Respect the Universe – Tola Talks # 165

In addition to respecting yourself – mind, body and spirit – you also need to Respect the Universe if you want to Drink from the Fountain of Youth. It’s also Step 9 of my 30 Steps to Everlasting Youth, and it’s all about extending your self-respect out into the world as it relates to all things living and non-living. Do it, and the Universe will thank you for it.

Now here’s a quick workout anyone can do with a single dumbbell. Peace – R

Stay Zen #9 – Top 5 Household Item Exercises

I confess. I didn’t make it to the gym or yoga class yesterday. That’s right, too busy getting this next episode of Stay Zen ready to publish.

But no worries, because I was able to get a quick workout in with my Top 5 Household Item Exercises. No BS here folks, because regardless of your financial situation or your super busy life, all it takes is a little creativity and discipline and bam! You got your workout in. Enjoy – R