Remembering my Uncle Mickey

Every Memorial Day I remember my Uncle Mickey, aka, Dr. Cook.  Uncle Mickey served as a cook in the Army in WWII, thus the nickname, and he was exactly 55 years older than me as we shared the same birthday.  In my 20’s I got to know Uncle Mickey and respected his view of himself and the world.  Because he respected everyone and everything.  He was this charming bachelor who would tell folks he never married because he had to take care of his mother, he had a daily fitness routine he’d do in the spare room, and he wore a suit & tie every single day.  That’s right, every single day until he entered the nursing home when he was 90.  He was the ultimate citizen who respected what it meant to be an American.  Someone to admire for truly loving life.  And what I remember most about Uncle Mickey was our walks at the nursing home when his mind and body would barely cooperate.  He always kept his dignity and his positive attitude, and never felt sorry for himself.  So for everyone remembering loved ones today, enjoy!  And enjoy sculpting your thighs again with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #96 – Killer Squats II. – R

Happy Memorial Day Everyone!

Don’t Make Assumptions

When was last time your friend called to say someone hasn’t called her back because she thinks “blah-blah-blah”?  And the reason for “blah-blah-blah” is because what your friend thinks doesn’t really matter.  Because if your friend is assuming, which is usually the case when our feelings get hurt, than she’s probably wrong.  We all know what ass-u-me means, right?  Have patience for the truth, it’s much easier to handle. Don’t make Assumptions.  Like, with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts.  What the heck can you get done in 5 minutes, right? Well, these bite-size workouts are little gems because if you rarely exercise, than working out a little bit each day is priceless.  If you do workout a few times a week, you’ll empower yourself with a DAILY fitness routine.  A routine that’ll soon eclipse 5 minutes, as well as make you feel better about yourself, give you more energy and awareness, and increase your body image as your subconscious registers these daily workouts as wins.  Or, as I like to call them, small victories in the war.  Not to mention the preservation aspects of strengthening your muscles and bones. Because battling Mother Nature and Father Time is a war. So don’t make assumptions and get off to an easy start with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #82 – Easy Abs.  – R

Set your sights and manifest it

I was reading Architectural Digest this morning when I came across an eye-catching ad for the new solar-powered luxury car by Fisker Automotive.  It’s called the Karma and I’ve been reading about it for the past year.  Actually, I’ve been thinking how great it would be to own one.  But since I don’t currently have an extra $100,000 laying around, I’ve opted to set my sights and just manifest it, i.e., make it happen. I even cut out the great looking ad, placing it on my filing cabinet so it stays fresh in my mind.  Like anything in the world you deeply desire, set your sights and manifest it.  Even a daily fitness program.  You can start with only 5 minutes a day.  Like today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #48 – Down Dog Chest & Arms.  Enjoy – R

Short and Sweet

Everybody knows the expression short and sweet, right?  Quite simply it means “to the point”.  And with most challenging activities in life, it’s usually best for them to be short and sweet rather than drag on for some infinite period of time.  Like working out. Because if you know what to do and have a specific game plan for any given day, your workouts will be effective, rewarding, painless and most importantly, to the point.  Well, I guess painless is a relative thing, so let’s settle with effective, rewarding and to the point.  So have fun toning your Arms and Abs with today’s short and sweet 5 minute fat burning workout #43.  Enjoy – R