancy and make sure the chair is properly weighted to support this exercise.  Strengthen your arms and build stamina with these simple dips using whatever’s available to you.   Do as many repetitions as you can per set, and as many sets as you can – with short breaks in between until you feel the burn and can’t do any more.  It’ll happen quick.  And always maintain good posture, close your mouth and breathe slowly and quietly like the sound of the ocean, and pick a point of focus to wipe your mind clear.  Enjoy – R