5 Years Goes By Quick!

Exactly 5 years ago today I purchased a one-way ticket and boarded a plane to Hollywood. Of course, I had a “Five Year Plan”, which you’ll read all about in Chapter 3 of my soon-to-be-released memoir, Simply Between Millions: From Wall Street to Hollywood. But when does anything go according to plan, right? Nevertheless, it’s been an amazing 5 years and I’m really looking forward to the next leg of my journey! Because, no matter if you’re “on-track” to meet your pre-determined plan, life always throws you a curve ball. And just like a batter expecting the fastball but gets the curve – relax, stay focused, keep you eye on the ball, and go with the pitch. And always remember, wherever you go, go with all your heart.

Here’s my Top Ten highlights of the past 5 years:

1) Produced, directed and starred in my first feature film, Boulevard Zen
2) Created and produced a video encyclopedia of 100 yoga poses, Yoga Survival Guide
3) Created and produced a yoga/fitness video for 7 days a week, 15 Minute Fat Burning Workouts
4) Created and produced 100 consecutive days of free yoga/fitness videos, 5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts: 100 Workouts in 100 Days
5) Founded a charity teaching yoga to women and children living in domestic violence shelters, The Boulevard Zen Foundation
6) Launched the Fat Burn America Tour: 100 Cities in 100 Days (albeit, I didn’t procure the necessary funding)
7) Quit drinking and my “player” ways (OK, that’s 2 but they go together)
8) Lived in paradise (Hawaii) for 3 months
9) Wrote my first book, Simply Between Millions: From Wall Street to Hollywood
10) Moved to the most lovable and unique city in the country: San Francisco

Oh, did I mention I worked out every day for the past 5 years. I guess that goes without saying, because anyone can commit to a daily fitness program, if you set your sights and try. So for those of you not currently trying to fight Father Time on a daily basis, here’s another 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout to get you started. Enjoy – R

Fitness + Family = Fun

Yesterday I taught a one-hour fat burning class at a domestic violence shelter in San Diego on behalf of my charity, The Boulevard Zen Foundation.  I was excited to teach about ten children (ages 3 – 12), with a few ever-so shy moms and grandmothers too.  It was certainly a family affair, with the kids leading the charge!  Since I don’t have any children of my own – at least not yet – I’m always fascinated by the pure joy kids find in the simplest of activities.  And with their moms and grand-moms joining in, they had FUN, regardless of how challenging it was.  Simply put, Fitness + Family = Fun.  So gather your entire family today and enjoy strengthening your legs, and your family bond, with my 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #85 – Chair Twists (the exact same exercises we practiced at the shelter).  And have fun!  – R

Little things can make a big difference

Yesterday I taught a one hour fat burning class to the children and moms living at the domestic violence shelter in San Diego.  My charity, The Boulevard Zen Foundation, has been teaching yoga there since last July.  I especially wanted to teach the families exercises from my fat burning workouts.  The moms loved it and the kids were awesome. What was most significant, though, was my interaction with one particular boy who I first met in July.  I’ll call him Alex.  When I first offered to shake his hand, Alex reached out with a limp hand as he cowered away.  Thus, my first lesson was to teach Alex how to shake hands.  Stand tall, use a really strong grip and look me in the eyes”, I said.  Which he did without hesitation.  But the real test was whether or not Alex would continue with his new handshake.  That’s why interacting with him yesterday was so significant.  He shook my hand just like I had taught him.  And I congratulated him for it.  Because little things can make a big difference.  So enjoy looking for the little things that can make a big difference with today’s 5 Minute Fat Burning Workout #59 – Beautify Your Butt II. – R


Yesterday I went to San Diego to teach with The Boulevard Zen Foundation yoga teachers Carolyn and Jen.  It was our monthly workshop class for everyone at the shelter including kids, moms and staff.  Although our turnout was rather light, we spoke with one staff member who explained to us in one word why the moms were reluctant to join in the fun.  Self-confidence.  Most of us know a thing or two about self-confidence, or a lack thereof, when it comes to challenging the mind or the body with something new.  And that’s exactly what a new fitness program does – it challenges the mind and body in ways that are unfamiliar to us.  Thus making it hard and undesirable – at first.  With the imperative words here being “at first”.  Because it gets easier.  It truly does.  The hard part is just getting started.  I explained to her that beginning a new yoga program with our teachers is like swimming in the ocean.  At first you walk in with the water around your ankles.  Then you wade a little further, up to your knees, then waist, and ultimately you’ll take the plunge and dive in.  And if you’re fearful of those crashing waves, you may not take the plunge right away, but over time you will gain the confidence to go further, advancing to the next level, gaining momentum and confidence every step of the way.  And that’s what it’s all about – gaining self-confidence through action and advancement that will certainly spill over and positively affect others areas of your life.  So if you haven’t already done so, take the plunge and get started today with a new fat burning fitness routine.  Because who doesn’t have 15 minutes a day to respect themselves?