48 and Feeling Great

By the time you reach 48 there’s not much hoopla about your birthday, right?  The true celebration is in the continued evolution of your soul.  Which also applies to your body. And with that evolution of your body brings new challenges each year.  Challenges that include dealing with a slower metabolism rate, a weakening of muscles and bones, and an increasing waistline.  Go figure, right?  So what can be done to counter these challenges? This:  what I’ve been doing everyday for the past 32 years – working out.  I hate to blow my own horn here, but maintaining a daily fitness program really works. Yesterday I met a 20 year old gal who thought I was 33.  That’s 15 years younger folks. Plus, I’m not a fanatic about what I eat – just smart – so I must attribute my success to working out. Everyday.  Trust me, it works.  Here’s a few of my favorite abdominal exercises in today’s 5 minute fat burning workout #34 – Birthday Abs.  Enjoy – Rich

Blast your Abs

What does it mean to Blast your Abs?  Simply put, it means to exercise and fatigue your abdominal muscles until you’re too tired to do another set.  And why Blast your Abs? Because when properly exercised strong abdominal muscles improves your breathing, posture, balance and flexibility, as well as reduces the likelihood and severity of back pain and protects against injury.  Not to mention a leaner waistline and much tighter belly.  A mere 5 minutes a day is well worth the effort – for anyone.  And with my fat burning video series workout #6, you don’t even have to get out of bed!  Enjoy your workout – R