Tola Talks w/ Grunge-Soul Singer/Songwriter Poison Ivory

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Tola Talks with the sexy and talented singer/songwriter, Poison Ivory. On a special Halloween Acoustic Friday, the Grunge-Soul artist plays a track from her new EP, The Filth. Rich also talks about Michelangelo & his Sistine Chapel masterpiece The Last Judgment, successful manhunts & cop killer Eric Frein, LeBron James & his Nike tribute to the city of Cleveland, The Dow Jones & stock indices giving investors a real treat, the history & significance of All Hallows Eve, and the GYST Award for the Texas woman who tried to orally “pleasure” her husband’s best friend (unbeknownst to him). Weekdays on

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with Grunge-Soul Singer/Songwrter, Poison Ivory
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Grunge-Soul Singer/Songwrter, Poison Ivory

Tola Talks w/ All-American Band, Slow Motion Celebrity

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Tola Talks with the All-American rock band, Slow Motion Celebrity, and rocks the house with music from their new album, Flexible. On Acoustic Fridays, Rich also talks about the Ebola virus now in NYC, Monica Lewinsky & the US government’s bullying lawyers, the world’s deadliest catch in Brazil (pufferfish), plus GYST Awards for a bunch of teenagers polluting the environment. Weekdays at Noon (PT) on

Tola Talks' Rich Tola with Brandon, Brian, Anna & Mandie of the All-American Band, Slow Motion Celebrity
Tola Talks’ Rich Tola with Brandon, Brian, Anna & Mandie of the All-American Rock Band, Slow Motion Celebrity