Flappers Show this Sunday & Hosting Open Mic at Tribal

flappersmainroomOne more day for free tickets to my show this Sunday, the All Men’s Dress to Impress at Flappers Comedy Club in Burbank – starting at 9p in the Main Room. Click this link for free tickets: http://flc.cc/1VLYka8 (expires Thursday).

Once that expires, click this link for $5 tickets (expires 24hrs prior to show): http://flc.cc/1IHEKbn

Come eat, drink, laugh and join the fun as I get ready for the Burbank Comedy Festival.

tribalcafeopenmicI’ll also be hosting the Open Mic at Tribal Cafe in Echo Park every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month – starting this Monday, August 10th as well as August 24th. Calling all Stand-up comedians, Musicians, Singers & Rappers for a great time to strut your stuff. Sign-up at 7p – first come, first serve – so come early, bring your best 5 minutes and I’ll see you there.

Any questions, email me at: info@richtola.com

Peace – R

Tola Talks with Singer/Songwriter Cooper Phillip

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Tola Talks with the beautiful & talented singer/songwriter, Cooper Phillip. On Acoustic Fridays, Rich interviews 21 year-old Cooper who plays two songs from her EP, Walk a Mile, and discusses going for her dreams and her heartfelt journey from Russia four years ago. Rich also talks about earthquakes, the San Francisco Giants, building dream-homes on the wrong property, mild winter forecasts, President Obama & the Ebola Czar, Brad Pitt & his new film Fury, Ms. Science Babe & her homeopathic experiments, plus GYST Awards & Hunter Biden.

Weekdays on youtube.com/tolatalks

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with SInger/Songwriter, Cooper Phillip
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Singer/Songwriter, Cooper Phillip