Last night I watched the Dodgers game with a friend who said he needed to “get his Mojo back”. When I asked him in reference to what, he replied, “everything”. Although everything pretty much covers it all, what he was specifically referring to was his lack of motivation to pursue 1) a new job, 2) a new girlfriend, and 3) a daily fitness program. Thus, my friend is temporarily stuck. And I say temporarily because losing one’s motivation and getting stuck in life is only a phase – if you want it to be. So for anyone out there who can’t find their Mojo like my friend, no worries! Take it upon yourself to kick-start your life with a daily fitness program. Because when compared to finding a new job or a new love, exercising for at least 5 minutes a day is a breeze. So enjoy opening your heart today with my 69th consecutive 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout. – R
Set your sights and manifest it
I was reading Architectural Digest this morning when I came across an eye-catching ad for the new solar-powered luxury car by Fisker Automotive. It’s called the Karma and I’ve been reading about it for the past year. Actually, I’ve been thinking how great it would be to own one. But since I don’t currently have an extra $100,000 laying around, I’ve opted to set my sights and just manifest it, i.e., make it happen. I even cut out the great looking ad, placing it on my filing cabinet so it stays fresh in my mind. Like anything in the world you deeply desire, set your sights and manifest it. Even a daily fitness program. You can start with only 5 minutes a day. Like today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #48 – Down Dog Chest & Arms. Enjoy – R
Short and Sweet
Everybody knows the expression short and sweet, right? Quite simply it means “to the point”. And with most challenging activities in life, it’s usually best for them to be short and sweet rather than drag on for some infinite period of time. Like working out. Because if you know what to do and have a specific game plan for any given day, your workouts will be effective, rewarding, painless and most importantly, to the point. Well, I guess painless is a relative thing, so let’s settle with effective, rewarding and to the point. So have fun toning your Arms and Abs with today’s short and sweet 5 minute fat burning workout #43. Enjoy – R
Can’t see the forest through the trees
You probably heard the expression, can’t see the forest through the trees, about losing oneself in the details (trees) so much that it’s tough to grasp – and easy to forget – the bigger picture (the forest). Imagine that 5 minute workouts are like trees. And each tree represents a daily fitness slice of the bigger picture – a healthy lifestyle. So if you’re desiring a healthier lifestyle and don’t know where to start, here you go. Whet your appetite with Workout #39 of my 5 minute fat burning fitness series. Enjoy – R
Resist the temptation
You may have heard the ancient proverb, ‘good habits result from resisting temptation’. I would go one step further and say that good habits result from resisting temptation and embracing change. Because good habits are derived by doing things that are considered good for you, versus bad habits that are usually derived from the not-so-good things that constantly tempt us – like unhealthy food groups and the aversion to exercise. So if you haven’t already, get with a new habit in the form of a daily fitness program. And resist the temptation NOT to workout because who doesn’t have 5 minutes a day to respect themselves? Enjoy opening your hips and hamstrings with fat burning workout #26 – R
Try it on your phone
I had dinner with a friend last night who said she wanted to do my 5 minute fat burning workouts but couldn’t use her work computer and her laptop was down. Then I said, why not do them on your phone. Watch it first, then set your phone aside and follow along with my voice. Today she called to say it worked great. So there you go. If you’re not currently on a daily fitness program, start small with only 5 minutes a day. Believe me, these simple workouts will challenge you. Just log on to my butt, thighs and heart opener Workout #23 – 5 minutes of fat burning you can truly do anytime and anyplace. Now playing on, Vimeo and YouTube. Happy Friday! R
Sad but true
There’s so much to speak of these days that’s very sad but true. In addition to the catastrophes and chaos around the globe, this morning I learned about the passing of legendary speech pathologist and dialogue coach, Sam Chwat. Sam helped thousands of people with speech challenges, as well as coach Hollywood stars like Robert DeNiro, Julia Roberts, Andie MacDowell and Tony Danza, to perfect and/or eliminate accents. I was fortunate enough to meet Sam the winter of 2006, when I received coaching from his associate, Jessica, before moving to Los Angeles. He was exactly 10 years older than me. An age far too young to go. So today, let’s open ours hearts to all those who are suffering and all those who have passed. And enjoy workout #19 – Heart Openers. R
Help with Sciatica

I spoke with my brother yesterday who said he could use some help with his sciatica. Sciatica occurs when there is pressure or damage to the sciatic nerve. This nerve starts in the spine and runs down the back of each leg. It controls the muscles of the back of the knee and lower leg and provides sensation to the back of the thigh, part of the lower leg, and the sole of the foot. Sciatica pain can vary widely. It may feel like a mild tingling, dull ache, or a burning sensation. In some cases, the pain is severe enough to make a person unable to move. So what can one do to help? A simple, yet rather uncomfortable yoga asana called Lizard Pose. I cover Lizard in Lesson #30 of my Yoga Survival Guide, aptly named Zoo Yoga. So if you could use a little relief, as I encouraged my brother to do, spend 4 minutes a day in Lizard (2 per side), then roll over on your back and come into Happy Baby for another minute – which is also covered in the same lesson. Remember to slow your breath and try not to wiggle around in the pose, however uncomfortable it may be. And enjoy your time at the LA Zoo!
Get a good lead

When you’re a base-runner it’s always best to get a good lead so you’re in a better position to advance. And just like in any sport, and in life, it’s always best to be well-conditioned and well-prepared to achieve whatever advantage you can over the opposition. So let’s consider Mother Nature and Father Time the pitcher and the catcher, and let’s say you’re on base. Why not get a good lead by starting your new daily fitness program today, if you haven’t started one already? Because with all the punishing weather out there it’s easy to just curl up in a ball and chill out on the couch for 12 hours. Well, that sounds relaxing, but don’t forget to get your workout in, even if you stretch out and work your abs for 15 minutes. Hint: “Thursday’s 15 Minute Fat Burning Workout”. Plus, you’ll get a head start on your New Year’s resolution to lose weight or get in shape or start sculpting that bikini body for next summer. So take advantage of Mother Nature and Father Time and get started today. And don’t forget the sugar-free hot chocolate! R