Tola Yoga Night has been a blast!

Hope you can make tonight’s pre-holiday Tola Yoga class at The Reef (11th Fl). It’s gonna be a killer, plus it’s gonna be my last class at that day/time in 2017. It’s been a blast, with special thanks to everyone at Maker City LA for all their support and for providing such a beautiful space to practice yoga. And to all my students who braved the DTLA city streets at rush hour  ♥  See you tonight at 6:15p. Peace – R

The Reef  |  1933 S Broadway, 90007  |  Validated Parking  |  Donation Class

Tola Yoga Private Sessions at Half-Price

Do you remember those legendary Crazy Eddie commercials from the mid-80’s…his prices were so low they were INSANE!

Well, just like Crazy Eddie I’ve slashed my private rates in half in order to spread the Tola Yoga love throughout the City of Angels. Now you can advancing your practice while getting an amazing, well-balanced yoga workout with me privately for only $60 per session. Or grab your spouse, lover, best friend or co-workers and let’s rock it out for $90 (two or more students).

And if private sessions are not in your budget through the summer of 2017, then come take my Tola Yoga class at The REEF every Wednesday at 5:15pm and 6:15pm…for only $10. Park in the lot and remember to bring your mat and water and ticket to class so we can validate.

To book your first private session, email:  Peace – R

Tola Yoga every Wednesday @ The REEF

Thanks to Maker City LA, I’m now teaching Tola Yoga classes every Wednesday at The REEF, located at the corner of Broadway & Washington in the Fashion District of DTLA.

First class starts at 5:15pm while the second class starts at 6:15pm.

Great building, wonderful zen space, the best yoga workout in the world (come see for yourself), and above all, another opportunity to stretch, strengthen and detox every part of your body while advancing your yoga practice.

Have an awesome day everyone, and I’ll see you on the mat.

Peace -R