Tola Talks with Chanida & Emily of Vault Crossfit

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Tola Talks fitness and multi-functional workouts with Vault Crossfit owner Chanida Sintuu and head coach Emily Hughes. On Throwback Thursdays, Rich takes us back to 1998 and also talks about the World Champion San Francisco Giants, bank robbers in India inspired by a Bollywood movie, the American economy picking up steam in the 3rd quarter, Autism research giving scientists hope for preventing the disorder, and the Get Your S#!T Together Award going to the Ebola nurse who defies Maine’s request for voluntary quarantine.

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Tola Talks' Rich Tola with Emily Hughes and owner Chanida Sintuu of Vault Crossfit
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with head coach Emily Hughes and owner Chanida Sintuu of Vault Crossfit