Never Live in Fear – Ep 20 – Tola Talks Texas

Today is all about doing whatever it takes to never live in fear. Because during the past two years of this COVID pandemic, the powers to be have done their best to control you by instilling fear in your mind, body and spirit. No doubt fear controls – so never let it happen. In our last Tola Talks Texas, at least for now while I travel and spend time with family, I do my best to communicate why we need to get rid of the divide between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Plus kudos to Bill Maher for his recent monologue about not wanting to live in a masked, paranoid world and never being scared of COVID, but rather the reaction to it. Not to mention this particular comment that I totally agree: So, the fact that America, the medical establishment never even attempted to get people to live a healthier lifestyle as response to this pandemic is a giant scandal to me. Right on Bill, because everyone needs to get with the program and Drink from the Fountain of Youth, like I do. And no matter what, stay strong, stay positive, stay true to your dreams…and get your workout in.

Peace – R

Tola Talks with Singer/Songwriter, Cooper Phillip

Always a great time having Cooper Phillip in the studio…she’s rocks it in person and on the radio! Learn how she seeks balance, comfort and happiness amidst the ever-so ripply waters of the music business, plus find out more about her journey from Russia to Hollywood that began seven years ago.

For all you Halloween lovers, we also talk about Vatican sanctioned exorcisms, the highest grossing film in history with 10 Academy Award nominations , The Exorcist, and of course, my most delightful “10 Most Frightful Pickup Lines”.

Not to mention we play three amazing songs from the multi-talented singer-songwriter including her new hit single, Party By Myself.  Listen now:

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Tola Talks w/ Hollywood Casting Directors Mockrin & Walters

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Tola Talks about our final show on LATalkRadio before moving to

On this special Farewell Friday, Rich interviews Hollywood Casting Directors Kevin Mockrin & Karina Walters, and talks about Russian President Vladimir Putin, former New York Yankee Joe DiMaggio & Dallas Cowboy Troy Aikman, Bjork & Carley Jepsen, Goldie Hawn & the late (and great) Harold Ramis, plus Tweety Bird and all things Hollywood, including the Get Your S#!T Together Award given to sitcom star and comedian, Bill Cosby (for obvious reasons).

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with Kevin Mockrin & Karina Walters of Hollywood's Mockrin/Walters Casting
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Kevin Mockrin & Karina Walters of Hollywood’s Mockrin/Walters Casting

Tola Talks with Singer/Songwriter Cooper Phillip

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Tola Talks with the beautiful & talented singer/songwriter, Cooper Phillip. On Acoustic Fridays, Rich interviews 21 year-old Cooper who plays two songs from her EP, Walk a Mile, and discusses going for her dreams and her heartfelt journey from Russia four years ago. Rich also talks about earthquakes, the San Francisco Giants, building dream-homes on the wrong property, mild winter forecasts, President Obama & the Ebola Czar, Brad Pitt & his new film Fury, Ms. Science Babe & her homeopathic experiments, plus GYST Awards & Hunter Biden.

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Tola Talks' Rich Tola with SInger/Songwriter, Cooper Phillip
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Singer/Songwriter, Cooper Phillip