Top Stories of 2021 – Ep 6 – Tola Talks Texas

Today we’re talking about finishing the year strong as well as assessing your goals, successes and failures in 2021. Because it’s always best to acknowledge your small victories in the war when it comes to your personal, family, business and “Universe” lives. We also countdown the Top 10 Stories of the Year, plus my own Top 5 Highlights as well as my entertainment goals for 2022 including making the short film, All Mixed Up, plus a more lofty one…working with Noomi Rapace. She’s the six time award winning lead actress in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy (I highly recommend watching all three films on Crackle). Not to mention more talk about working out and drinking from the Fountain of Youth and of course, my predictions for where Robinhood’s seven cryptocurrencies are headed in the New Year. Stay safe and sound and perhaps even sober tonight everyone (like me)…and get your workout in! Peace – R

Tola Talks Movie Mondays & Denzel’s The Equalizer


Tola Talks top news stories including Microsoft & Apple, SoftBank buying DreamWorks Animation and National Coffee Day.  On Movie Mondays, Rich also reviews the new Denzel Washington film, The Equalizer with guest co-host, Troy Titus-Adams. 

Watch weekdays on

Tola Talks' Rich Tola and guest co-host, Troy Titus Adams.
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola and guest co-host, Troy Titus Adams.

Remember “the Eighties”?

Who can forget “the Eighties”, right?  Ronald Reagan and the end of the Cold War, Nancy Reagan’s Just Say No to drugs campaign, Dallas, Dynasty, Seinfeld and Miami Vice, Pac-Man and Nintendo, the Walkman and the Boombox, the arrival of Halley’s Comet, the Mount St. Helens eruption, MTV, Madonna and Michael Jackson’s Thriller, the Yugo and the DeLorean, “Big hair” and Ray-Bans, the Cabbage Patch Doll, famine in Ethiopia and the Live Aid concert, the Chernobyl diaster, the Lockerbie disaster, the Bhopal diaster, the Tiananmen Square protests, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the NASA Space Shuttle Challenger’s disintegration, the Exon Valdez spill, the beginning of the AIDS pandemic, the Apple Mackintosh, Wayne Gretsky, Michael Jordan, Mike Tyson, Donald Trump and Michael Milken, Chariots of Fire, Platoon, Top Gun, The Breakfast Club, Rain ManTerms of Endearment, Beverly Hills Cop, The Terminator, Die Hard and Rambo, the death of Bob Marley, and the assassination of The Beatles John Lennon, Egyptian president Anwar Sadat, Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi, and Marvin Gaye. For those of us who experienced the go-go Eighties, it was quite a decade.  Now it’s time to enter the Fat Burning Eighties, i.e., today marks our 80th consecutive 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout.  So enjoy today’s Killer Kalves as we reminisce about the Eighties.  – R

Top 10 Excuses

So what’s your excuse for not making fitness a daily part of your life?  Here are the top 10 excuses I’ve heard this year:

1.    It’s too expensive. Well, if you can’t afford the $13.93 to download my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts – only $1.99 per workout – or the $14.99 to download my Yoga Survival Guide, then go for a free 15 minute walk or just lay on your back and stretch and work your core & abs – for any amount of time.
2.    I don’t have the time. Who doesn’t have 15 minutes a day to respect themselves?  And if 1% a day is too much time for you, then make it 5 minutes.
3.    I don’t know what to do. Educate yourself for free on the Internet, or better yet, purchase any fitness or yoga video that resonates with you – hopefully mine.
4.    I’m injured. Speak with your doctor about what you can do to avoid that area of your body – and mindfully and cautiously workout around your injury.
5.    I’m afraid of getting hurt. Before you begin any fitness program, check with your doctor about what you can and cannot do, and really listen to your body at all times.
6.     I’m too old. Nonsense!  Everyday – including this morning – I exchange hellos with this eighty-something year old man in the gym.  Plus, my oldest yoga student was an 88 year-old woman who could barely walk.  Need I say more?
7.    I don’t have the desire. Who does?  I mean, what’s desire got to do with strengthening and preserving your body and your mind for the long term.  It’s a necessity.
8.    I don’t like working out. Same as above.  Plus, try working out everyday for 30 years then tell me if you really like doing it.
9.    It’s too cold outside where I live. Who says you have to go outside to workout?
10.  I’m going to start in the New Year. Great.  Now download my 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts or my Yoga Survival Guide, and I’ll see you tomorrow!

All the best in 2011 – R