Tola Talks Movie Mondays & Brad Pitt’s Fury

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Tola Talks breaking NFL records & Payton Manning, Monica Lewinsky & Bill Clinton’s impeachment, nearly extinct Northern White Rhinos & greedy humans, Comets missing Mars & the Hubble Space Telescope, plus the GYST Award and how to stay motivated to workout. On Movie Mondays, Rich and guest co-host Troy Titus-Adams review Brad Pitt‘s World World II Sherman Tank drama, Fury. Weekdays on

The past two weeks of Movie Mondays on Tola Talks - The Judge & Fury
The past two weeks of Movie Mondays on Tola Talks – The Judge & Fury


Tola Talks with Urban Folk Rock Band, Kids on McCadden

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Tola Talks new Autopilot cars from Tesla Motors & lavish launches, the Nobel Peace Prize & the Game of Thrones, Pope Francis & Rodney Yee Yoga videos, plus hackers breaking into Dairy Queen and of course, Rich’s new monologue. On Acoustic Fridays, Rich and guest co-host & comedian Shannon Dee welcome the super talented and super cool Urban Folk Rock Band, Kids on McCadden. Live weekdays on

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with the band, Kids on McCadden performing live on Acoustic Fridays.
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with LA-based Urban Folk Rock band, Kids on McCadden, performing live on ‘Acoustic Fridays’.