Flappers Show this Sunday & Hosting Open Mic at Tribal

flappersmainroomOne more day for free tickets to my show this Sunday, the All Men’s Dress to Impress at Flappers Comedy Club in Burbank – starting at 9p in the Main Room. Click this link for free tickets: http://flc.cc/1VLYka8 (expires Thursday).

Once that expires, click this link for $5 tickets (expires 24hrs prior to show): http://flc.cc/1IHEKbn

Come eat, drink, laugh and join the fun as I get ready for the Burbank Comedy Festival.

tribalcafeopenmicI’ll also be hosting the Open Mic at Tribal Cafe in Echo Park every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month – starting this Monday, August 10th as well as August 24th. Calling all Stand-up comedians, Musicians, Singers & Rappers for a great time to strut your stuff. Sign-up at 7p – first come, first serve – so come early, bring your best 5 minutes and I’ll see you there.

Any questions, email me at: info@richtola.com

Peace – R

Rich Tola to star in ‘Godfather’ remake

April Fools!  But really, wouldn’t it be nice if all our dreams came true?  At least in the world of make believe – and I don’t mean Hollywood – anything is possible.  Today, why not consider your world of make believe the real deal?  Like rapper sensation Drake croons in Nicki Minaj’s hit single, Moment 4 Life, “everybody dies but not everybody lives”.  So on this April Fools’ Day 2011, imagine yourself in your wildest possible dream, and just live.  Because life is short and the days fly by.  And if by chance your wildest dream includes you looking like a movie star with that perfect body, here’s your chance to get started with my 5 minute fat burning workout #37 that combines some Zen with that Warrior in you.  It’s called Peaceful Warrior.   And I’ll see you next time! -R